What if in an Alternate Timeline, the Vikings migrated to Americas in much larger numbers and settled there, eventually mixing with Native Americans, along with mixing Culturally, Linguistically, etc by the time the Columbus and other European Seafarers reach the Americas? However, during the fight Thorvald received an arrow wound in the armpit and died shortly afterwards. Interestingly, the mythology of India gives motives to his actions: realizing that he is alone, he decided to create a company for himself. (2022, March 5). there is connection between MANY different ancient pagan cultures and religions. (2022, March 5). A sea creature mentioned in 13th-century Old Norse manuscripts, which historians thought was a kraken-like mythological monster, is actually a whale using a hunting strategy known as trap or tread-water feeding, a new study finds. One problem with this is that technically we don't even seem to know what Cherokee DNA looks like to start wth. Do you have any? The Norse, like many other cultures, relied on As Greenland is geologically part of the North American continent, this ought to be regarded as the first European settlement in the Americas, though it is rarely recognised as such. Kavdlunait (plural) was the Inuit word for foreigner or European. John Haywood is a historian and author. Does anyone have experience in mixing American and Norse beliefs, dieties and spirits? When the two elements collided, the Golden Egg appears. had a baby, it would be genetically impossible for that baby to have The Irish claim centers on St Brendan, who in the sixth century is said to have sailed to America in his coracle. Since the Kensington hoax, several more purported Viking artefacts have been discovered in the USA but none has stood up to scrutiny. I think the latter may not have been likely if the Thule only had an distance advantage with the Mongolian bow. Scientists only described this feeding behavior around a decade ago, after they spotted humpback rev2023.3.1.43269. Yeah.. lots of Europe, as well as Cherokee(disinherited). Some who have touted the idea of the Norse discovery are benignly proud of their ancestry, and curious about exploring it. Now, three years later, his brother Thorvald was in the second summer of a follow-up expedition. The Welsh claimant is Madog ab Owain Gwynedd, who is said to have landed in Mobile, Ala., in 1170. WebSherwins amazing dictionary of work pointing out the similarities of Indian and Norse words is a smoking gun that provides proof that Vikings were here in a much wider Yet even today, racial and ethnic equality remains unrealized, and racial entitlement remains a potent force. Is there any first-hand evidence of intentional spreading of disease among natives in the Pacific Northwest? So, if Vinland was not at LAnse aux Meadows, where was it? (New So to isolate Viking DNA parts in modern DNA, it would be very difficult to prove they were from original contact (abt. Psychedelic, toxic, carrier of a biological weapon and a wrinkle reducer. I thought, This cant be right. If you use an assignment from StudyCorgi website, it should be referenced accordingly. Soon, a voyage was underway to form colonies. The Real Story Behind Bigfoot. Myths and Legends Mar. "Similarities Between Norse and Indian Myths." They had Mongolian bows and Chinese style slat armor, which they made from bone. You have reached your limit of free articles. Want to improve this post? Add citations from reputable sources by editing the post . Posts with unsourced content may be edited or deleted. The Vikings celebrated the lights, believing they were earthly manifestations of their gods. Ideas , thoughts? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Can patents be featured/explained in a youtube video i.e. What if in an Alternate Timeline, the Vikings migrated to Americas in much larger numbers and settled there, eventually mixing with Native Americans, along with mixing Culturally, Linguistically, etc by the time the Columbus and other European Seafarers reach the Americas? Longing in Literature by Rodriguez, Du Bois, Perrault, Philosophy of "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" by Le Guin. It is more likely that LAnse aux Meadows was a base for expeditions further south. I looked at this a little more tonight and did find some sites that tried connecting this to Roanoke as well. It was one of these skeletons that in 2009 prompted WIllerslev to go to Saint Petersburg in Russia together with American archaeologist Kelly Graf. No - just edit the answer to include the citation; then we'll delete all the comments & the mod notice. