Proteomics in drug development: the dawn of a new era? The assay is typically run either as a temperature curve at a single compound dose or if the melting point of a target is known in dose response for more granular picture and to increase the sensitivity of hit calling. Chem. Advances in proteomics technologies that will impact therapeutic development in the coming years. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were treated with the PMRT inhibitor GSK336871, total protein was isolated, digested with trypsin, and immunoprecipitated with antibodies to arginine methylation marks. One of the major factors driving the cost of drug development is the high cost of failure, in particular failures in clinical development. Rev. Mol. several variations of pan-kinase affinity matrices using promiscuous ATP-competitive inhibitors have been available for many years [Citation7678]. For multiplexed samples that utilize TMT, the TMT reporter ions are known to potentially suffer from ratio compression [Citation14] which can lead to false negative quantitative results. Nat. The discovery of biomarker candidates, analytical validation, and biomarker validation depends on the ultimate intended use of the biomarker and required a more nuanced approach than the triangular paradigm associated with diagnostic discovery. The addition of a prenyl group (3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl) that facilitates protein attachment to cell membranes. 16, 424440 (2017). Data from Phase 3 clinical trials is also critical for reverse translation, understanding not only what pathways and disease pathologies are impacted by the successful drug, but also which pathways and pathologies remain unchanged thus providing potential targets for future drug discovery. A biomarker used to show that a biological response has occurred in an individual who has been exposed to a medical product or an environmental agent. have recently described several suits of biochemical tools to identify cell surface protein interactions, both at large scale, as well as in a pathway specific manner [Citation185,Citation186]. MultitaskProtDB-II: an update of a database of multitasking/moonlighting proteins. Plasma proteome profiling to assess human health and disease. Proteomics 18, e1700113 (2018). The schematic on the right outlines the steps involved in the drug discovery process. Drug Discov. DKK3 as a PD biomarker for HtrA1 in geographic atrophy [, A biomarker measured serially for assessing status of a disease or medical condition or for evidence of exposure to (or effect of) a medical product or an environmental agent, B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) or N-terminal proBNP (NT-proBNP) may be used as monitoring biomarkers during follow-up to supplement clinical decision making in pediatric patients with pulmonary hypertension [. Francavilla, C. et al. Mellor, H. R., Bell, A. R., Valentin, J. P. & Roberts, R. R. Cardiotoxicity associated with targeting kinase pathways in cancer. Natl Acad. Mol. Commun. 10, 507519 (2011). Cell 180, 373386.e315 (2020). This analysis looked at the documents submitted to regulatory agencies, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA), to support drugs approved between 2015 and 2019. A comprehensive pipeline for protein biomarker discovery and validation was described in 2006 by Rifai et al. Science 287, 20072010 (2000). As the above examples illustrate, a variety of different types of biomarkers are important for successful drug development. A chemical group that reacts with adjacent molecules, resulting in a direct covalent modification. Science 348, 803808 (2015). Schenone, M., Dank, V., Wagner, B. K. & Clemons, P. A. Biophysics in drug discovery: impact, challenges and opportunities. Gene expression at the RNA level, is Based on conversations with our industrial proteomics counterparts, we have reviewed the technological advances that we envision being most impactful in the bio-pharma proteomics arena in the next decade. This article reports the first draft of the human proteome. 130, 21842194 (2008). Chem. Rexer, B. N. et al. 30, 17971803 (2017). Phosphoproteomic mass spectrometry profiling links Src family kinases to escape from HER2 tyrosine kinase inhibition. Bolden, J. E., Peart, M. J. 13, 162164 (2014). Rowland, M. M. et al. However, due to each candidate peptide being analyzed twice, this approach decreases instrument duty cycle and ultimately proteomic depth. eLife 5, e12813 (2016). Mol. 14, 120135 (2015). The resurgence of covalent drugs. The majority of workhorse mass spectrometric instrumentation currently claim an average limit of detection (LOD) of approximately 10 amol or 6 million 50-kDa protein molecules, which is orders of magnitude higher than where the field was just a decade ago, but still correlates with challenges associated with analyzing very low level biological materials. Nat. Med. A streamlined mass spectrometry-based proteomics workflow for large scale FFPE tissue analysis. PubMed Proteomics software tools and databases: Drug Discov. Computational tools including instrument control software, data analysis. After cell lysis, labeled proteins are enriched typically using a biotin-based system with the biotin introduced post-lysis using e.g. Rev. Nat. In addition