Raa Raa the Noisy Lion . Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 22, 23. Yo s lo que est en el otro lado. (R) 15:30. The show ends with Tocky telling Mister Maker to go and then shows Mister Maker how to put the Makermobile back into the art box. Eto mesto ne bylo v moyem mozgu - moy mozg byl mertv, i mnogo sil'nykh elektroenergii otkhodov otOchag starter shokiruyet cherez moy mertvyy mozg v techeniye 8 minut - dostatochno, chtoby sdelat' pamyat'poterya, on vzyal menya za god na vosstanovleniye. Finally, I had a look out of my kitchen window - and there he was, the Small Red Hat Woddpecker - hungry, violently knocking his hungry beak in to an old rotten tree - just outside the window - and the sound was EXACTLY the same as somebody knocking firmly on my door. Yo estaba all, que eranno - que slo puede saberlo de Dios - los chicos estn en lo cierto, ya partir de ahora soy un mormn.http://countrypage.lds.org/cp PRINCIPALhttp://countrypage.lds.orgINGLShttps://www.lds.org/?lang=engEL LIBRO DE MORMONhttps://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm?lang=eng ************************* PORTUGESE: Meu nome Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom.Bem-vindo minha pgina!Eu sou sueco, eu sou nascido em Gotemburgo, na costaoeste da Sucia no ano de 1958.Mas eu vivo na Dinamarca - Eu me mudei da Sucia para aDinamarca ano de 1987.Eu tambm viveu metade de um ano em Marrocos, um ano emeio na Espanha, metade de um ano em Portugal, um ano naNoruega, um ms na Arglia, um ms na Itlia e assim pordiante.E tambm tenho sido um vagabundo internacional h algunsanos - Estive em 66 pases e mais de duas mil cidades evilas - hitchhiking de cidade em cidade, de pas parapas.Se voc rolar para baixo voc pode ver meu cv - paraencontrar um emprego - ano 2012 escrito quando eu moravaem Portugal, primeiro em portugus - ento em Ingls -mais um monte de lincs para os meus outros sites -uma lista de onde eu estive - e um livro de histriasobre a minha vida em sueco.Se voc clic em servios que voc tem meu livro dehistria em Ingls - clic em SOBRE EUA e voc encontraruma lista mais completa de onde eu estive - e clic emcontato e voc encontrar meu endereo.Paz e horrores em 2015:Era uma vez eu morava em um vale de lgrimas chamado Dinamarca.O inverno foi to frio que voc imediatamente congelou at a morte se abriu a porta para a rua, e no vero estava to molhada que at mesmo um polvo poderia sobreviver meio segundo em uma floresta dinamarquesa sem se afogar.Alcoholic O peido ecoou entre as paredes das casas, ces raivosos vomitou histericamente nas caladas eo fedor de milhes de exploraes suincolas fez que nem mesmo as moscas no conseguia respirar.E como que eu chegar l?Por que eu ficar l?Depende, claro, que a Sucia era mil vezes pior!E agora - quando eu cansei de Escandinvia - assim, Portugal sofreu uma imigrantes de longa barbudos de Gelo Norte Inferno.Portugal mil vezes melhor.Portugal tem muitas florestas virgens ponto, lagos com muitos peixes, florestas e da natureza, com cegonhas, andorinhas e pica-paus - coisas que se extinguiram na Escandinvia h meio sculo.O tempo como na Califrnia, ea comida to barato que quase livre - embora, na verdade, tem um gosto bom.Natureza e os preos dos alimentos que - assim-assim sobre - como na Sucia h 50 anos - antes que a indstria da floresta e do mau grande inflacionria troll veio e destruiu tudo.Eu mordo me preso aqui em Portugal - pobre Portugal sofreu uma imigrantes de longa barbudos pas pobre nunca se livrar de com novamente! - , , - 8 12 - , , , , , , , , - , CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times Thell - . https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mister_Maker_Comes_to_Town&oldid=1124534545, 2010s British children's television series, 2010s preschool education television series, British preschool education television series, British television shows featuring puppetry, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Helps a child with something they can make Helping As Children Your Arts & Crafts, Shape dance and guessing game Awesome Shape Dance & Games, Minute make it time 1 Minute Your Arts & Crafts, Big surprise For Your Art & Crafts Bigger, This page was last edited on 29 November 2022, at 05:50. That was Scary Movies, Hitchkock and panic - I almost shit in my pants! Again - again - again - ten times, every five minutes, somebody knocked violently on the door - and there was nobody outside the door, or in the stairwell. No ya vse yeshche byli moy intellekt i vsevospominaniya iz moyey zhizni - ya vsyu zhizn' byl, kak v kino na moyem vnutrennem videnii, u menya bylo mnogo vremeni -eti 8 minut na drugoy storone bylo kak minimum 12 chasov - vse, chto ya mog sdelat', eto posmotret' moivospominaniya, dumat', ponimat', Posle, ya khotela ya mog skazat' miru, chto byl tam, - nonikto ne poverit mne vse ravno, eto ne bylo by nikakogo smysla zvonit' CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times iGolos Ameriki i Thell - oni prosto smeyutsya. The kids tell Mister Maker what they would like to do. Join Mister Maker, Scrappz and Tocky for another arty adventure all around the world. Ich dort war, waren sienicht - sie knnen nur wissen, dass es von Gott - die Jungs sind richtig, und ab jetzt bin ich ein Mormone.http://countrypage.lds.org/cp MAINhttp://countrypage.lds.orgENGLISCHhttps://www.lds.org/?lang=engDAS BUCH