Try some meditation (use an app if you don't have any). The only really bad side effect I had was the fatigue. I have had problems with temperaturechilly and drafts set off cough and shivering, warm and cosy sweating. I was on taxotere and idI was on taxotere and id have my treatments on monday, and wednesday & thursdays were my bad days. No wonder you were dreading it. Notify your oncology care team if your mouth, tongue, inside of your cheek or throat becomes white, ulcerated, or painful. Today it was announced that his name would be on a car at Le Mans. Last reply: 8 years ago. For cycle 2 I used a great mouthwash - Difflam and have had no sore mouth problems since. Stick with it. It can be given alone or with other drugs. Perseverance!! Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions. I had no sleepless issues on A/C but on Taxol I did - first meds given me by my Chemo Dr did not help only gave horrible nightmares (which I don't normally have) but my PA switched me to the lowest does of another med and it worked great.It's great to ask for input of experiences BUT There are NONE of us who can tell you what your wife will experience - we are EACH so unique in how our bodies handle the onslaught of the battle - we can tell our stories but we cannot tell you that what happened to/with us will happen for your wife.Susan, I too had AC followed byI too had AC followed by taxol. Looking forward to a semi normal diet and tea again in a few days with a settled stomach. 4 days after having it I was so sick I could not go to work. This may vary depending on whether the number of blood cells has returned to normal between each cycle. Knowing How to Handle Your Worst Days on Taxotere. Keeping positive and looking forward to getting to the end of it all. DelveInsight has compiled the symposium's major highlights so that one does not miss out on these expansions . But it was worth it when looking at the larger picture. This is the start of my second week and although the bone aches have settled, the stomach is at it's worst with terrible cramps and pains. You should let your doctor or nurse know if you experience any shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or pain in your chest. 4. That's really great that she had that positive response though, seems worth it and hopeful for the rest of us! Each mL contains 40 mg docetaxel (anhydrous) and 1040 mg polysorbate 80. An absolutely horrid drug. Hard to rest with all the side effects of all the drugs but I did my best. Liked the clearer head but found days 3 to 6 the worst when ankles, knees or hips gave way. So got it again. - currently getting pumped of the lovely docetaxel! Not able to advise, but sending loads of hugs to get you through this traumatic part of your journey xxxxxxxx, You haven't gone wrong Dolbycat, as you said it effects everyone differently. (I too read somewhere that grapefruit can make the side-effects of the drug worse). They had no idea, and still have no idea why her body was reacting the way it was. Allergic reactions are possible with this medication. I think it would have been better to know just what to expect but as we all react different it's not possible. Common side effects of Tax are bone aches and pains, sore mouth/mouth ulcers, oral thrush, loss of taste. Found the freeze gell hit the joint areas better and gave relief. Thanks for being such a grand support for her. 10 year old is self sufficient. Hopefully this will continue for the last 2 cycles. For at least 48 hours after you receive a dose, avoid allowing your body fluids to come into contact with your hands or other surfaces. Hope you are keeping well. Whole body ache , muscles and joints, headaches, kidney pains, swolen glands, lethargy and over emotion. In some people, the symptoms slowly resolve after the medication is stopped, but for some, it never goes away completely. Men who are treated with this medication should use effective birth control during and for 4 months after the last dose. How many treatments is she having? It may get worse after you have your last chemotherapy treatment. The steroid is given in pill form or by IV, which will be determined by your healthcare provider. Taxotere is part of a family of drugs known as taxanes that work by preventing cell growth. The 3rd week I just start to feel normal.and then whoops, time for another infusion to start the cycle. Docetaxel. This study found that women diagnosed with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer did benefit from getting a taxane. I struggle to drink which I know makes things worse. But by the sound of it a lot of you needed that third week to recover, she won't have that. love and hugs.Lorrie. Take care. So those were constant through the whole process. Sun sensitivity can last even after chemotherapy is completed. Most people notice that their neuropathy gets better 2 to 4 months after chemotherapy, but it can take up to 1 year to fully go away. Even my vision has been effected. : those who have a cold, fever or cough or live with someone with these symptoms). I also lost all my taste buds. This typically begins two to three weeks after treatment starts. At that time, TAXOTERE was typically used for advanced prostate cancer, after all other treatments had failed. 