to successful target deconvolution for challenging transmembrane target families of interest such as solute carriers (e.g., SLC39A7/ZIP7 [Citation81], SLC25A20 [Citation82]), the introduced covalent bond also allows application to larger scale mapping of protein interactors and ligandable pockets in live cells for chemical libraries based on the PAL probe design principles mentioned above [Citation83,Citation84]. J. Biol. 5, 769784 (2006). J. Proteome Res. Proteogenomics connects somatic mutations to signalling in breast cancer. ACS Chem. Law, V. et al. Chem. Ed. This is a pivotal process, and a lot rides on its success, thus, efficiency is absolutely critical, but mainly for two key points: Nature 511, 616620 (2014). Proteogenomics utilizes a combination of proteomics, genomics, and transcriptomics to aid in the discovery and identification of peptides and proteins and pathways evolved a number of years ago [Citation41]. Drug Discov. Heusel, M. et al. Lobingier, B. T. et al. The arginine carrier ensured the peptide spent a sufficient amount of time in the pore and enabled sequencing of 13 of 20 proteinogenic amino acids. 196, 801810 (2012). Mertins, P. et al. 17, 420428 (2018). An alternative method for sample clean-up and its introduction to the ionization source, was described by Brunner et al. From a target perspective this means that essentially any small molecule-binding event to a protein of interest can be functionalized, even if the binding event itself is silent. While chemoproteomics has made crucial contributions to the identification of recruitment modules for, e.g., E3 ubiquitin ligase components like CRBN [Citation75], it is the large scale identification of ligands for targets of interest where it will most likely be most impactful. In situ kinase profiling reveals functionally relevant properties of native kinases. A novel liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay was developed to quantify arginine methylation changes at a specific residue (R225). Cell Chem. 12, 20402050 (2017). Biol. 7, 13404 (2016). 139, 680685 (2017). Cell 179, 543560.e526 (2019). 15, 32333242 (2016). 80, 41754185 (2008). This paper reports the discovery of ARS-1620, which laid the foundation for present clinical G12C-specific KRAS inhibitors. Many of these biomolecules are linked in disparate ways, not directly relating to our organized view that is the central dogma for these fields. Biol. Chem. A few years ago, the epigenetic era highlighted how our in vivo biological circuitry is often dependent on complex and highly heterogeneous post-translational events [Citation198]. Nat. Lomenick, B., Olsen, R. W. & Huang, J. Nat. Chem. Oncogenic mutations rewire signaling pathways by switching protein recruitment to phosphotyrosine sites. Effects of a selective inhibitor of the Abl tyrosine kinase on the growth of Bcr-Abl positive cells. Recently, Ouldali et al. Annu. & Aberer, W. Epidemiological significance of bufexamac as a frequent and relevant contact sensitizer. 2, 142143 (2016). Science 355, eaai7825 (2017). While the tools to fully distinguish between these proteinaceous species are lacking, the question remains if there are truly functional differences between proteo-isoforms, and therefore whether investing in this area is worthwhile [Citation181]. Sci. Soc. The Connectivity Map: a new tool for biomedical research. Nat. Leuenberger, P. et al. For the Cellular Thermal Shift Assay (CETSA) [Citation103] and its coupling with a quantitative MS-based read-out for proteome-wide analysis (also called Thermal Proteome Profiling, TPP) [Citation104], the compound-induced stabilization in cells or lysate is detected as protection from heat-induced denaturation by quantifying non-denatured protein in the supernatant after a centrifugation step. Drug discovery technologies have a huge role to play in the pharmaceutical sector`s overall growth, as the technologies immensely contribute to the innovative and blockbuster drugs` easy initiation. Shao, W. et al. Adam, K. & Hunter, T. Histidine kinases and the missing phosphoproteome from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. 12, 638650 (2013). Biol. Drug Discov. USA 106, 2198421989 (2009). Proteomics was recognized early on as a powerful tool with great promise for biomarker discovery [Citation129]. Rev. Identification of a primary target of thalidomide teratogenicity. Nat. Ito, T. et al. 17, 24482461 (2018). Laumont, C. M. et al. Afnity chromatography has been used Salisbury, C. M. & Cravatt, B. F. Optimization of activity-based probes for proteomic profiling of histone deacetylase complexes. Nat. van Vliet, D. et al. [Citation91,Citation92],) which differ in aspects including the exact probe design with either pre-installed or latent affinity handle as well as quantitative MS strategy with the final sample consisting of enriched probe-labeled peptides. Biotechnol. Proteome integral solubility alteration: a high-throughput proteomics assay for target deconvolution. Advancing targeted protein degradation for cancer therapy. Biol. Quantitative chemical proteomics reveals mechanisms of action of clinical ABL kinase inhibitors. However, despite extensive effort, and decades of research, there have been very few success stories. 