Let us know. Available from: https://learningstore.uwex.edu/Assets/pdfs/G3658-12.pdf. Conserv Biol. Fruit pulp was the most commonly used tamarind product. For instance, planting fast maturing species for fuelwood and timber may help reduce pressure on T. indica for fuel thus conserving it for nondestructive uses such as provision of fruit and medicinal products. Tamarind Tree is part of the global Open Education movement that believes that irrespective of background, class, gender, religion, caste, etc. Shapi M, Cheikhyoussef A, Mumbengegwi DR, Matengu K, Van Kent A, Sifani J. Evolution of data collection methods for indigenous knowledge systems at the Multidisciplinary Research Centre of the University of Namibia. Thirty seven percent reported pruning T. indica so as to increase fruiting and improve manageability while 10% coppiced the trees to acquire fodder and firewood and enable regeneration and better fruiting of older trees. 2010;127:57388. The tree's wood can be used for woodworking and tamarind seed oil can be extracted from the seeds. He saw nothing. As the temperature cools down, you can slow down your watering process. In: Parrotta JA, Trosper RL, editors. We appreciate your anticipation of our new vision. They froze together. The largest section of Virgin Islands Books & Souvenirs. DJK participated in write up. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. No one dares sit in its shade. Tamarind trees are native to tropical Africa and were introduced to India by Arab traders in ancient times. Figure3 shows details of 15 observed T. indica/other trees/crop combinations and their frequencies. 2005;89(4):6745. Thats it! If Id fallen, theyd just say the ghosts pushed me. Furnished with soundproof windows, the rooms are en suite and offer . The area is located in eastern Uganda and lies between Longitude 33E and 34E and Latitudes 0N and 1N [15]. The vicinity of a tamarind tree was a preferred site for house construction as expressed in the words of one of the respondents: building your house close to a tamarind tree is advantageous since you are assured of a windbreak. He swore that if he got out of this alive, he would never again do something so stupid. It's even an ingredient in Worcestershire sauce. Ekambaram P, Namitha T, Bhuvaneswari S, Aruljothi S, Vasanth D, Saravanakumar M. Therapeutic efficacy of Tamarindus indica L to protect against fluoride-induced oxidative stress in the liver of female rats. These findings concur with Banana et al. p. 1516. During this time, water the tree once a week. Proximate and mineral composition of Tamarindus indica Linn 1753 seeds. Article This practice is in agreement with findings of Gunasena et al., El-Siddig et al. Well even believe you fought the ghosts to hammer your nail., If something happens to you, well never forgive ourselves!, Dont wait for your nail to go all the way in!. We are after all in Kashi, where one believes that there is no such thing as a ghost. Fibrous material was then removed and the fruit squeezed to get a concentrate which was used for flavouring porridge, millet bread and potatoes. They understood the gravity of the moment, cursing all the gods for putting them in such a situation. Few plants will survive beneath a tamarind tree and there is a superstition that it is harmful to sleep or to tie a horse beneath one, probably because of the corrosive effect that fallen leaves have on fabrics in damp weather. Fifty two out of the 60 tamarinds (87%) encountered in quadrats grew among other crops or trees. Traditional forest related knowledge and sustainable forest mangement in Africa. Americas National Research Council. This 4-star hotel features Asian restaurant and lounge bar on site and offers to take advantage of a fitness studio. Some warn that it is unwise to nap or sleep beneath a tamarind tree; this perhaps developing from the fact that very few plants, grass or even weeds will grow under the tree. Furthermore T. indica is easily accessible to all community members. Bunch of wimps!, Yes we are. It was a horrible clatter, enough to wake all the corpses in the cemetery. statement and Responses from focus group discussions and key informant interviews were organized around the major themes. Fruits of warm climates. TORORO District State of Environment Report. 75 grams carbohydrates. The tamarind tree produces brown, pod-like fruits that contain a sweet, tangy pulp, which is used in cuisines around the world. Accessed 8 June 2011. Morton JF. Copyright 1999 2023 VInow.com All rights reserved. Scattered in bars, coffee shop and restaurants, a 25-minute walk from Kenyatta Local Market, the comfortable Tamarind Tree Hotel Nairobi comprises 160 rooms. Tamarindus indica trees provided shade in homes, public places, for crops and livestock. Ghosts only attack people who turn around. Introduction: the growing importance of traditional forest-related knowledge. He felt someone or something suddenly pull his shirt from behind. He was trying to get down as fast as he could. PubMed Srimad Bhagwad-Gita says the final verses. Quantitative data were processed using MS Excel computer programme. The trees are considered by some to be spirit trees and so another warning states that you should not sit beneath a tamarind tree after sunset lest a spirit follow you home! The fruit . Why doesnt he go faster? Springer Nature. Antioxidants in some Ugandan fruits. The tamarind tree produces a natural air conditioning. Dont tempt fate, Manu! Results from focus group discussions and interviews reveal that the views held by local people (Tables2 and 3) are similar to the findings of various scholars who describe T. indica as a sustainable resource with positive environmental benefits, having many uses which is available during the dry season when other food supplies are low [79]. Tamarind. They moved together. A cross sectional survey was conducted in two districts purposively selected from the T. indica natural range. He stopped pounding to wipe his eyes. Corrections? In the Caribbean it is widely distributed. Aengwanich W, Suttajit M, Srikhun T, Boonsorn T. Antibiotic effect of Polyphenolic compound extracted from tamarind (Tamarindus indica L) seed coat on productive performance of broilers. 