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Checkmark Books. There is a blue eye trait in some East Coast tribes, especially the Iroquoian tribe of the Cherokee. WebNative American and Norse paganism? But such sentiments can become sinister, leading to claims of ethnic superiority. Disclaimer: Services provided by StudyCorgi are to be used for research purposes only. Columbus returned to Spain and delivered this news to the queen, who believed forming colonies in the Americas was a good way to increase the countrys wealth. However, they partly converge in some aspects that help people better understand the world around them. "Similarities Between Norse and Indian Myths." In the mythology of India, the end of the world is presented in a completely different way. The common-sense answer is that the continent was discovered by the remote ancestors of todays Native Americans. WebNative Americans and Africans have similar concepts of the high god. Their eyes were large and their cheeks broad. The distances were too great, the small Greenland colony did not have the population to support a colonising venture and their iron weapons did not give the Norse a decisive advantage over the far more numerous natives. The length of the shortest day is no help in determining Vinlands latitude because it is not based on clock times the Vikings did not have clocks so, unless there are new archaeological discoveries, well probably never know the location of Vinland. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. Hello, I am mostly new to paganism. Leif then told Thorvald, 'You go to Vinland, brother, and take my ship if you wish, but before you do so I want the ship to make a trip to the skerry to fetch the wood that Thorir had there'[6]. The word is most likely related to the Old Norse word skr, meaning "dried skin", in reference to the animal pelts worn by the Inuit. In the spring, the party had its first encounter with Native Americans, who turned up at Leifsbuir to trade furs. Thorfinn forbade his men to trade their swords and spears, so they mainly exchanged red cloth for pelts. The origins of such entitlement can be traced to the colonial period, when English migrants felt entitled to conquer and occupy someone elses homeland, to disinherit and force to the margins of society the people that they displaced, and to go on to enslave the peoples of another continent. However, the other 17,000-year-old skeleton from Afontova Gora may overturn this view. But it is likely that this was planted, as the context of the find is not recorded. If they did have sexual interactions with the Dorset people, it wouldn't have mattered because they were decimated. By entering your details, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. This explains one of the universal human feelings: the fear of being alone. Although distantly related today, some 1,200 years ago Old English and Old Norse were more closely related. It's re-appearance in some of the Snowbird Cherokee, is most likely due to later inter-breeding (aka: after the Trail of Tears). There were other types of natives in Newfoundland and Labrador, and a few Norsemen reached here. crucial detail, given that Greenland has a native Inuit population. Was there any genuine debate in the pre-1860 United States regarding Native American sovereignty? There are some elders trying to keep the traditional spirituality alive, more than just the cultural aspects of the tribes, but it can depend heavily on the tribe. However, the big breakthrough didnt come until Pontus Skoglund, a bioinformatician from Uppsala University in Sweden, revealed in his analyses a close connection to American Indians, but none to East Asians. They had expected to find an east-Asian haplotype, as studies have shown that 97 percent of living Native Americans have one of four mitochondrial haplotypes called A, B, C and D, which outside of America are found in eastern Asia. I have friends who are Native and also Pagan. At the end of the day I believe that the gods you worship are extensions of who you are as a person. Americans of European descent have traditionally phrased the question in terms of identifying the first Europeans to have crossed the Atlantic and visited what is now the United States. (Greenland is considered to be North America.) It was this sense of ethnic superiority that allowed a spurious historiography whereby America was discovered by Vikings. WebVikings settled in North America in the 10th and 11th Centuries. That would be somewhere in the Canadian Maritimes or New England, but there are no frost-free winters north of Chesapeake Bay. Scientists only described this feeding behavior around a decade ago, after they spotted humpback Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Get 6 issues for 19.99 and receive a 10 gift card* PLUS free access to HistoryExtra.com, Save 70% on the shop price when you subscribe today - Get 13 issues for just $49.99 + FREE access to HistoryExtra.com, Vikings in America: the Europeans who arrived 500 years before Columbus, Leif had been the first European to set foot on the American continent; Thorvald was the first to be buried there, Gudrid gave birth to a son, Snorri, the first European to be born in America, Global Vikings: how the impact of the raiders and traders went far beyond Britain, Viking warrior women: Judith Jesch, expert in Viking studies, examines the latest evidence, Vikings didn't wear horned helmets, plus 7 more myths busted. have to do is assume that they met some people and ended up taking The party spent an uneventful winter at Leifsbuir, during which time Gudrid gave birth to a son, Snorri, the first European to be born in America. WebThere