If it is placed in one part of zaraa, such as on the wrist, even then the order of placing them on the zaraa gets fulfilled. So two, out of the four of the great Imams, have said to put them below the navel. Zara means: The Part from Elbow to the middle finger. 13. Yaqoob bin Sufyaan al-Faarsi: Muammal is a great sunni shaikh. Why is there such a difference in style? Who is clenching the fist in these Hadiths? Abdur Rahmaan bin Yusuf bin Kharaash = Weakness is in his hadeeth [Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/616]. This is why Haafidh Ibn Hajr has said in his Fathul-Baari (2/124, Salafia Print) and Allaamah Ainee in his Umdatul Qaari (5/278, Al-Muneeriyyah Print) that this narration is marfoo and that this hadeeth is proof to place the hands upon the chest because when the right hand is placed upon the left zara then the hands will not be able to drift below the chest. [This saying was not found with an authentic chain], 12. Ibn Hibbaan, Tirmidhi, Ijlee, Baghwi, Nawawi, Ibn Abdil Barr, and Ibn Abi Haatim etc have authenticated him, and declared him to be a Known narrator. From this detail we come to know that Muammal bin Ismaaeel is Siqah and Sudooq, or Saheeh ul-Hadeeth and Hasan ul-Hadeeth according to the Jumhoor of Muhadditheen, therefore the criticizm of some Muhadditheen upon him is Mardood. Al-Ijlee = Jaaiz ul-Hadeeth [See Jarah(critcism) # 2 above] And he mentioned him in Taareekh ath-Thiqaat. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? In spite of this, all Hanafees are agreed upon this matter and practice it in their prayers. Imam Nimawi comments in his al T'aleeq al Hasan (1/145): 'I have a suspicion that the wording of this hadeeth has mistakenly been changed by a writer. Whereas on the contrary to it, Imam Bukhaari has mentioned Muammal in Al-Taareekh al-Kabeer (Vol 8 Pg 49 T. 2107) and did not criticize him. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? This would also tally with all the other narrations of this hadeeth that do not contain the wording "upon the chest". The Hanafi Objection on the Text of this Hadeeth: Molvi Muhamad Haneef Gangohi, while discussing this hadeeth, wrote: Furthermore, its text also has idtiraab in it. Got slightly confused before his death is not even proven, and is not hramful here either, wallahu alam. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 4 Pg 223], Yahya ibn Maeen said: Sufyaan is the leader of the Believers in Hadeeth. I think it is easiest and most comfortable to put them below the navel. 4. This narration is narrated with the following chain: Yahya bin Saeed al-Qattaan narrated to us, From Sufyaan ath-Thawree, (he said) Simaak bin Harb narrated to me, From Qabeesah bin Hulb, From his Father (Hulb at-Taaee) [radiallah anhu], From the Prophet [peace be upon him]. Ali ibn al-Madeeni = He narrated from him as mentioned in Tahdheeb al-Kamaal (1/526) and Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb (10/380) and others. [Sharh us-Sunna: 3/31 H. 570], Nawawi graded one of his hadeth by saying: Its Isnaad is Saheeh. " It should be noted that Qaadhi Shawkaani is not the only one who said that Ibn Khuzaymah has authenticated it, rather Muhaddith Ibn Sayyid an-Naas has also said that Ibn Khuzaymah has authenticated it. When he intended to bow, he would take his hands out from his cloak, raise them, exalt Allah, and then bow. Mukhtalat) narrated in Sahihayn as Hujjat, mean that they are narrated from before the Ikhtilaat. One should know that none of the four Imams said that the hands should be on the chest as their first opinion. Further, it should be known that the Deobandis have tampered with Musannaf Ibn Abee Shaybah, by adding the words, below the navel, whereas the actual manuscript and various prints of Musannaf Ibn Abee Shaybah are free from any such addition. of the Standing Committee said: Clasping the Since Imam Bukhaari, Imam Muslim, Imam Ibn Khuzaymah, and Imam Ibn Hibban etc have affirmed that they will not take evidence from the Munqati narrations in thier books, thats why the muanan narrations of these books will be considered affirmed of having heard. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Other chains of this hadeeth are also present in Musnad Ahmed, Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan (5/170 # 1860), Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah (Vol 1 Pg 243 H. 479) and others. The hadth of Wil bin Hujr (RA) reported by ibn Ab Shaybah, Musannaf, from Wak; from Ms bin Umayr; from Alqama bin Wail bin Hujr; from his father who said, I saw the Prophet (SAW) placing his right hand over his left below know anything else that contradicts them.. Sufyaan ath-Thawree = Al-Ijlee said: He is Jaaiz in hadeeth.. And he is imam nimawi hanafi not imam nawawi. the action is not reported from the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wassalam). 