1036 South Jackson Street, Seattle, Washington 98104. AM participated in write up. Phil Trans R Soc B. And why has the American Right gone to war with it? Some recipes include adding cinnamon and other spices. Qualitative information was recorded and organized around major themes. All his blood froze. The leaves and fruit are used for various medical applications. Approximately half of respondents had T. indica on their compounds or homegardens (53%). Useful trees and shrubs for Uganda: identification, propagation and management for agricultural and pastoral communities. Article The extremely hard tamarind wood probably accounts for the existence of very old trees estimated to be over 100years old. Similarly, if the plants in your house are not Vaastu compliant, it could adversely affect your life. But they really are good, really! Respondents revealed that cropland was the least favoured location for planting T. indica because it competed for limited space with foodcrops. PN is a Professor in the Department of Forestry, Biodiversity and Tourism, School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University. Forgive me, he said. Creative Resources Systems; 1987 p. 11521. Trees begin to produce fruit after 4 years of growth, sometimes 5 and in some cases longer. [14] knowledge, attitudes and practices can be important indicators for conservation. Cotton plant, Silky cotton plant and Palmyra tree (a kind of palm tree) are also considered inauspicious when planted around a house. We indicate the names of villages and subcounties where the study was conducted. When visiting different parks and nature reserves there is often a trademark regulation that sticks in a visitors mind., Over the years we have received an assortment of questions, usually about beaches, things to do and where to stay. Noss RF, Dobson AP, Baldwin R, Beier P, Davis CR, Dellasala DA, Francis J, Locke H, Nowak K, Lopez R, Reining C, Trombulak SC, Tabor G. Editorial. Alternatively, the higher branches were accessed using a ladder. Several authors including El-Siddig et al., De Caluw et al. CT scan exposes that Buddhist monk inside 1000-year-old statue was stuffed with scraps of paper. Shadows moved around the tombs. Silently. Manus courage shook his friends, left them motionless. As they mature the flesh turns brown to reddish-brown and the skin hardens into a brown shell that is brittle. Tamarindus indica L. (Fabaceae): patterns of use in traditional African medicine. Tamarind Tree is one of the few K-12 spaces in India to run entirely on technology - that too OPEN Technologies. It produces pods of fruit that taste sweet and sour when ripe and even more sour when unripe or dried. Whats this piercing heat on my neck? He threw his hammer towards the ground; it bounced off several branches. A few years ago while visiting Estate Whim Plantation on St. Croix; where there is a large tamarind tree growing in the field, I noticed a young couple inquisitively looking at the fallen tamarinds and subsequently at the many tamarinds hanging in the tree. 2000. The damage was attributed to browsing of saplings by livestock, especially goats, and removal of bark of stems and roots of mature trees for medicinal purposes. TAKE LIFE IN YOUR HANDS TO REALISE VISION OF HUMAN LIFE: INSPIRED SPIRITUAL HAIKU, Daily Sharing Yog Vashishtha to Know Almighty 61, Begin your day with daily dose of music medicine for health and happiness: Haiku. Fountain Publishers. Youth in rural areas were more interested in earning an income from tamarind products. The constraints reported with regard to planting T. indica need to be addressed so as to boost planting. Get down as fast as possible. Responses from focus group discussions revealed that young people were not as knowledgeable as the elders concerning tamarinds uses. There are no ghosts! For instance, long maturity period could be addressed by exploring various propagation methods that shorten the period between establishment and harvest of T. indica. American Chemical Society; 2009: p. 85110. Ebifa E. Agroforestry introduction to the Kakira sugarcane outgrowers: a survey of the constraints and needs of the out-growers. Table3 is a summary of frequency citation of T. indica uses. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. who report T. indica as rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium and containing significant amounts of iron as well as sodium, copper, zinc and nickel [7, 8, 31]. Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species, Rome, Italy; 2008. But it's a staple ingredient in other Asian . He couldnt tell one thing from another. Eighty seven percent of T. indica encountered in quadrats grew among a variety of crops and other tree species. Qualitative information was analysed using qualitative methods namely theme analysis and content analysis [2325]. Tamarind fruit was eaten as snack by almost all the respondents (98.33% citation). PN participated in designing the study and write up. Tamarind trees and the fruit have a wide range of uses. The coolness under a tamarind tree however feels different than the shade of other trees, even those in the same proximity. Multi-stage proportionate sampling was used to determine the subcounties, villages and numbers of respondents for the study basing on the number of households and size of human population [19]. Google Scholar. UNDP Uganda Human Development Report 2007. The pulp is also used in traditional medicine and as a metal polish. I thought perhaps their reaction was to mine, so I began explaining once more what tamarinds were; that they were sour but tasty. We also expected IK to be higher among respondents in rural areas and elders than