26, 746757 (2015). Cell Syst. Photoaffinity-labeling (PAL) allows the interrogation of compound-protein interactions in living cells since a typical PAL probe consists of three elements: the pharmacophore responsible for target binding, a functional group for installing an affinity handle and a photoreactive moiety (e.g., diazirine, benzophenone) that allows proximity-based covalent labeling of the interacting protein(s) upon cell irradiation. 14, 14001410 (2015). 6, ra25 (2013). 11, O111 016717 (2012). Murale, D. P., Hong, S. C., Haque, M. M. & Lee, J.-S. Photo-affinity labeling (PAL) in chemical proteomics: a handy tool to investigate protein-protein interactions (PPIs). An analysis of the attrition of drug candidates from four major pharmaceutical companies. Combining LOPIT with differential ultracentrifugation for high-resolution spatial proteomics. This vast difference in relative abundance can make the analysis of lower level moieties extremely challenging. Interestingly, only 36 peptides from these distinct ORFs were observed, suggesting that the protein products are not stable and are degraded quickly. The Human Protein Atlas has been generated for probing a tissue based map of the human proteome, a wonderful resource for researchers who want to investigate the location of proteins at the tissue level [Citation197]. Chem. With the emergence of macrocycles [Citation187], aptamers [Citation188] and other new probe based technologies, additional new areas of the proteome and their interactions will be revealed as these tools become part of the proteomic toolbox. The in silico approach, an important part of rational design of protein kinase inhibitors, is founded on vast information about 3D structures of these enzymes. A road map to evaluate the proteome-wide selectivity of covalent kinase inhibitors. Taken together, since translational and post-translational events are primary readouts for the cells biological functionality, we expect that proteomics will remain a key technology in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological arena in the coming decade. Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNP-A1) was identified as a potential pharmacodynamic biomarker. Ultra-high-throughput clinical proteomics reveals classifiers of COVID-19 infection. West, G. M., Tang, L. & Fitzgerald, M. C. Thermodynamic analysis of protein stability and ligand binding using a chemical modification- and mass spectrometry-based strategy. In the future, as proteomic technology continues to improve and utilization continues to increase, we expect proteomic data will be a critical component, along with other omics data, pre-clinical and clinical data, of an integrated systems biology type approach to drug discovery and development. 28, 10691078 (2010). Enzo offers a line of products and services that can accelerate your drug discovery program. Cheung and colleagues [Citation17] dissected this approach and demonstrated the accuracy of SCoPE-MS is dependent on the amount of carrier proteome that is employed as well as the mass spectrometric parameters used during data analysis. Ruprecht, B. et al. Chemical probes for the rapid detection of Fatty-acylated proteins in Mammalian cells. Nat. Cell Rep. 8, 10371048 (2014). 138, 1333513343 (2016). These multi-omics datasets not only can provide insights into differential protein or metabolite expression associated with disease phenotypes and lab measures, but they can also be used to look for protein quantitative trait loci (pQTLs) which help interpret genetic associations. Biochem. Nature Communications Hodgman, M. J. & Thiel, E. C-kit, GIST, and imatinib. Phosphoproteomics reveals that Parkinsons disease kinase LRRK2 regulates a subset of Rab GTPases. As most of the drugs are currently targeting proteins, proteomics has a dual value, both in the discovery of new molecules as therapeutic targets, but also as a methodology to perform high throughput drug profiling. Article Article Nature Reviews Drug Discovery Scott, D. E., Bayly, A. R., Abell, C. & Skidmore, J. Science 327, 13451350 (2010). This step in the drug discovery process is very crucial and demands maintaining huge molecular libraries and carrying out thousands or millions of assays, which leaves the academicians and small pharmaceutical companies at a disadvantage and also shoots up the cost for larger industries. 23, 608618 (2016). Hein, M. Y. et al. This is due to a greater fraction of the available instrument duty cycle being used collecting data related to peptides that are identified in post-run data analysis pipelines. Resources for developing targeted MRM assays include the NCIs Clinical Proteomic Tumor Consortium assay portal and SRMAtlas [Citation177]. Proteoform: a single term describing protein complexity. Methods 17, 495503 (2020). Jiang, Y. et al. Metab. Koch, H., Busto, M. E., Kramer, K., Medard, G. & Kuster, B. Francavilla, C. et al. The CRAPome: a contaminant repository for affinity purification-mass spectrometry data. Nahnsen, S., Bielow, C., Reinert, K. & Kohlbacher, O. Such databases would prove invaluable for late-stage therapeutic development where protein expression can often determine the risk of off-target toxicity. 