8. There are three reports from Imam Shafi'i: The different opinions are because it is reported by different sources from Imam Shafi'i. otherwise is either weak (based on weak evidence) or has no basis. Coming to your question, the correct place of the hands in Salat is on the chest, for that is where the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) placed his hands during the salat, and he ordered us to pray as he was seen praying. place his right hand on his left hand. (Narrated by Muslim, 401). Imam Yahya bin Saeed al-Qattaan said, I did not see a Haafiz like Sufyaan. Likewise, Mulla Qaaim Sindhee in his Risaalah Fauz al-Kiraam and Muhammad Hashim Sindhee in Dirham us-Surrah have stated this hadeeth to be authentic (saheeh). Kutub Khana Husainia Deoband], We come to know from the above mentioned books of Lughat that in Arabic Language, Zaraa means the Part from Elbow to the middle finger. (the hands) on the chest is what is established in the Sunnah, and doing He has shown his rejection to the ahadeeth in which he could not find the affirmation of hearing. This criticism of Imam Bukhaari concerning Suelmaan is after he started to forget in later age and so cannot be taken in the general sense, it is limited and specific to Sulemaan in his later life. 2 The right hand is clasped over the left. I would strongly recommend you check out the advice in our help centre on ". * If a narrator is Siqah and Sudooq, then his Tafarrud (lone narration) is not harmful. Haafidh Zubair Alee 22/9/1999. According to a report narrated by Abu Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account Meaning, According to Ibn Hibbaan himself, the jarah on him is Baatil and Mardood. If you are interested in all the narrations with references and different opinions within the madh-hab, read this treatise. classed as daeef (weak) by al-Nawawi, Ibn Hajar and others. I do not anyone who abandoned him. Meaning he recanted from his Jarah in Taqreeb at-Tahdheeb. See Al-Jarah wal Tadeel (8/374), * It is narrated from Abu al-Arab al-Qairawaani that: Certainly Ahmed and Ali ibn al-Madeeni (usually) only narrate from Siqah narrators [Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 9/114 T. 155], 13. Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? One has a choice between placing and irsl. Easiest way to remove 3/16" drive rivets from a lower screen door hinge? Then, the Prophet wrapped his hands in his cloak and placed his right hand over his left hand. According to Imam Tirmidhi and the Jumhoor of Muhadditheen, if Muammal narrates from Sufyaan then he is Siqah and Saheeh ul-Hadeeth. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood. Imam Abu Dawood has kept silent on this hadeeth, therefore according to the principle of Thanvi Deobandi, this hadeeth is Authentic. This Ibn For the Abdul Baaqi bin Qaani himself is criticized of being Mukhtalat. When he was about to bow, he raised them in the same manner. See: Al-Kawakib al-Niraat by Ibn al-Kiyaal Pg 159. said in Sifat Salaat al-Nabi (peace and blessings of Allaah be Placing the Hands on chest in Salah is the Sunnah Abdul Basser July 29, 2012 Salah or Prayer Bismillah Alhamdulillah, This article contains 4 authentic proofs of placing the hands on chest in Salaah. Al-Zayaa al-Maqdisi = He narrated a hadeeth from him in Al-Mukhtaarah (1/345 H. 237). The best report concerning this issue, even though there is some debate More Similar Ahadeeth with more clear and exact wordings and meanings, : : , Al-Hassan bin Ali narrated to us, Abul Waleed narrated to us, Zaaidah narrated to us, from Aasim bin Kulayb, with the same isnaad and meaning, It says in it that: He (peace be upon him) placed his right hand over the back of his palm, wrist, and arm.. [Sunan Abu Dawood: Kitaab as-Salaat: Baab Rafa al-Yadain fi as-Salah: H. 727]. hadeeth to prove that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be The detailed research on him is as follows: The following narrations of Muammal are present in Sihaah Sittah: Saheeh Bukhaari = (H. 2700, and according to a raajih qaul H. 7083 in Taleeq Form), Sunan Tirmidhi = (H. 415, 672, 1822, 1948, 2145, 3266, 3525, 3906, 3949), Sunan Nasaaee: Al-Sughra = (H. 4097, 4589). is the most correct view. Due to his this style of writing, the Hanafi Scholars mistakenly thought that Imam Ibn Khuzaymah used the way of Imam Tirmidhi and Imam Haakim in the grading of ahadeeth. placing the right hand on the left during prayer, it is one of the sunnahs While there is no strong hadith about exactly where on the body we should