urban dwellers and youth respectively. According to popular belief, both are home to spirits and ghosts. The leaves, beans, bark, and wood of the tamarind tree have a wide variety of uses. every learner is entitled to high quality learning resources. He would finally confront the tamarind that had been mocking him. Alternatively a long stick was used to remove the fruits. Yummy. Head high, brisk step, anxious heart. The tamarind tree is native to Asia and Africa, but it also grows in tropical climates around the world. Gadgil M, Berkes F, Folke C. Indigenous knowledge for biodiversity conservation. Results of tamarind population studies will be published elsewhere. Identification and promotion of appropriate technology for processing tamarind products such as seeds and fibres that are currently wasted needs to be encouraged. Traditional forest-related knowledge: sustaining communities, ecosystems and biocultural diversity. If spirits really are around? volume13, Articlenumber:5 (2017) Inside the pulp should be a light smooth brownish color. Restaurants. Respondents reported fruit and whole trees as the most commonly sold tamarind products. Accessed 14 Dec 2008. School children simply removed the husks from tamarind fruits, put the fruits in bottles and added water. Tall trees, if present in the East or North-East direction of the house, emanate negative energy. Tamarindus indica L. is one of the indigenous fruit tree species that traditionally contributes to food security and ecosystem stability in sub-Saharan Africa. In the U.S. Virgin Islands and in other areas the most common and popular use is related to food and drink. Oral informed consent/assent was obtained before participation. But the preferred. Huddled against each other, they seemed, in the cemeterys light, to be wild shrubs in a deserted heath. The leaves have also been used in dying processes and fruit mixtures for cleaning silver and cooper. The limited accessibility of sacred groves is advantageous for preservation of T. indica in situ since trees therein are not usually cut down. Add beef $4. It is used extensively in Indian cooking to enrich the taste of savoury dishes (especially with meat). These findings are in agreement with the views of Nyadoi, [33] who proposes conservation of T. indica with other ecologically compatible-economically important tree species as a strategy for ensuring sustainable raw material supply for developing tree products industry. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4314060. Admitting youre afraid? Where are they? Approximately half of the respondents (53%) did not add fertilizer or carry out any other silvicultural practices on tamarinds. A modified form of snow-ball sampling was used to select respondents for key informant interviews [20, 21]. Data was processed using qualitative analytical methods. 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. The more he walked, the more the tree seemed to be getting farther away from him. How can we warn him now? . The common practice was to spare T. indica seedlings found growing in convenient locations such as compounds, home gardens or in public areas such as school or church compounds and along roads and paths. This is in agreement with Havinga et al. The coolness under a tamarind tree however feels different than the shade of other trees, even those in the same proximity. In the words of one respondent: Only the rich can afford to fell a tamarind tree so we sell at a giveaway price. I could hear them talking. But the preferred tree for cemeteries is the tamarind rather than the veppamaram. All the respondents mentioned that they made a popular beverage from T. indica fruit pulp (Table3). They went before him. Beliefs, taboos and superstitions were observed to be an intrinsic part of the IK of the communities in the study areas. He picked his courage back up, and his nail too. There are no ghosts. The fruit has multiple small bulges, each bulge is a seed. In spite of having an intricate IK system, it has not significantly affected processing of T. indica as no value-added products were encountered and T. indica remains underutilized. J Intercult Ethnopharmacol. The branches of the tree are supple with small bright green, fine foliage which give the tree a graceful appearance. But what was he to do in the meantime? Under favorable conditions a mature tamarind trees canopy might span up to 40 feet and have a trunk up to 25 feet in circumference. Manu was ready to do anything to prove that he was the bravest. Several beliefs and taboos regarding T. indica persist. But this is a mistake the old folks warn; the tamarind trees natural air conditioning qualities can give a person hot from working outdoors a fever and respiratory ailments and can even cause death. Were begging you! This is a reflection of competing landuses especially in urban areas. (Chapter 1). Its trunk was already enormous. Large menu, many choices. The fruit is a plump legume 7.524 cm (39 inches) long that does not split open; it contains 1 to 12 large, flat seeds embedded in a soft, brownish pulp. Scrape the pulp off the seed with your teeth and spit the seed out. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Stangeland T, Remberg SF, Lye KA. De Caluw E, Halamov K, Van Damme P. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.): a review of traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology in African natural plant products: new discoveries and challenges in chemistry and quality. Space with foodcrops the limited accessibility of sacred groves is advantageous for preservation of T. indica in situ trees. East or North-East direction of the house, emanate negative energy is also used in cuisines around the themes... Then removed and the skin hardens into a brown shell that is brittle coolness a. The flesh turns brown to reddish-brown and the fruit have a wide range of uses key interviews... 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