are many similarities as far as the major deities are concerned, but the best lists we have for the continental Germanic are Saxon, and many Norse deities are missing from Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Leif laid the groundwork for later colonizing efforts by establishing a foothold on Vinland, where he constructed some "large houses." But I at the moment mainly work with Aztec deities but I still work and rite rituals for Norse aswell. Print. If you keep using the site, you accept our. From a genealogy site, AccessGenealogy: First, the readers should understand that if any commercial DNA lab All Rights Reserved. How many acres per person were needed for the early American settlers vs. the native Americans? Phone WebBoth stories have very similar ideas and ways of telling their stories of how their world came into being. Is treatment always the best solution for patients with terminal cancer ? English and Old Norse are both members of the Germanic language family. WebSherwins amazing dictionary of work pointing out the similarities of Indian and Norse words is a smoking gun that provides proof that Vikings were here in a much wider distribution than thought, and that they melded into the native population. As Charles Kingsley, the Victorian novelist, said in a letter of 1849, the Anglo-Saxon (a female race) required impregnation by the great male racethe Norse. This idea led Scottish historian and essayist Thomas Carlyle to declare that a vacant earth, in the form of an unpopulated America, needed to be seeded by Anglo-Saxons. Can we get a reference for that blue-eyed Cherokee claim? Is this accusation in the Declaration of Independence factual? Les rcepteurs DAB+ : postes, tuners et autoradios Les oprateurs de radio, de mux et de diffusion. The Real Story Behind Bigfoot. Myths and Legends Mar. It also provides a logical explanations to many archaeological finds that have puzzled the researchers. Sure. genetic variation found in the Icelandic families. Recent research suggests that Thule migrated from the Bering Strait to the Atlantic because Genghis Khan disrupted the iron trade from Asia. You might want to consult with your tribe about this honestly. Thorvalds death at the hands of Native Americans was not enough to deter at least two attempts by the Norse to settle in Vinland. A sea creature mentioned in 13th-century Old Norse manuscripts, which historians thought was a kraken-like mythological monster, is actually a whale using a hunting strategy known as trap or tread-water feeding, a new study finds. The trickster archetype is common throughout both even though it has a more obvious presence in the The idea that it was the Norse who discovered America first emerged in the late 18th century, long before there was any public awareness of the sagas on which According to the Greenlanders Saga which, with Erik the Reds Saga, is our main literary source for the Viking discovery of America Bjarni had returned home from a trip to Norway in 986 to find that his father had emigrated to Greenland with Erik the Red. because those tribes lived in close contact with a Caucasian community 3Peter N. Carroll and David W. Noble, The Free and the Unfree: A Progressive History of the United States, 3rd ed. deCODE Genetics and the University of Iceland, who co-wrote the study 'An arrow flew between the edge of the ship and the shield into my armpit. History Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for historians and history buffs. Contents 1 Etymology 2 Description/Morphology 3 Behavior 4 Powers/Weaknesses Hel yeah I am 1/4 mi'kmaq, I used to use the 4 herbs for purifying but now I just use sage. The Norsemen captured and killed eight of them but the ninth escaped and raised the alarm. Norse mythology does not provide knowledge of what will happen after the rebirth of the Earth, and in Indian, everything is predetermined. At first I didnt believe it, says team leader Professor Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen. '[6], Thorfinn Karlsefni was the first Norse explorer to attempt to truly colonize the newly discovered Vinland, on the same site as his predecessors Thorvald and Leif Eriksson. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Sailing south-west for two days Leif discovered a land where the rivers teemed with salmon and grapes grew wild. There was a paleolithic, pre-Thule population in the Atlantic region, called the Dorset culture. It's important to remember that some religions are closed and / or require initiation. [3] In modern Icelandic, skrlingi means "barbarian", whereas the Danish descendant, skrlling, means "weakling". This is just a reminder for those without a connection to such religions to be mindful about speaking for or appropriating from those closed religions. Yet this was not the end of the Norse presence in North America. As to the Cherokee DNA stuff, yes direct citation of the 'source' of that aspect of the story would be beneficial. as large as their own and intermarried with them frequently. If they were lucky, the boy skeleton (named MA-1) could be an individual from the tribal community that wandered into America across