9, 495502 (2013). Combining multiple omics results resulted in clusters enriched in severe COVID-19 cases, such as a cluster that included the protein gelsolin (GSN) and the metabolite citrate. Overlaying these genome-wide multi-omics datasets can reveal novel networks [Citation48]. Chem. Paolini, G. V., Shapland, R. H. B., van Hoorn, W. P., Mason, J. S. & Hopkins, A. L. Global mapping of pharmacological space. Rev. Nature 545, 505509 (2017). & Mann, M. MaxQuant enables high peptide identification rates, individualized p.p.b.-range mass accuracies and proteome-wide protein quantification. Drug Discov. Donovan, K. A. et al. Here, we delve into the main technological themes and discuss their current limitations and future possibilities. Tools for label-free peptide quantification. Chem. One compelling application of this technology is the direct sequencing of cancer neoantigen epitopes presented on the surface of tumor cells. & Muir, T. W. A chemical probe for protein crotonylation. Sci. Interrogating the druggability of the 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase target class by chemical proteomics. Single molecule sequencing could enable the direct detection of therapeutically relevant epitopes for the inclusion of personalized cancer vaccine or engineered T cell therapies. The power of proteomics technology will lead to new clinical markers of disease, new protein therapeutics, and new drug targets. While these workflows are used so far predominantly for cysteine-targeting compounds, they can per se be applied to any reactive amino acids for which pan-reactive probes are available. Cell 169, 350360.e312 (2017). Choudhary, C. et al. Jarzab, A. et al. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. While the former will be mostly driven by progress in sample handling and sensitivity of the analytical platforms as described earlier, the latter poses the key challenge of high-throughput identification and generation of suitable probes. Science 356, 10841087 (2017). Nat. Proteomics strategy for quantitative protein interaction profiling in cell extracts. 54, 63426363 (2011). Registered in England & Wales No. Mol. While these resources have proven invaluable to early target identification, as targets get closer to clinical trials protein expression must be validated to limit potential toxic effects of therapeutic intervention. Krastel, P. et al. This Review provides a thorough analysis of small-molecule attrition, establishing a link between lipophilicity and clinical failure owing to safety issues. A chemoproteomic platform to assess bioactivation potential of drugs. Genome Biol. Chem. Another large scale protein sequencing project associated with the cancer cell line encyclopedia (CCLE) surveyed 375 cancer cell lines at an average depth of 8,500 proteins [Citation63]. Chemical proteomics identifies nampt as the target of CB30865, an orphan cytotoxic compound. Biotechnol. Huttlin, E. L. et al. Again, key points for method development in the coming years will aim to further increase throughput, sensitivity and ease of application for the various covalent chemoproteomics workflows. Karayel, O. et al. This is particularly true for non-canonical translation events that cannot be predicted from genome sequence alone. Rev. This paper reports how chemoproteomics enabled the discovery that thalidomide binds to an E3 ligase complex. Riley, N. M., Hebert, A. S. & Coon, J. J. Proteomics moves into the fast lane. Biol. & Cravatt, B. F. Enzyme inhibitor discovery by activity-based protein profiling. Suppression of inflammation by a synthetic histone mimic. JIMD Rep. 18, 117124 (2015). Evidence of protein detection in public, previously collected proteomic databases provides an avenue to detect target-protein expression in tissues that may trigger on-target toxicity in patients. A high-throughput approach for measuring temporal changes in the interactome. More specific approaches may be applicable in certain cases, such as the use of TAILS to identify novel protease substrates as discussed previously [Citation145]. 28, 371393 (2021). Biotechnol. Validation requires analysis of independent, well characterized clinical samples with robust, quantitative assays. Geri, J. Hang, H. C. et al. Chem. Chem. Bassani-Sternberg, M. et al. 16, 12161227 (2017). Chemoproteomic profiling reveals that cathepsin D off-target activity drives ocular toxicity of beta-secretase inhibitors. In this case, the covalent library members do not need additional features to be compatible with the workflow (compared to the PAL equivalent mentioned previously), so that throughput becomes a key limiting factor for screening applications. A draft map of the human proteome. Johansson, H. et al. Methods 15, 527530 (2018). Tsvetanova, N. G. et al. (CRISPRi). Moreover, recent advances in mass spectrometry, sample preparation, and . However, its footprint within the drug discovery process will depend on its adaptability to the changing needs with regard to the type of data it can provide, the ease, cost and throughput of data generation as well the ability to contextualize generated data and turn them into clinically relevant information and hypotheses. Target identification and mechanism of action in chemical biology and drug discovery. Future Med. Due to this, technologies that comprehensively capture the proteome will be important in defining biological systems at the core of drug discovery efforts. Mol. Pharmacodynamic and monitoring biomarkers are especially valuable in drug development and typically not discussed in the context of proteomics biomarker discovery, so we will describe a few of these examples in more detail. Biotechnol. NanoPOTS glass chips are composed of photolithographically patterned hydrophilic pedestals surrounded by hydrophobic surfaces to serve as nanodroplet reaction vessels. 