Smith Moving Co., Durnell told the jury on the fist day of testimony, under the questioning of Assistant District Attorney Robert Gawthrop III. False confessions can be quickly discounted if they state a false COD. It was emphasized that the police department felt like the perpetrator was present at the briefing. any similarities to the girl he kidnapped and held hostage and one of the murdered girls? They may have dropped something in that area, so we combed the area, said Sgt. The bodies of Abby Williams, 13, and her best friend Libby German, 14, were discovered near a river a short distance away from the Monon High Bridge Trail in Delphi, on February 14, 2017. But is there a summary anywhere of the current state of information on what happened here? (Midday/midweek). R192 My understanding is the Facebook page had a photo of an amateur singer as the profile photo. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. Web15 votes, 84 comments. R500 That's definitely weird. However, I do not think she is trustworthy. She wasn't there, and she doesn't know. But despite all of the evidence released to the public, investigators have always been open about the fact that they are holding some of it close to their vests with the goal of having information that only the killer would know when they finally arrest him. I don't think that the fat guy and his dad are the actual killer(s). It's hard to believe the DNA found under Libbys nails has yielded nothing. The picture looks pretty similar to the sketch. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I hope shes ok and the police is looking into it. There's also differing tales on the recording. Did anyone see the picture of a man with a standing next to a vehicle that matched a witness report? He went out the door and that was it. ON Reddit, they were saying that KAK (fat pedo guy) or someone who was using the catfish FB acct, used to post on the FB private forum where Libby's sister Kelsi posts (It's called: DELPHI MURDERS! it would have been a thrilling adventure. R13 if ever someone deserved a kick in the cuntbonesend him flying right off that bridge. license plate, year, make, model, color). I check online every few months, hoping that sob has been caught. death of the 50-year-old former Broadway actress. That's preposterous. Making it look like a random murder / sex / pedophile crime would make sense to muddy their motive. R383, It was Libby's older sister, Kelsi, who agreed to it. The bodies were discovered after a man's attention was drawn to the sight of 2 deer. I am not surprised that this crime was committed there, and I would not be surprised if Indiana law enforcement officers know exactly who did it and are simply too complicit or too incompetent to bring the killer or killers to justice. Wasn't the sister was the last person to see them and drove them there? I fell down into a rabbit hole of podcasts (they are several good ones devoted to this story) and Reddit threads. as he communicated with others. Knowing a little bit about that case, because I briefly consulted with one of the investigators shortly after the Golden State Killer case, I know that they have a tough investigation ahead, and they are doing everything they can to try to get that case solved.. [quote] I wont link cuz DL doesnt like the Mail, We don't like when people start threads with a daily mail link. Stayed tune. They have created a new team to look at this case off-site. And you know what they say about a stopped clock And maybe that Reddit thread was started by PB R204. If someone murdered my kid, I would be desperate too. Delphi Lawrences Instagram profile link read as . DNA found at the scene may or may not be connected to the murderer. "That young lady is a hero, that is no doubt, Indiana State Police Sgt. Died: April 11, 2002 (20 years Ago), HomeTown: London, England, United Kingdom. I haven't really followed this case, but I figured the a-hole murderer probably put one girl's face in the exposed crotch of the other girl. Those reddit links are all over the place. That is an extremely rare height, isn't it? i would think there would be some DNA or something from crime scene. I guess its because it happened in broad daylight, out in the open. I feel like the girls would have maybe tried to flirt or talk to a younger guy. The police did say they had a good idea of who had committed the crime and were waiting for him to slip up as it was just a matter of time. The voice is that of a man at least 50 yrs old. I was sure it was Chadwell, so I dont want to get my hopes up again. They have video, audio, and they should have dna of the killer, yet this case has been unsolved for nearly three years. If they know who it is, that name would get out. A rare development in the case was shared by cops earlier this week when they announced they were hunting for the creator of a bogus social media profile that was grooming underage girls and attempting to meet with them. But during the one-year press conference marking the Delphi murders, state police said Daniel Nations was "not someone we care a whole lot about at this moment in time.". And it was in no way someone going rogue. This was a deliberate move by those handling the case to draw someone out. IF that all is true, it suggests pre-planning involving multiple people. I have read they were sexually assaulted and that they werent. The suspect appears to be older. Most people think that LE knows who killed them but didn't have enough evidence. That girl was incredibly smart to get it recorded. But who knows what they are. The rest of the audio from Libby's phone can't be revealed because it's too horrifying. Delphi Lawrence was born on March 23, 1932 in London, United At the time, the suspect was described as a white man between 5-feet 6-inches tall and 5-feet 10-inches tall, weighing 180 to 220 pounds with reddish brown hair and an unknown eye color. I think it's quite plausible that the guy was walking carefully because of a rotting bridge. It bothered me that another child would have to be hurt, possibly killed to solve this crime. When you start patching together all of the little snippets, it seems like something very freaky was done with bodies. Clearly, being the the murderer of two children would be a worse situation for the killer than the father of boy who had impregnated his 13 year old girlfriend. It hasnt had a train on it