01-06-2015 02:21. Ranking the Cowboys backup QB options from worst to best. Can eat, not been sick, not taken antisickness meds, but nausia with ukky taste but poor sleep got worse. So going through the rest of the horror. Weekly taxol : which days will be worst. Worst effect in Cycle 2 and 3 was in lack of taste and the awful chemical tast in my mouth at all times. I was feeling really bad, taking very strong pain killers and they weren't hitting it. I know the taste thing lasts for a while but I crave something good to eat. It is so much easier than the taxotere, virtually no side effects at all. After the first one, I went back to work on Tuesday, and I realized I had been walking around in a fog all day. She did have both extremes of the intestinal issues. This combination of meds had the remarkable result of shrinking my very large tumor by a full 50 percent! Keep reading to learn more about what to expect on your worst days on Taxotere. I'm hopeful tomorrow will be a better day. If you experience nausea, lack of appetite, or other eating problems, discuss solutions with your doctor or nurse navigator. Around that time I had violent throw up for a couple of sessions, and then that was it. Was 48mu for EC but took 7Tax was 30mu. Best of luck to you all xxx, I would be happy to receive news and updates from Cancer Chat, NICE suspected cancer referral guidelines, Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People. You will have docetaxel as an outpatient. Thats Taxotere and Cyclophosphamide. After this drug I could only eat about three things, dry crispbreads, toast and marmite and mandarin oranges - I lived almost exclusively on mandarins because everything else tasted disgusting. It is a combination of two chemotherapy medicines: Docetaxel (Taxotere) Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) Docetaxel is a type of chemotherapy medicine called an taxane. Do not take aspirin (salicylic acid), non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) such as Motrin/Advil (ibuprofen), Aleve (naproxen), Celebrex (celecoxib), etc. Try saltines, or ginger ale to lessen symptoms. I was neutropenic with infection and just thought it was after effects of chemo. For now, just concentrate on YOU! Some common Taxotere side effects include: Heres what cancer patients had to say about their experiences with Taxotere: I started chemotherapy. I was on taxotere, carboplatin, and Herceptin every 3 weeks. Taxotere prices without insurance will vary depending on where you buy it. What Is the Taxotere Mechanism of Action? I was advised to take paracetamol (or cocodamol if you can bear it) and ibuprofen together every 4 hours from the third day after you have the chemo until the pain eases off, which for me was about day 10. In the adjuvant treatment of operable node-positive breast cancer, the recommended TAXOTERE dose is 75 mg/m2 administered 1-hour after doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2 every 3 weeks for 6 courses. 5 year old not there yet. My poor hubby had to give them me.but they hurt and make me have achy with the chemo sleepless nights. Give yourself credit for getting this far. Not sure this helps at all but as your op was so successful (and you must still be recoverying from the trauma of all that too) will hope that the treatment now will keep you well in the long term. You don't sound negative, you just sound disheartened that after following all advice you are still suffering and also that you are finding treatment difficult. The taste improved just before the next treatment. It is very frustrating when you just want to get on with life but he was advised to 'listen to what his body was saying and act accordingly' on an hour to hour basis if necessary. Actual exercise. Is day 4 the worst day? I'm taking Codeine and paracetamol with little effect. Sorry for the extended message but reading these chats means I'm not alone and I'm not a hypochondriac (as believe me I've thought it) If your mouth becomes dry, eat moist foods, drink plenty of fluids (6-8 glasses), and suck on sugarless hard candy. So I am sorry to confirm what you already know - the Taxotere is s*** and much more agressive than the FEC but you will get to the end of it. They started to put another chemical, I dont know what it was, into my infusion bag so that it would help but I still was nauseous and diarrhea would start that day. I only have one more left now as it was my 5th cycle of chemo regimen FEC x 3 then Docetaxel x 3 . Took 1 pill starting the day before chemo and for the next 4 days. Docetaxel can cause your body to hold too much fluid, which can be a serious side effect. as these can all increase the risk of bleeding. Xx, Hope you are all feeling well and happy. But as I say.. We're now closer to the end.. 2 more to go.. Then an operation for me And immunotherapy for a year but chemo and op are the big ones to get over.. You'll get through it.. And there is life after chemo. X. Hi everyone, I start taxatere in feb.can anyone please tell me If I have to have the horrid injections for bone marrow while having that chemo? It was a one-and-a-half-hour dose. I end up with wet pillows at nightnever had that with Tamaxifen or in 50s. As horrid as her experience was, it had its payoff. My concern is that with my weight, history of smoking and alcohol my body will not tolerate all of this. I am trying to keep focused and positive to get through this. Need to get myself prepared for the next one. Hi, not sure if my experiences will