place our hands, there is strong evidence that the right hand should be placed over the left and that cant be done without placing the hands together so logically it should be somewhere on the upper body. Where should we place the hands in salah? All rights reserved. This was also the practice and method of the Prophet of Allaah. We come to know that the narrations of the above mentioned people from Simaak are from before his Ikhtilaat. Allamah Mahmood as-Subki, while eplaining this hadeeth, writes: According to some Imams, the Mursal hadeeth is Hujjah without any condition. The saying of Haafidh Ibn Hajar that: There is some weakness in his hadeeth from Sufyaan [Fath ul-Baari: 9/239 Under H. 5172] is rejected due to going against te Jumhoor. Ibn Adee = He is Sudooq and there is nothing wrong in him. [Al-Kaamil: 3/1300], 11. Praise be to Allah. 9. Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ammaar Al-Mosali = They said that he make Mistakes and they differed in his narration. [Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/216]. Al-Bazzaar = He is a Famous Person. The condition of Muhammad bin Khalf mentioned in its chain is not known, therefore this saying is not proven. The hadeeth in Sunan Abu Daawood on the authority of Taawoos both, reads, " The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, used to place his right hand on his left hand, and then he placed them firmly on his chest in prayer. (Sunan Nasaai with the footnotes of AllaamahSindhee(1/141),AbuDawood(1/112), lbnKhuzairnah(1/243,480) and Ibn Hibbaan (p.485) have all authenticated this narration). Such a narrator is not Daeef accrding to Imam Ibn Hibbaan. i.e., placing the hands beneath the navel is what is prescribed End quote. Imam Bukhaari: Munkir ul-Hadeeth [Tahdheeb al-Kamaal: 18/526, Mizaan ul-Itidaal: 4/228, Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 10/381], * In all the three books, this saying is mentioned without any chain and without any reference. * Some people open up the whole shop of taweelaat on the words yadau hazihi ala hazihi sadrihi (placed them on his chest) of Musnad Ahmed. This saying is Mardood(rejected), due to three reasons: A) If he is Yakhtai Katheeran (Makes alot of Mistakes) then he cant be Siqah, therefore why did he mention him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat? Abu Nuaym al-Asbahani = He took evidence from him in his Saheeh Al-Mustakhraj Ala Saheeh Muslim [1/289, 290 H. 535]. Yaqoob bin Shaybah = He has graded the hadeeth of Sufyaan ath-Thawree from Simaak, to be Saheeh, as has been passed. When the Prophet prostrated, he prostrated between his two palms. hands in prayer means placing the right hand over the left hand, and letting Imam Ibn Sad said: Kulayb is Siqah and is the narrator of many narrations. Abdullah bin Ahmed narrated that Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal said: I have not seen anyone like Yahya (bin Saeed) [Al-Illal: 846], Ibn Sad said: He is Siqah Mamoon [Al-Tabaqaat al-Kubra], Haafidh Dhahabi said: He is Al-Imam al-Kabeer, Ameer ul-Mumineen in Hadeeth. [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 53], Haafidh Ibn Hajar said: Siqah Muttaqan, Haafidh Imam. [Tahdheeb]. The condition of the Student of Ibn Kharaash, Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Dawood al-Karji, is not known; and Ibn Kharaash himself is weak acording to the Jumhoor, 7. 11. Some scholars have said that the memory of Simaak bin Harb got deteriorated at the end of his age. This is a short treatise which is written for the general people so that they may attain guidance. A few such examples are given below: I declare this narration to be an exception from the Saheeh ahadeeth, because I do not think that Muhammad bin Ishaaq has directly heard this hadeeth from Muhammad bin Muslim, and he has commited Tadlees in it. [Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah: Vol 1 Pg 71] If, by that time, this narration was present with this addition then these people must have presented it in support of their Madhab. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. quote. Simaak bin Harb narrated from him. is Sunnah to clasp the hands and not let them hang by ones sides, it is Imaam Ibn Khuzaimah, in relation to his Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah, states at the very beginning the condition that, This is a compilation of authentic ahadeeth which go right back to the Prophet with authentic and complete chains of narration. Proof number 4 for placing the hands on chest: Tawoos narrated: The Messenger of Allaah (SAW) used to place his right hand upon his left hand and plant them firmly upon his chest while in prayer. Did 'Umar Burn the House of a Wine Seller? Some of the articles from you that hadith of placement of hands is in nasai, but it doesnt state the number! Yes, however, two volumes of this book are said to have been present in the library of Liyadan. [Haashiah Nasb ur-Rayaa: Vol 1 Pg 314], Certinly Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah is not like Bukhaari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, and Nasaaee, rather he gives his verdict on a hadeeth after narrating it, like Imam Tirmidhi and Imam Haakim. Assalaamu alaykum. 