since 1929," Carter said during a press conference on April 22, 2019. Not sure this guy would have tried to grab a couple of young boys, but who knows? eta: The blood and tissue under Libby's fingernails might be her own. The cause of death for the girls has never been released. While police continue their search for the Delphi killer, people across the country have been coming up with their own theories about who is responsible. I just finished part II. He decapitated one of his victims and posed get body so that it seemed as if she was looking at her body lying on the bed. R340, they do not doubt it's him, it's me- i just think it's too soon to say it's definitely him. R199 Interesting take. These girls owed drug miney? But not to the area. The man in the video doesn't need to be from the area. I cant go back to sleep now I need to know what happened to that girl on Facebook! I haven't followed this case extremely closely but now I do wonder if the police know it's this guy. There had to have been a sexual component, whether they were sexually assaulted or not. I cannot see someone closely involved in the investigation or to law enforcement revealing info that could in any way jeopardize the case. He has corresponded with him, but has yet been unable to visit. He deserves life in prison for what he did to the 9 yr old girl, regardless of guilt for the Delphi murders. He had tons of outdoors activity on his social media. Nothing good ever came from the Knoxville Tn. One man was part of a search party and claims to have seen the bodies. They released one of the only pictures from the Delphi murders in July of 2017, a full five months after the fact. If they did they wouldn't be in business long. This case has literally haunted me. He says the items were unusual. He lives in the town next to Delphi. my leg is just not letting me heal on this crime. Both sketches show a thin lipped man. I doubt that recording is 40 minutes, the phone would've died before the 40 minute mark. Tia. Those are the vibes some of his pictures gave me. It's a strange case. The cops are probably not going to feed her all their information just in case. Police should have been releasing more info in this case. Law enforcement admits the attack was not recorded. I wonder if the killer was law enforcement? The Delphi killings remain a uniquely disturbing case that refuses to leave the publics consciousness. The central piece of evidence that police had secured was a statement from Garnett in which he told them that he had, indeed, committed the murder. Perhaps someone who have lived in the area as a kid/teen/young adult, moved away. I dont think theres multiple pieces of the puzzle. They're keeping a lot from press. Places just like the Delphi hike. They are also asking years later about whether anyone saw a car in a nearby parking lot. I remember there was a long thread (or more than one) about this when it happened. Apparently LE was on them early on since he was having all these interactions with Libby. The sheriff also had notable body language that could be interpreted as guilt or fear. The model's images were reportedly used without their knowledge or consent. Because I'm obsessed with this case, on the forums I read several people have had interactions with this profile and are turning info into the police. That said, the writing style to me reads as a man in either law enforcement or law. Anyway this theory fit well with a number of factors: - unconfirmed rumor that A was gored through the abdomen - effectively confirmed rumor that other girl L had injuries consistent with fighting back, raising Q of why if one fought back, the other was targeted for (abdominal) brutalization - killed to end feared pregnancy story at least provides a motive for targeting apparently innocent kids no need to invent crazy stories like someone looking to collect a drug debt made his first approach by brutally murdering the debtors uninvolved child & her even-less involved friend in broad daylight in public - motive of ending an unwanted pregnancy could be viewed as reasonable enough by a boys parents (if they are deplorable shitheads) that they might help make arrangements before or after etc , which ties into: - unconfirmed stories / speculation that the girls mightve meant to meet up with someone at bridge, even though they didnt seem to recognize the pos they encountered. Assuming everything in that video at R500 is accurate it's pretty convincing. R127 I guess thats more comforting than just a random killer R83 cops are not releasing those details. What purpose would that serve if not to intentionally apply psychological pressure, via the destruction of his fantasy, which might lead to a slip-up? At this point i think they should release more footage from the vid/recording as I think it would help given they obviously have zilch in terms of evidence. Regardless of whether it's a real person he's encountered or an image of some kind. It could explain why Liberty was left undressed (to shame her and the family) and the other girl wasnt (collateral damage). Delphi Lawrence was born on March 23, 1932 in London, United Kingdom. i feel like they need some help from some higher sources. He doesnt have a beer gut, hulking arms, or short sausage legs. I truly don't believe Libby was meeting him (or the "model") bc it sounded like she had to get her grandma's permission, her sister to drive, and her dad to pick them up. One thing that has always stayed with me (either by reading Libby's grandmother's account of it or hearing Libby say it on a social media video) is that Libby was upset that her phone had to be reset to the factory settings and she lost photos stored in her phone. I just hope LE has enough evidence against him for a conviction. But it's his "type," the type he kills. The bridge has slats of decayed wood. There were also some texts leaked from one of the searchers who found the bodies where the searcher said the girls hadn't been assaulted, though the validity of the texts is uncertain. I dont feel strongly one way or the other, but I dont think its a certainty that they or someone close to them didnt know him. [1] I mean if they weren't involved in murder and drug smuggling it shows that they pick and choose their cases. That image is such a huge contrast to the horror that she experienced in her final moments. They all looked like his girlfriend