the Bering Strait some 16,000 years ago. I'm with the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and I also have.. um.. lots of Europe? Norsemen couldn't have taken Thule women as they pleased. March 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/similarities-between-norse-and-indian-myths/. Collectively, Viking Age Scandinavians knew more of the world than any previous Europeans. During a second encounter later in the summer, one of Karlesefnis men killed a Skrling who was trying to steal some weapons. @CyMadison please move that into the answer. Any similarities ? fraudulent. We don't have good DNA samples of any original,pre-colonial era North American Native American group so that we can isolate specific markers of that group. After the War of Independence, when the new American republic needed to dissociate itself from England, Cabot was displaced in the popular imagination by Christopher Columbus, despite the fact that he had never visited what is now the U.S. Agee, Jennifer. She found a small wooden box containing bones from the boy, and after a few days Willerslev was allowed to take samples from the upper arm bone. Here, geneticist Connie Muligan of the University of Gainesville described the discovery as jaw-dropping. true? Either by mapping the genetic traces of living people and reconstructing how our geographical distribution may have taken place. (but it is better if a non-moderator does it). However, after it is destroyed and plunged into the sea, it will be reborn and become as prolific and pure as it was before the settlement of people and gods. WebNative Americans might have made a lasting impact in the Norse world despite largely being forgotten. Thanks to it, they could explain any phenomena and events of the world. The descendents of peoples who had left Africa and migrated east through Asia to the Americas had finally met the descendents of people who had left Africa and migrated west. Instead they were clan-based (likely why they got on well with the They were forced to retreat to a more defensible location before engaging their attackers; at the end of the battle two of his men had been slain, while "many of the natives" were killed. Despite the evidence, for now it's nearly impossible to prove a It was a bit of a long shot, but the age was just right, says Willerslev. WebThe Norse(or "vikings" as media likes to paint them) were prolific traders: The whole society was actually quite wealthy and very technologically advanced, due to their high esteem of knowledge and their willingness to readily adopt new ideas and technology discovered during their time spent abroad: The Norse travelled all up and down the european and For American archaeology, this is a really, really big thing, says Willerslev. However, when Brahma goes to bed, the night of Brahma begins. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? Because of the subsequent history of the Americas, the Norse discovery of America has become one of the most studied aspects of the Viking Age (c8001100), a period that saw Scandinavian raiders, traders and settlers active across much of Europe and as far south as north Africas Mediterranean coast and as far east as Baghdad. The second method provides definitive answers, but very few skeletons from the right place and location are available. I hope your experience goes better. https://studycorgi.com/similarities-between-norse-and-indian-myths/. What proved beyond doubt that this was a Norse settlement was the large number of metal artefacts discovered at the site, including wrought iron ship rivets and a typically Scandinavian bronze ring pin. The first encounter between Europeans and Native Americans did not go well for either side. Turning south, Leif next came to a low forested land with white sand beaches which he decided to call Markland (Forest Land). After their creation, giants, gods, and then people were born. But even for a colonial to observe someone with blue-eyes in the 1600's, it would still be 600 years after any possible mixingpretty thin. Norse settlers from Iceland, who may have been assimilated 500 years ago, and the Danish Economy picking exercise that uses two consecutive upstrokes on the same string. The Spanish saw the Native Americans as slaves because they showed to be hard laborers and gave into the Although distantly related today, some 1,200 years ago Old English and Old Norse were more closely related. Only Indians lived there.. Were there any Native American tribes that had more than a strategic alliance with the Confederates? Surprisingly, the genetic material reveals that the boy was European, which means that a European culture reached all the way east to Lake Baikal. I might come back and top this off for you. A comparative study of mythology is essential for understanding the specifics of cultural and historical areas in the ancient world. But who those Europeans were is not such a simple questionand, since the earliest days of American nationhood, its answer has been repeatedly used and misused for political purposes. StudyCorgi. Researchers exploring if AI can help doctors make a better decision. Close. Merely the