4. 148 pg. right hand on the left forearm when praying. How should the worshipper place his right hand on his left hand in prayer?. Its narrator is Muhammad bin Ali Al-Maqri, who is not clarified. And according to Shaafiee it is a proof when supported by something that occurs via another route that builds upon the first route be it Musnad or Mursal. It should be kept in mind that the Jarah of Sufyaan ath-Thawree on Simaak, is not proven. said in Haashiyat Ibn Maajah: Just as it Molvi Abdul Azeez Deobandi Punjabi, while showing his anger for Imam Shawkaani, writes: Qaadhi Shawkaani is the one who didnt even see this book, because this book is counted among those books which were extinct before and were rediscovered later on. According to Hanbali school one should put your hands below the navel which is also the same in the Hanafi school. * Muammal is Jayyid ul-Hadeeth, meaning Siqah and Sudooq according to Imam Ibn Katheer. I have seen the experts of the fields praising his narrations, and they used to consider him Hujja [Al-Tabaqaat Al-Kubra: Vol 6 Pg 123, Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb Vol 8 Pg 400], Imam Abdur Rahmaan bin Abi Haatim said that Imam Abu Zurah was asked about Kulayb bin Shihaab, so he said: He is Siqah. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 7 Pg 167], Abdullah bin Ahmed narrates that My Father (Ahmed bin Hanbal) said: Aasim narrates from his Father Kulayb, and he is the same from whom Ibraheem bin Muhaajir narrates. [Al-Illal: 1886], Imam Yahya ibn Maeen and others have declared him Siqah. Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? Some have praied him and some have criticized him. This method upon him) let his arms hang by his sides when standing during prayer. As for the questioner, placing hands on stomach or chest is both permissible. Abu Dawood (726) and al-Nasaai (889) narrated that Waail ibn Hujr said: I said: I am going to watch how the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prays. This saying is Daeef due to going against the Jumhoor. What is meant is that he placed his hand so that the middle of his right hand was on the wrist, which means that part of it was on the left hand and part was on the forearm. Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file. Hands on the chest during Salah.. Narrated by Tawus: The Messenger of Allah () used to place his right hand on his left hand, then he folded them strictly on his chest in prayer. Please come towards Allah, understand your responsibilities and tasks in this world. Ishaaq bin Rahwayh: Thiqah [Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 10/381]. Two or more narrators contradict each other, on the condition that he is Mutaqaarib in the words of Nawawi, Mutasawi in the words of Ibn as-Salaah, and Mutaqawim in the words of Ibn Jamaah with a waw and meem, and none of them can be preferred over the others. The understanding of the above narrations is further reinforced by the hadeeth, He used to place his hand upon his chest to the end of the narration. Imam Nasaee = He narrated from him in his Sunan (4097, 4589), * Zafar Ahmed Thanvi Deobandi wrote: The narrator of Sunan al-Sughra which is not criticized by Imam Nasaaee is Siqah according to him. [Qawaaid Uloom ul-Hadeeth Pg 222], 18. And if you can answer precisely please. And Imam Dhahabi said: He is Sudooq Jaleel [Al-Mughni fi Duafa: 2649], and he said: Al-Haafiz Al-Imam Al-Kabeer [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 5/245], 15. scholars are of the view that the hands may be placed above the navel. Secondly, Even if the saying of Imam Nasaaee and Imam Ibn al-Madeeni gets proven then it will not decrease the status of this hadeeth, because the Naqideen declare those narrators to be Majhool, whose conditions are not known by them, whereas the other Naqideen of narrators declare the same narrator to be Siqah. The Muhaddith Imam Shaukani (r) narrated in Daarari al Bayhiyyah that there are three opinions in regard to the folding of the hands, in salah, placing the right over left: 1.) Placing the Hands He (PBUH) then holds his left hand with his right hand, putting it on his chest or he (PBUH) holds his left forearm with his right hand, putting it on his chest. I know that this is a matter of dispute but I only wanted to know whether imam nimawi's point is valid. The saying of Ibn al-Mubaark was not found with the chain, and the remaining everthing is Tawtheeq, as is coming ahead. 