who dumped him. when it had taken them for-fucking-ever to do jack shit about it and then they bungled and fucked up the search. Defields Lawrence was called to the stand to identify some clothes that had been found at the scene as belonging to his daughter. This one really bothers me in a way others don't. The scarves seem like a true report as Ive seen it over and over. Back up your claims please. It seems pretty in-line with their murders. [quote] Who the hell would walk that bridge, much less allow kids to walk on it alone? I think it was a stranger. If a suspect shows they have this kind of info, it can also be used against them in a trial. Im assuming he means fear on her face as the guy approaches.I cannot imagine having to view images and crime scenes like this and then go home and live normally. . I wish theyd nail this guy. It sways back and forth and its not something you can just jump on and walk straight across if youve never done it before. Jerry Holeman told A&E True Crime back in February that it's standard practice for his investigators to remain mum on such key details during ongoing investigations - particularly those that are considered high-profile. R22 I believe he is connected, he's definitely killed before and knew that trail. MYSTERY continues to surround the so-called Delphi Snapchat murders, nearly five years on from the killings of two teenage girls in Indiana who were found dead near a train track back in 2017. Police may soon be allowed to collect DNA samples from anyone accused not only convicted of a felony in the state. That person, he said, was his stepfather, Sam Whitaker. I will be very surprised if he isn't the Delphi killer Very. But i'm hoping they have some sort of DNA evidence or something they haven't released to public that would pin this on him. a hair, a skin sample from nails, just SOMETHING. Im thinking not. The only other reveals were that the video is 40 - some seconds long and it ends with the guys down the hill. R245 You are saying BG has nothing to do with the crime? Why are people so literal-minded? And frankly, maybe he doesn't know since many anonymous pedophiles use it. But if they don't have DNA then they'll never be able to prove it. That's got to be the guy. In cases where there were found to have been wrongful convictions, she said, 51 percent involved detailed, but false, confession. The police department took the liberty of connecting the spoken speech in the recording. Agree R183. I am assuming the killer was able to force the girls off the path and "down the hill" by either brandishing a gun or pretending he had a gun in his pocket. That and the condition of the bridge could account for the way he was walking. It has been four years. Reminds me of this sick fuck. The other investigators corroborated Durnells testimony, although under the objection of Garnetts court-appointed attorney, V. Clayton McQuiddy of West Chester, the statement was not read in court. Leigh is both a male and female name, so no, hes not posing as a woman. I always roll my eyes at the 'owed money to drug dealers' theory. The car was abandoned near the crime scene. Did this have something to do with the murders? They could have been used to spy on the girls. According to the officer, Garnett told police that he and Delphi had gone to a coal yard in the southeast section of the borough, where he forced her to have sex with him. "We've likely interviewed you or someone close to you.". Tip Information Contactse-Mail: [email protected] Line: (844) 459-5786Indiana State Police: (800) 382-7537, DELPHI |Complete coverage | Delphi timeline. Recent Reddit posts, some deleted, throw out the names Chr@stopher and V Nabors who live near Deer Creek. Indiana State Police Sgt. I dont believe the abortion by murder story. One day, months later, the father took his young son out hunting on some land that bordered the land of the boyfriends, the son was looking through the scope of the rifle and noticed something across from them, the father went to look through the scope and was shot and killed. View popular celebrities life details, birth signs and real ages. I hadnt know about the Brooks case but will read about it. Isn't part of the id problem a lot of guys look like h? The walkway they crossed was pretty damaged and he must have had prior experience of walking it, as he crossed it pretty quickly. The last of these was in 1990, opposite Prowse. It was bizarre when Leigh Kerr was answering FB questions and JDW popped in. We have estimated Delphi Lawrence's net worth, money, salary, income, and assets. She was nominated for a 1974 Joseph Jefferson Award for Best Actress in a Principal Role for her performance in "Separate Tables", at the Ivanhoe Theatre in Chicago, Illinois. I never wanted children and dont even like them but this case really bothers me. The guy is way older. In that first sketch, shown below, detectives say the mans hat was changed to make his facial features more recognizable. If it was neck injuries then it's likely knife or wire, or both. I'm not sure that's true, when the obituaries were published, one girl's date of death was the day after the other girl's, indicating that they must have known one died before midnight and one after, some time apart. So very tragic. R61 They probably thought it was just some creep following them and didn't need the police. And the sister isn't part of the official investigation. If they have someone who is 90% a good candidate for killer, I just have him "suicide.". I realize not all agree with my responses he said. Klein, who is currently in police custody, was charged in August 2020 with 30 felonies, including child exploitation, possession of child pornography, obstruction of justice, and synthetic identity deception. Did anything they said at either of the latest press conferences seem to fit with that theory? Garrett said the cause of death having a unique aspect that only the killer would know is the only logical reason he can think of for law enforcement withholding the Video. Her mother, Gladys Kent, was a classical dancer and was responsible for forming the children's dance troupe, the Kent Babes, Her father George was a musician and she grew up in Hayling Island, Hampshire, Educated at Those are the vibes some of his pictures gave me sways back and forth and its not something can. 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