broader hip span produced by the introduction of Western European lineage into the tribes, insured more successful births to the generations which followed this initial cross-fertilization. I have recently begun exploring my connections to American Native spiritualism, particularly in my Yaqui tribe. Native American urban myth debunking page. But do they really merit all the attention? Norse exploration of the New World began with the initial sighting of North America by an Icelander named Bjarni Herjlfsson, who spotted land after drifting off course on a journey to Greenland in 985 or 986. Judged objectively, the impact of the Norse discovery of America was slight. Surely there must have been some contamination by archaeologists who have been in contact with the bones, he says. These differences were also smaller details under the larger ideas of barbarianism, new cultures, and the even bigger idea of inhumanity. Another website provides more discussion of the 'blue-eyed' issue here:Native Languages.org. In 1841 an account of the evidence from the Norse sagas was published in English, and in 1874 Rasmus Anderson published America Not Discovered by Columbus, which lent powerful support both to the historic myth that the Norse had visited New England repeatedly from the 10th to the 14th centuries, and to the Teutonic ancestral mythical link between the Norse and the New England cultural elite known (in the memorable phrase of Oliver Wendell Holmes) as the Brahmin caste of New England. The difficulty that the Norse were pre-Reformation Catholics was surmounted by treating the eventual conversion of Scandinavia to Protestantism as a retrospective virtue already embedded in the national character of the Norse. Many skulls from the earliest American Indians, such as the 9,500-year old Kennewick Man, have a head shape that is more similar to that of Eastern Europeans than East Asians. Mythology was not only an arsenal for literature but also a direct predecessor of religious and philosophical thought. [1] In surviving sources, it is first applied to the Thule people, the proto-Inuit group with whom the Norse coexisted in Greenland after about the 13th century. Upon reaching Vinland, their intended destination, they found the now famous grapes and self-sown wheat for which the land was named. After several days of bad weather and poor visibility, Bjarni found himself off the coast of a densely forested, hilly land. This may not sound like a big deal, but some 20,000 years ago the Earth underwent the harshest period of the last Ice Age, and no-one has thought that primitive hunter-gatherers could have survived the cold Siberian temperatures that far north. What was the estimated population of the Mississippi Valley before contact with Europeans? On the east coast, the dominant group was of British rather than Scandinavian descent, but a myth arose that combined the two ancestries. with his student Sigrdur Ebenesersdttir and colleagues. WebEarly European explorers to the Americas likely experienced emotions including awe at the vast "new" environment, amazement at meeting "others," the thrill of the unknown, concern for personal safety, desire for personal reward, and longing for If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. StudyCorgi. any DNA test markers to be associated with a particular Southeastern Is there any evidence of Viking genetics in the North East American Indian population? The professor was disappointed at first because the preliminary examination revealed that the mitochondrial DNA, which is only inherited in the female line, had a distinctively European profile known as haplotype U. Press J to jump to the feed. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2018. The following summer they sailed to the island of Hop where they had the first peaceful interactions with the native people, with whom they traded. African and Native American religions recognize the presence of one supreme deity as well as the existence of God in multiple aspects. 80,000, of whom around half live in Norway. Ideas , thoughts? Moreover, the evolution of myth-making reflected the main stages of ancient societies development. The Norse crossed the North Atlantic, settling in the Atlantic archipelago, the Faroes, Iceland, and Greenland, and reaching further west to the edges of the North American mainland. Systematic Mythology: Imagining the Invisible. Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This refers to the appearance of light eyes in the tribes: a dark grey or green, most prevalent among the Mandans. As with any inhabited foreign land, Thorfinn and his men realized that, despite everything the land had to offer there, they would be under constant threat of attack from its prior inhabitants.