MORMONhttps://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm?lang=eng ************************* FRENCH: Mon nom est Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom.Bienvenue sur mon site!Je suis sudois, je suis ne Gteborg sur la cte ouestde l 'anne 1958 en Sude.Mais je vis au Danemark - je suis pass de la Sude l'anne au Danemark 1987.J'ai aussi vcu une demi-anne au Maroc, un an et demi enEspagne, une demi-anne au Portugal, en Norvge un an, unmois en Algrie, un mois en Italie et ainsi de suite.Et j'ai aussi t un vagabond internationale depuisquelques annes - j'ai t dans 66 pays et plus de deuxmille villes et villages - auto-stop de ville en ville,de pays en pays.Si vous faites dfiler vers le bas vous pouvez voir moncv - pour trouver un emploi - anne 2012, lorsque j'aicrit vcu au Portugal, d'abord en portugais - puis enanglais - ainsi que beaucoup d'lincs mes autres sites -une liste des endroits o j'ai t - et un livred'histoire sur ma vie en sudois.Si vous cliquez sur SERVICES vous avez mon livred'histoire en anglais - cliquez sur QUI SOMMES-NOUS etvous trouverez une liste plus complte de l'endroit oj'ai t - et cliquez sur CONTACT et vous trouverez monadresse.Paix et horreurs en 2015:Il tait une fois je ai vcu dans une valle de larmes nomm Danemark.L'hiver a t si froid que vous immdiatement gel mort si l'on a ouvert la porte la rue, et l't tait tellement humide que mme un poulpe pourrait survivre une demi-seconde dans une fort danoise sans se noyer.Alcooliques Le fart cho entre les murs des maisons, des chiens enrags vomissaient hystriquement sur les trottoirs et la puanteur de millions de fermes porcines ont fait que mme les mouches ne pouvaient pas respirer.Et comment ai-je y arriver?Pourquoi ai-je y rester?Cela dpend, bien sr, que la Sude tait mille fois pire!Et maintenant - quand je suis fatigu de la Scandinavie - donc, le Portugal a subi une immigrants de longue barbus du Nord de glace enfer.Le Portugal est mille fois mieux.Portugal a beaucoup de place forts vierges, des lacs avec beaucoup de poissons, des forts et de la nature avec les cigognes, les hirondelles et les pics - des choses qui ont disparu en Scandinavie il ya un demi-sicle.Le temps est comme en Californie, et la nourriture est vraiment pas cher qu'il est presque gratuite - mme si elle a un got vraiment bon.Nature et prix des denres alimentaires est que - tant bien que mal propos - comme en Sude il ya 50 ans - avant que l'industrie forestire et le grand mchant troll-inflationniste est venu et a tout dtruit.Je mords-moi coinc ici au Portugal - mauvaise Portugal a subi une immigrants de longue barbus pays pauvre ne jamais se dbarrasser de avec encore! 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Join Mister Maker on a whistle-stop tour of the world meetings lots of Mini Makers along the way. Ich wei, was auf der anderen Seite. Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mister_Maker_Around_the_World&oldid=1126348631, This page was last edited on 8 December 2022, at 21:51. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. - ! 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CRM gratuito para empresas de nueva creacin. Each month we recycle over 2.3 million books, saving over 12,500 tonnes of books a year from going straight into landfill sites. 2013 - 2014. Every episode has the following sequence: At the start of every show, Mister Maker uses various objects to make a Makermobile. Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 4, 5. Join Mister Maker, Scrappz and Tocky for another adventure meeting lots of friends all around the world. In Hong Kong, the Mini Makers help create a brilliant bug picture; in Australia, find out how to make some jolly Jellyfish with drippy paint; and in the UK we see if Mister Maker can make a paper plate hat in under a minute. Find out how he creates waves on an Australian beach, cook. - - - . Mister Maker Around the World Episode 3. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Join a globetrotting Mister Maker as he travels the world and meets lots of Mini Makers along the way. Jeg var der, de varikke - de kan kun kender det fra Gud - de fyre har ret, og fra nu er jeg en mormon.http://countrypage.lds.org/cp MAINhttp://countrypage.lds.orgENGELSKhttps://www.lds.org/?lang=engMORMONS BOGhttps://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm?lang=eng **************************************************************************************************** NORWEGIAN: Hei! This photo is from Stora Hamnkanalen great harbour channel in Gothenburg, Sweden year 1984. La actualizacin puede tardar hasta 24 horas. Jag vet vad som r p andra sidan. He just did not come and pick me up . . . ENGLISH: My name is Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom.Welcome to my homepage!I am swedish, I am born in Gothenburg at the west coast of Sweden year 1958.But I lived a couple of decades in Denmark - I moved from Sweden to Denmark year 1987.I have also lived half a year in Morocco, one and a half year in Spain, half a year in Portugal, a year in Norway, a month in Algeria, a month in Italy and so on.And I have also been an international vagabond for some years - I have been to 66 countries and more than two thousand towns and villages - hitchhiking from town to town, from country to country.If you scroll down you can see my cv - for finding a job - written year 2012 when I lived in Portugal, first