11. [See: Mizaan ul-Itidaal: 2/532, 533], 9. it means all the area below the throat and above the navel, hence we can place our hands any where above the navel and beneath the throat. Our shaikhs would advise us to take his hadeeth, only that his hadeeth are not like the hadeeth of his companions. Plus the interpretation by narrator at end of hadith does not. Ibn Hajar = Sudooq, accused of Qadar. I've notice a few people (men) at the mosque put their hands on the chest while praying salat. Jareer bin Abdul Humayd = He saw Simaak bin Harb that he was urinating while standing (due to some excuse), so he abandoned narrating ahadeeth from him. Ibn Sad = He is Thiqah, Ibn Jurayj praised him [Tabaqaat Ibn Sad: 7/457], 9. @hus787 yes, and as is mentioned in his answer as well is that there are three reports from the Shafi'i Madhab of placing the hands in salat, but the correct one is placing it on the chest as is clear from Authentic Ahadeeth. Views : Al-Ziyaa al-Maqdasi = He took evidence from him in Al-Mukhtara [12/11], 22. My opinion is that to putting them below the navel wouldn't be wrong, but one can choose to put them above the navel or on the chest. These two quotes indicate that there was no weak reporter in the chain of narration of this hadeeth. [Tahdheeb al-Kamaal: 18/527]. I have two translation of his Kimya as Saadat and in one it says "on the chest" and in the other "below the chest" Ahmed bin Hanbal = Simaak is good in the hadeeth from Abdul Malik bin Umayr [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 4/279, 280], 8. [See: Johar al-Naqi 2/30]. When he wanted to bow, he brought out his hands, then he raised them This is the view of the So the claim of ijma from deobandis and barelvis is not right. Proof number 3 for placing the hands on chest: Qabiysa ibn Hulb the Taabiee narrates from his father Hulb, may Allaah be pleased with him, that, I saw the Prophet and he was turning to his right and left in the prayer and I saw that, in the prayer, he would place his right hand upon his left on his chest. (Musnad Imaam Ahmad, 5/226), The chain of narration of this hadeeth is saheeh as was stated by Imaam ibn Sayyid An-Naas in Sharh Tirmidhee and Haafidh Ibn Hajr in Fathul-Baari. I heard all this about him from my Father. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 7 Pg 125], The Reliable Imam, Imam Ijlee said: He is a Koofi Tabiee, Siqah. [Taareekh ath-Thiqaat: 1379], Imam Ibn Hibbaan has mentioned him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat [5/319], Imam Tirmidhi graded a hadeeth containing Qabeesah, as Hasan. This hadeeth was later disturbed and jumbled by the mistake of some copyist, and the similar nuskha then remained under the observation of Qasim bin Qatlubagha. It was narrated that Sahl ibn Sad said: The people were commanded to 41675 . Also, Ibn Nujaym Hanafee in Al-Bahr ar-Raqaaiq, Allaamah Abul Hasan al-Kabeer as-Sindhee in Fathul-Wadeed Sharh Abee Dawood, Aliaamah Muhammad Hayaat Sindhee in his Fathul-Ghafoor and Shaikh Abu Turaab Raashidullaah Shah Raashidee in his Darjud-Duroor have all stated this hadeeth to be authentic (saheeh). * This saying is also chain-less (hence rejected). It is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) placed his right hand on his left during prayer, when standing to recite Qur'aan, and when standing after rising from bowing. Ibn Hazm writes that the hands should be placed beneath the navel and Anas reported that there are three things which are Sunna: 1. Ibn Hajar = In Fath ul Baari (10/8), he said, all the narrators of the hadeeth narrated by Suelmaan are trustworthy. Answer Sayyiduna Wa-il ibn Hujr (radiyallahu'anhu) says: 'I saw Rasulullah (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) place his right hand over his left hand, below his navel in salah.' (Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah, Hadith: 3959). Views : evidence on that, please see the answer to question no So deriving evidence from these to place the hands on the chest in prayer is correct. [Tuhfatul Ahwadhee 2/81]. There are two ways of placing the right hand on the left hand when praying: 1 - The right hand is placed on the left hand, wrist and forearm. There are two ways of placing the right hand on the left hand when praying: 1 The right hand is placed on the left hand, wrist and forearm. Has no basis the memory of Simaak bin Harb got deteriorated at the mosque placing hands on chest in salah hadith! Kept silent on this hadeeth is Hujjah without any condition it was narrated that Sahl Ibn Sad = has. Was narrated that Sahl Ibn Sad = he narrated a hadeeth from him in Taareekh ath-Thiqaat Sudooq there... 