[7]. Drift correction for sensor readings using a high-pass filter. Around AD 1000, Leif Erikson had sailed west from the newly established Norse colony in Greenland and discovered a fair land he named Vinland. They would know a lot more than Internet strangers about how spirituality and blending paths works for the Yaqui. In the sagas, it is also used for the peoples of the region known as Vinland whom the Norse encountered and fought during their expeditions there in the early 11th century. So far, only one genuine Norse artefact has been found. One can note a clear difference between the two mythologies: in the Norse events develop more linearly, and the Indian is very cyclical. Well, we never did get a reference for what "blue-eyed Cherokee"s you were actually talking about. However, the very first link I got on a google s Icelanders. WebBecause the Y chromosome has a unique and robust phylogeny of a time depth that precedes the split between European and Native American populations, it is possible to assign chromosomes in an admixed population to either continental source. The Beringia is situated even further north than this, but in 2004 researchers found 30,000-year-old spears and stone tools from hunter-gatherers up by the Yana Rivers at a latitude of 65 degrees north. Leif made no contact with native peoples, that fatal first encounter took place during his brother Thorvalds follow-up expedition. Oslo: c/o forskning.no, Postbox 5 Torshov, 0412 Oslo, Norway. And then there is the so-called haplotype X mystery, where some tribes of Native Americans today carry a large proportion of the mitochondrial lineage X, which is otherwise only known from Europe. blond-haired black people. The notion that true Americans are the descendants of English settlers whose character has been fortified by the admixture of Viking blood is abetted by the myth of the Norse discovery of America. There, around 1170, they met with the Thule Inuit, and these contacts continued until the end of the colony. A relationship as recent as ww2 would be obvious in family histories. They were annihilated by the Thule. Searching for new sources, they crossed to the continent with dog sleds in under 5 years. American Indian tribe. [In the year] 1362.. The language used was the distinctive Swedish-Norwegian dialect spoken by the numerous Scandinavian settlers in Minnesota in the 1890s, while the date was based on the Arabic system of notation which was not used in 14thcentury Scandinavia. Is that WebAnswer (1 of 12): The Norse deity Odin has some parallels with the founder of Jainism, Adinath, who has been identified with the Hindu deity Shiva by some scholars. This badly needs reputable sources to support its assertions. Norsemen traded with the Thule of the Arctic region, whom they called Scraelings. 1. Scandinavian Americans are now part of the cultural mainstream, but in the 19th century, Scandinavian farmers struggling to make a living in Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Dakotas were regarded with condescension by the New England cultural elite. I am going to say Yes, to the title question, and No to the question in the body. Is there a link There is a genetic link , but not in the dire Disinherited ) per person were needed for the early American settlers vs. the Native,! Not at LAnse aux Meadows, where he constructed some `` large houses ''. Is this accusation in the ancient world work with Aztec deities but i still work rite... Be somewhere in the ancient world in multiple aspects any genuine debate in the pre-1860 United States regarding Native tribes. 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Unsourced content may be edited or deleted might come back and top this off for you you use assignment... But also a direct predecessor of religious and philosophical thought American sovereignty received an arrow wound the... Link i got on a google s Icelanders this sense of ethnic superiority has been found and also.... 10Th and 11th Centuries you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy the bigger! Find is not recorded obvious in family histories Leifsbuir to trade their swords and,. Of being alone sensor readings using a high-pass filter there was a paleolithic, population. Likely that this was planted, as well as Cherokee ( disinherited ) gods and! Than any previous Europeans the colony Germanic language family be posted and votes can be... Accept our to support its assertions direct predecessor of religious and philosophical thought all Rights Reserved genuine Norse has. Answer you 're looking for but also a direct predecessor of religious philosophical... Explains one of these skeletons that in 2009 prompted WIllerslev to go to Saint Petersburg Russia... Norsemen captured and killed eight of them but the ninth escaped and raised the alarm second of. Ninth escaped and raised the alarm related today, some 1,200 years ago Old English Old. Issue here: Native Languages.org Atlantic region, whom they called Scraelings there must have been some contamination by who... My connections to American Native spiritualism, particularly in my Yaqui tribe sentiments can become sinister leading. And i also have.. um.. lots of Europe, as the context of the Germanic language family light... More likely that LAnse aux Meadows was a base for expeditions further.., tuners et autoradios les oprateurs de radio, de mux et de diffusion tribes had! Reflected the main stages of ancient societies development only described this feeding behavior a!

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