help you. Docetaxel is normally given once every three weeks, over about one hour. I had chemo every 3wks on 3meds for 6 months, so the week before i had to go back was when I was feeling my best. I had my first Taxotere on Monday and am not coping at all. For instance, they may continue to work, spend time with family, and exercise. Caregivers should wear rubber gloves while cleaning up a patient's body fluids, handling . Two years after the start of treatment, more than 40% of participants in the trial said they still experienced numbness and tingling in their hands or feet, and 10% rated . The only things I could taste were sweets. It belongs to a drug class called taxanes. Days 4 and 5 were the hardest: nausea or just energy, emotions. I have been given so many tablets with this cycle which need to be taken with food but find eating almost impossible due to chemo mouth explosion of thrush despite being on medication. I've dealt with everything they have thrown at me with a really positive attitude ( including discussions about possible having to have a double mastectomy due to genetics and a failed pre chemo IVF attempt), but I'm at a loss with what to do with myself at the moment. Nicole B., Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma, Stage 3, Alison R., Partially Differentiated DCIS, Stage 4 Metastatic, Shari S., Stage 4, Metastatic, Triple Positive, Doreen D., IDC, Stage 2A, Triple Positive, injection site reactions (redness, pain, or swelling). Premedication is required with Docetaxel. Any suggestions for the pain? Do not apply anything to the site unless instructed by your care team. I tried everything and to no avail but by the time I had tried everything chemo was over. TC ( Taxotere and cyclophosphamide) is a common chemotherapy regimen given for localized breast cancers that require chemotherapy. Nicole B. It has now been almost exactly 4 days (96 hours) since. Effective birth control is necessary during treatment and for 2 months after treatmentfor women. Hi, I stayed on top of my medicine, I rinsed my mouth with salt water to prevent mouth sores and all that. Scared to the point of not being able to sleep properly. Some common Taxotere side effects include: vomiting nausea loss of appetite constipation diarrhea injection site reactions (redness, pain, or swelling) I spent yesterday in A&E with chest pains which turned out to be heartburn and anxiety. I was severely feverish, my whole body ached to the point that I felt like I was in a can crushing machine, I felt sick and my mouth was worse than ever (it had been bad all the way through). We can get through it! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration originally approved the drug in 1996. I am just hoping they settle quicker than before as I am more prepared with medications from knowing what happened last time. His consultant advised small walks to begin the process of getting the muscles going (started with walking up and down our lounge before he managed the outside!! We started working from home the week after the infusion. Do not cut cuticles or ingrown nails. I used Clariton (over the counter) to combat the bone aches from chemo and the injection. Drugmakers developed it from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree, and researchers sometimes refer to it as a plant alkaloid. After first AC on Wed. and doing "okay" Thurs. Actually, I had a really nice time as it was. That was on the dose dense A/C. Keep your fingernails and toenails clean and dry. It really helps to have these words of encouragement and support. However, our monthly flat rate of just $49 per medication . I just seem to get one thing in order then something else happens. Been told its best to as it helps the operation be morebsuccessful. Certain cancer treatments can cause sores or soreness in your mouth and/or throat. The use of scarves, wigs, hats, and hairpieces may help. These are some of the most common or important side effects: Allergic reactions are possible with this medication. The prospect of 12 weekly taxol is a bit daunting. The side effects from that have been enoughpoor gut. I was initially told to have the chemo in the hope they could conserve the breast! The dosage and schedule are determined by the person's size and type of cancer. Deaths within 30 days of last study treatment attributed to study drug occurred in 9 patients (2.2%) in the docetaxel+cisplatin . She is on this dose denseShe is on this dose dense regiment; every two weeks; 4 rounds of AC followed by 4 rounds of Taxol (and I think it's five day after Nuelasta shots). I am a small women (112 lbs. I hope your teeth are in good condition. OR. All rights reserved. Shari S. (Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC),Triple Positive, Stage 4). I was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer in may. We can do itnot sure how but we are two thirds there. If youre considering taking Taxotere to treat your cancer, you need to be prepared for what might come. While it sounds harmless enough, constantly tearing eyes can cause other health issues. I expected it to be tough but it has nearly broken me. The mouth issues I suffered with all the way through chemo (didn't have thrush) but would say the mouth part was my worst SE. Genoa M. (Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma [IDC], Stage 3, HER2+). Take care, week 3 coming up soon! No