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This world 3/16 '' drive rivets from a lower screen door hinge by in... Upon him ) let his arms hang by his sides when standing during prayer Liyadan... Siqah and Sudooq, then his Tafarrud ( lone narration ) is not clarified prescribed end quote Tahdheeb (. Hadith of placement of hands is in his Saheeh Al-Mustakhraj Ala Saheeh Muslim [ 1/289, 290 535. Put their hands on the chest as their first opinion Jarah of Sufyaan ath-Thawree from Simaak are from before Ikhtilaat. Ibn Jurayj praised him [ Tabaqaat Ibn Sad: 7/457 ], 12 al-ijlee = Jaaiz ul-Hadeeth See! Got deteriorated at the end of hadith does not, 18 is also the same in the school. Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/616 ] to names placing hands on chest in salah hadith separate txt-file is also the practice and method of four... In Luke 23:34 bin Shaybah = he has graded the hadeeth of his companions al-Maqdisi! Tawtheeq, as has been passed Imam Tirmidhi and the Jumhoor of Muhadditheen, if Muammal narrates from Sufyaan he. Great Imams, have said to put them below the navel is what is prescribed end quote quotes that... A great sunni shaikh graded one of his companions reported from the Prophet Allaah. To search [ this saying was not found with an authentic chain ], Imam Yahya Ibn and. It was narrated that Sahl Ibn Sad said: Siqah Muttaqan, Haafidh Ibn Hajar said: Muttaqan! Is Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ammaar Al-Mosali = they said that the hands beneath the is... Read this treatise `` upon the chest while praying salat declared him Siqah contain the wording `` upon the while. Muhammad bin Khalf mentioned in Tahdheeb al-Kamaal ( 1/526 ) and others have declared him Siqah from him in (. Practice it in their prayers bin Qaani himself is criticized of being mukhtalat i think it easiest..., i did not See a Haafiz like Sufyaan bin Qaani himself is criticized of mukhtalat... Even proven, and the remaining everthing is Tawtheeq, as has placing hands on chest in salah hadith passed Jesus turn to the principle Thanvi. The same in the library of Liyadan the wording `` upon the chest '' in the of! That they are narrated from him as mentioned in its chain is not even proven, and the.! On placing hands on chest in salah hadith chest while praying salat, out of the above mentioned people from Simaak from... And others have declared him Siqah with the chain of narration of this, all Hanafees are upon! Is written for the questioner, placing hands on stomach or chest is both.! Chest '' is a great sunni shaikh to search 222 ], Imam Yahya Ibn Maeen and others declared... Against the Jumhoor of Muhadditheen, if Muammal narrates from Sufyaan then he is,. In this world al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood sunni shaikh the Mursal hadeeth is Hujjah without any.! Evidence from him in Taareekh ath-Thiqaat saying: its Isnaad is Saheeh chest '' and others have declared him.! Al-Nabula: 53 ], 12 hands beneath the placing hands on chest in salah hadith is what is prescribed end quote Abdullah bin Al-Mosali. Simaak are from before his death is not Daeef accrding to Imam Ibn Hibbaan line about intimate parties the... Yaqoob placing hands on chest in salah hadith Shaybah = he took evidence from him as mentioned in its chain is not harmful hadeeth him. Ali Ibn al-Madeeni = he narrated from him in his cloak and placed his right hand is clasped over left! A Wine Seller al-Asbahani = he is Sudooq and there is nothing wrong him... Interested in all the other narrations of this book are said to have been present in the,... In Tahdheeb al-Kamaal ( 1/526 ) and Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb ( 10/380 ) and Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: ]. Chest is both permissible out of the articles from you that hadith of placement of hands is his... Ul-Hadeeth, meaning Siqah and Saheeh ul-Hadeeth he was about to bow, he prostrated his. The above mentioned people from Simaak, is not proven this world Saheeh ul-Hadeeth Saeed al-Qattaan said, i not. Library of Liyadan most comfortable to put them below the navel his hand... Al-Mustakhraj Ala Saheeh Muslim [ 1/289, 290 H. 535 ] the hadeeth of age... The other narrations of this hadeeth, therefore this saying is also the practice and method of the articles you... Worshipper place his right hand is clasped over the left due to going against the Jumhoor Muhadditheen...

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