136, 1077710782 (2014). First description of single cell proteomics with common laboratory cell line strains and the seminal paper that started the current excitement in single cell proteomics. This required diversification of the proteomic space sampled in our research importantly also relates to the clinical space: as a community, we need to generate data sets that are not just European descent-centric, but ensure inclusion of data being generated from participants and patients of African, Asian, or Native Indigenous populations. 11, 11131123 (2019). & Bose, R. Quantitative proteomics with siRNA screening identifies novel mechanisms of trastuzumab resistance in HER2 amplified breast cancers. Sci. Saei, A. A proximity biotinylation map of a human cell. 16, 269280 (2015). One such approach, the Covalent Inhibitor Target-site Identification (CITe-ID) workflow enabled the development of a PKN3 probe based on the observation that PKN3 is an off-target of the CDK inhibitor THZ1 [Citation101]. Nat. Frauenstein, A. et al. Engl. Vinken, M. The adverse outcome pathway concept: a pragmatic tool in toxicology. In embarking on assembling this review, we dissected the literature and interviewed colleagues for where they see this field evolving and having an influence in biotechnology and pharmaceutical research. Lenalidomide causes selective degradation of IKZF1 and IKZF3 in multiple myeloma cells. 19, 72 (2012). Chem. G protein-coupled receptor endocytosis confers uniformity in responses to chemically distinct ligands. J. Physiol. By focusing on low-level phospho-tyrosine and immunopeptidomic samples they demonstrate that quantitative dynamic range decreases 2 to 6-fold when a carrier proteome is employed. Curr. Architecture of the human interactome defines protein communities and disease networks. Confirm target engagement, PKPD for dose selection, demonstration of activity, proof of mechanism. Insightful interview of Dr. Stephen Barat by Drug Discovery World exploring how transcriptomics is driving drug discovery. Biological matrices and clinical samples including biomarkers. However, current iterations of RTS are still limited in the size of the database that can be interrogated within the limited time available between peptide sequencing scans (20ms). Mass-spectrometry-based draft of the human proteome. 12, 569 (2013). The above two articles relate to breakthrough studies that sparked renewed interest in targeted degradation as therapeutic strategy. One of the first MS spectrum prediction algorithms, MS2PIP [Citation52,Citation53], demonstrated that spectral prediction was a possibility. Becher, I. et al. High throughput discovery of functional protein modifications by Hotspot Thermal Profiling. Biol. Recently, two deep learning algorithms Prosit [Citation54] and DeepMass:Prism [Citation55] have demonstrated remarkable accuracy in predicting MS spectra given the peptide sequence, modifications, and fragmentation mode. Here, we delve into the fast lane high-throughput approach for measuring temporal changes in the drug program... Purification-Mass spectrometry data adverse outcome pathway concept: a contaminant repository for affinity purification-mass data... To serve as nanodroplet reaction vessels MS2PIP [ Citation52, Citation53 ], demonstrated that prediction... Profiling in cell extracts can reveal novel networks [ Citation48 ] into the fast.... Introduction to the ionization source, was described by Brunner et al to new clinical markers disease... Of failure, in particular failures in clinical development that Parkinsons disease kinase regulates! Limitations and future possibilities pubmed proteomics software tools and databases: drug Discov proteomics... Molecule sequencing could enable the direct sequencing of cancer neoantigen epitopes presented on the growth Bcr-Abl... Introduced post-lysis using e.g to safety issues the proteome will be important in defining biological systems at the core drug... 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Closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies that thalidomide binds to an E3 ligase.! Multiple myeloma cells cell extracts reports the discovery of functional protein modifications by Hotspot Thermal profiling this technology is direct..., recent advances in mass spectrometry, sample preparation, and in drug development drug! C-Kit, GIST, and new drug targets and validation was described in 2006 by Rifai et al Citation52... Adam, K. & Kohlbacher, O breast cancer and services that can accelerate drug. Bcr-Abl positive cells [ Citation7678 ] examples illustrate, a variety of different types of are... You are consenting to our use of cookies protein crotonylation phosphoproteomics reveals that cathepsin off-target! Facilitates protein attachment to cell membranes recent advances in mass spectrometry profiling links Src family kinases to escape HER2.