cancer cells were found, and she was deemed "no evidence of disease". It won't be long until you to are in a position to help others with your experiences of the journey we all find ourselves on. I'm on my 6th Dox this week, (last one) and I mentioned to my oncologist on 3rd dose that i was awake ALL night on the steroids - I had been prescribed 8mg Dexamethasone twice daily starting day before and finishing on day after Dox. Search deep within yourself, you will find the strength. Sorry to be such a negative misery , I am usually upbeat and positive but wanted to ask if these cycles compound with the side effects as I am not sure I could cope with another 2 cycles. *Qualifying persons may obtain medications directly from patient assistance programs without any out-of-pocket cost (or for less than $49 per medication). You may use nail polish, but do not wear fake nails. Hi, I had my 1st infusion of Taxotere on Monday. Avoid raw fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, cereals, and seeds. After that, I have been okay - really tired and nothing tastes good so I am not eating well - but I learned from my first course of chemo that ended in April that I need to sleep when I am tired, so sometimes when I get home from work, I go right to sleep. The most common chemotherapy drug for prostate cancer is docetaxel (Taxotere), which is usually given with prednisone, a steroid medicine. Between blood pressure (3 a day), xanex (she's only taking at night), two kinds of anti-nausea drugs, claratin (supposed to help with bone pain after shot), a softener, and acidophilus. Meanwhile just keep in mind that you are going through this because you want to live and enjoy your family. One of the most major Taxotere side effects is epiphora or, in simple terms, watery eyes. Sorry to hear your wife suffered as she did. Let us know how you are all doing xx, Thank you Chrissie2 for your response. Soluble fiber is found in some foods and absorbs fluid, which can help relieve diarrhea. Common reported side effects of Taxotere (docetaxel) include: Injection site pain or swelling Temporary hair loss Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Constipation Loss of appetite Fingernail or toenail changes White endeared himself to Jets fans over the last two years with his inspiring play as Zach Wilson's backup. I will speak to nurses but most of what I am going through is normal side effects for the Docetaxel chemo. I was prescribed preventative FEC-T but because I was getting married and honeymooning in July, they decided to do the Taxotere first and cycle 3 was combined with my whole radiotherapy treatment. A total of 1,306 newly diagnosed patients were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive 600 mg of NUBEQA twice a day or matching placebo, plus ADT and 75mg/m 2 of docetaxel, for 6 cycles. I think knowing that you only have one more after that is where you find the strength to continue. TAXOTERE is sterile, non-pyrogenic, and is available in single-dose vials containing 20 mg (0.5 mL) or 80 mg (2 mL) docetaxel (anhydrous). Performing regular mouth care can help prevent or manage mouth sores. Avoid any food that you think smells or tastes bad. At one point, they had to give her liquid morphine as the joint pain was so bad. Treatment . Painkillers, she had all the same things as you. I will watch out for you and we can support each other. Had tummy issues mostly diarrhoea but managed to get a good stopper tablet. This medication contains alcohol and may cause intoxication. Future - Worst Day (Official Audio) - YouTube 0:00 / 3:06 Future - Worst Day (Official Audio) Future 12.5M subscribers Subscribe 2.5M views 1 year ago #Future #WorstDay Future - Worst. Stay well hydrated. Suffering stomach cramps today probably due to upset stomach and not eating right. TC. As I have not had much of an appetite due to mouth issues, I had constipation but once that passed I have had loose bowels. I haven't had much information about that yet. If we can get through this we can face anything. Take care and best of luck with your next cycle. While receiving treatment, your WBC count can drop, putting you at a higher risk of getting an infection. It is a horrid drug and going through the side effects of chemo is just unbearable at times (for me and some others unfortunately!). Your story kinda reads similar to my wife's when she was on Docetaxel. . Like you I was very worried about being able to complete the treatment but I fell that I have got this far I need to persevere. Weirdly, her pain would only come on around 3pm-6pm, then her temp would spike like crazy too. Then yesterday; she was miserable all day; felt weak; and couldn't really describe the bad feeling in her body. Just thought it was find the strength to continue cold, fever cough... To a semi normal diet and tea again in a few days a... App if you experience any shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or pain in mouth. Diagnosed with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer, you will find the strength to.... For the rest of us that women diagnosed with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer in may worst days on,... May help sun sensitivity can last even after chemotherapy is completed in my mouth all. Count can drop, putting you at a higher risk of bleeding to weeks... 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