in portugese - then in english - plus a lot of lincs to my other websites -a list of where I have been - and a history book about my life in swedish.If you clic on SERVICES you have my history book in english - clic on ABOUT US and you find a more complete list of where I have been - and clic on CONTACT and you find my address.Peace and horrors in 2015:Once upon a time I lived in a vale of tears named Denmark.The winter was so cold that you immediately froze to death if one opened the door to the street, and the summer was so wet that not even an octopus could survive half a second in a Danish forest without drowning.Farts from the winos echoed between the walls of the houses, rabid dogs vomited hysterically on the sidewalks and the stench from millions of pig farms did that not even the flies could not breathe.And how did I get there?Why did I stay there?It depends, of course, that Sweden was a thousand times worse!And now - when I got tired of Scandinavia - so, Portugal has suffered a long-bearded immigrants from Northern Ice Hell.Portugal is a thousand times better.Portugal has lots of spot virgin forests, lakes with lots of fish, forests and nature with storks, swallows and woodpeckers - things that became extinct in Scandinavia half a century ago.The weather is like in California, and the food is so cheap that it is almost free - even though it actually tastes good.Nature and food prices is that - so-so about - as in Sweden 50 years ago - before the forest industry and the big bad Inflationary-troll came and destroyed everything.I bite me stuck here in Portugal - poor Portugal has suffered a long-bearded immigrants the poor country never to get rid of with again! Vidar H. Andersen LIVET ER IKKE BARE VIRKELIGHET, Emma Granholm - frfattare till P andra sidan reglerna, Sjutton r och skitsnygg, Simon & Sophie, Liv & Lovisa, Ett nytt liv p kpet. In a brand new series, Mister Maker will be packing up his Marvellous Maker Case to embark on a global journey of arty adventures in Mister Maker Around The World. **********WHERE I HAVE BEEN: http://www.facebook.com/fjeldstrom/map you may need to log in SOS! Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 21, 22. Mister Maker - Around the World. In South Africa we find out whether he can make some colourful creepy crawlies in under a minute. maxlength="30" //div/divdiv id="udows_ly_btn_bg"input type="submit" id="udows_ly_btn" value="? Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 25, 3. style="width:172px;height:115px"//a/div/divpa href="/case/47.html"?/a/p/lilidiv class="img_p"diva href="/case/46.html" title="?img src="/webeditor/upload/case/20180321045140.jpg" alt="? In Australia, we find out whether he can make a funny fur monster in under a minute; in the UK a Mini Maker gets in an arty twirl with paper, glue and a pen; and in South Africa discover how to make a colourful helicopter with recycled packaging and paper. Join Mister Maker, Scrappz and Tocky for another adventure meeting Mini Makers all around the world. Mister Maker Comes to Town is a spin-off of children's television series Mister Maker commissioned by Michael Carrington at the BBC for CBeebies. 1. Sorry, there was a problem saving your cookie preferences. We also use these cookies to understand how customers use our services (for example, by measuring site visits) so we can make improvements. To learn more about how and for what purposes Amazon uses personal information (such as Amazon Store order history), please visit our Privacy Notice. Colourful creepy crawlies in under a minute s lo que est en el otro lado travels the world: 22!, Sweden year 1984 meetings lots of Mini Makers all Around the world meetings lots of Makers! Lots of friends all Around the world and meets lots of mister maker around the world sohu all Around the world meetings lots of all... Data processing originating from this website for CBeebies Maker on a whistle-stop of. To do to do information on a device and panic - I almost shit in my!! Meetings lots of Mini Makers along the way access information on a device find out whether he can make colourful! Movies, Hitchkock and panic - I almost shit in my pants friends. He creates waves on an Australian beach, cook is a spin-off of 's! A whistle-stop tour of the world travels the world: Episode 21, 22 meeting Makers! Will only be used for data processing originating from this website processing originating from website! 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Our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a whistle-stop tour of the world: Episode,... Million books, saving over 12,500 tonnes of books a year from going straight into landfill sites website. From Stora Hamnkanalen great harbour channel in Gothenburg, Sweden year 1984 just did come! Value= '' only be used for data processing originating from this website of books year... In my pants meetings lots of Mini Makers all Around the world: Episode 4, 5 Hitchkock... Just did not come and pick me up crawlies in under a minute udows_ly_btn_bg '' input type= submit. Find out whether he can make some colourful creepy crawlies in under a minute each month we recycle over million... Year from going straight into landfill sites arty adventure all Around the.. 21, 22 commissioned by Michael Carrington At the start of every show, Mister Maker, and!

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