This is the new normal," said O'Malley, who earns a salary of more than $200,000 and is one of the longest-serving superintendents among the state's 10 largestschool districts. Box 2573, East Lansing, MI 48826-2573. The normal budget increase is about $4 million. As of July 1, 2002, anyone currently employed as a school psychologist or hired as a school psychologist, will receive salary guide credit for the 6th level due to the extra course work required for certification. Evening parent-teacher conferences shall be scheduled on Tuesday and may be conducted for a two (2) hour and fifteen (15) minute period. The Edison Township Overcrowding Task Force scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 450 Division St. was canceled due to school closing and is expected to be rescheduled in the next couple of weeks, according to the board president. This factor will be applicable only after the guidelines above have been considered, and only in light of the fact that those with lesser service will have greater future opportunity to reapply if their request is not granted. Decisions rendered at Levels II, III, and IV shall be communicated in writing, on forms previously adopted (see 5. below), and any denial shall specify the reasons/basis for denial. Vouchers should be submitted when reports or dictation tapes are submitted. Years as an assistant will be considered as equal to those of a head coach for longevity placement when said assistant achieves head coach status. All teachers with a homeroom or teaching assignment occurring at the start of the school day shall be in their respective rooms five (5) minutes before the late bell in the morning. The grievance must then be presented, in writing, within thirty (30) calendar days to the Associations Professional Rights and Responsibilities (PR&R) Committee. All mentor teachers shall be compensated at the rate of five hundred fifty dollars ($550.00) per school year. If a resolution to the grievance fails, then the grievant and the PR&R Committee will be presented a copy of the principal/supervisor response within thirty (30) calendar days of the decision. Compensatory time may only be taken upon approval of the SupervisorStaff Development. If by Board, to the Association President and/or the First Vice President at the Association office. No decision affecting a Staff Member's terms and conditions of employment will be made until the Principal has formally observed and evaluated that Staff Member. Teachers who desire to apply for any vacancy shall submit their applications in writing to the Superintendent's office within the limit specified in the notice, and acknowledgment shall be given to all such applicants. Guidance counselors, psychologists, learning disability teacher consultants, and social workers employed on, or after, September 1, 1993, shall work a total of one-half (1/2) of the days scheduled from September 1 through the beginning of the in-school year of teachers, and from the end of the in-school year of teachers, through June 30. Forty dollars ($40.00) per period for three (3) to five (5) students. School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades, Anti- Bullying Bill of Rights District and School Grade Report, Message from Assistant Superintendent - Pupil Special Services, Special Education Parent Advisory Council (ESPAC), Policy Guidelines for Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE), Parental Rights in Special Education (Revised August 2016), Referral Process & Child Study Team Services, Educational Service Option for Students with Disabilities, Middlesex County Project Lifesaver Program, Edison Township Public Schools - Transition Programs, IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), 2022-2023 Subscription Bussing Application, Technology Help Desk Repair Ticket Requests, Edison Township Public Schools Preschool Program, Policy 1530 Equal Employment Opportunities, Current Vacancies and Online Applications. Woodbridge Township Education Association 34 Green Street, Suite A Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095 732-634-5028 . Teachers shall receive their final checks on the last working day in June if all records are complete and approved by the school principal. In such matters, it is advisable to have an Association Representative in attendance for advice and guidance as to the Association's viewpoint. "Our teachers are saying every student has to know there is at least one caring adult for them and that there is someone to talk to and they have meaning," he said. A teacher returning from disability leave shall file with the Superintendent or designee a certificate from his/her physician certifying his/her fitness to resume assigned duties. 18A:12-21 et seq . Written Performance Reports shall include but not be limited to: Performance areas needing improvement based upon the job description; An individual professional improvement plan developed by the evaluator and the teaching staff member. Single-session in-service days shall be in the afternoon and may be scheduled on any day when school is in session, except not on the day before a holiday break or during the month of June. & 2. Spring Track (boys/girls) E MS Basketball (boys/girls) Salary guide credit will be adjusted twice per year, at the same intervals used for tuition reimbursement (e.g. All meetings between the parties shall be regularly scheduled, whenever possible, to take place when the teachers involved are free from assigned instructional responsibilities unless otherwise agreed. Lacrosse MS Wrestling. Teachers may volunteer but must obtain prior approval of the building principal. Every effort will be made to ensure that personal planning time will be used at the discretion of the teacher. Kindergarten teachers will be provided with two (2) preparation periods of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes each. coaching, degree differential, 39, 41 Board policy, 3, 37 2021-2024 Agreement . The concern/problem should be clearly presented, and solutions or suggestions to address the concern may be offered by the individual. "The problem is not building a school but funding it afterward. All rights reserved. About 2,000 students are crammed into Edison High School and 2,700 at J.P. Stevens,with the schools designed for a capacity of 1,200 to 1,500 students. Passing time will not be scheduled as part of the preparation period for elementary special subject teachers. The Association shall indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses that may arise out of, or by reason of, any action taken or not taken by the Board in conformance with this provision. The Board will not change insurance plans/carriers without first discussing the proposed change with the Association. As of May 24, the listing may be posted to Association members who are appropriately certified to complete CST evaluations. Assignments will be posted on the department level. personal file, 22, reading specialist, 15, 20 A voluntary Section 125 Flexible Spending Account may be made available by the Board. The conference will be arranged at a time most convenient to all parties involved. Additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Board. You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence's blocking tools, or visit to learn more about Wordfence. The value of the program to the individual, as determined from the candidate's application, and through personal interview with the Superintendent or designee. "We can never go back. September, February). "So yes, it is counterintuitive to what we as public schools really want with our community, but it's where we are today. JULY 1, 2008 - JUNE 30, 2011 . Employees shall be subject to payroll deduction as necessary to reimburse the Board or its carrier for benefits erroneously paid. There shall be no Tuesday faculty meetings held during the week in which the in-service program is scheduled unless prior agreement to do so is made between the Board and the Association. The arbitrator so selected shall confer with the representatives of the Board and PR&R Committee, hold hearings promptly, and shall issue a decision not later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the close of the hearing, or if oral hearings have been waived, then, from the date of final statements and proofs of issues that are submitted. Our 2023 Annual Conference will show you how. Teachers hired on or after July 1, 1986 will be reimbursed for graduate study in accordance with the provisions of this Article only when the course work is in the teacher's field of certification or related to their present assignment. Teachers whose date of appointment for one-half (1/2) work day or more, but less than a full work day, is between October 1 and February 1 inclusive shall receive a one-half (1/2) step increment in the salary guide. If certification or documentation of such has, because of extenuating circumstances beyond the teachers control, been delayed, loss of increment will not be incurred by the teacher. Phone: 517.321.6467 Fax: 517.321.8908. Each of the Associations named above shall certify to the Board, in writing, the current rate of its membership dues. BOARD OF EDUCATION . Education Association Board of Education All school nurses and athletic trainers required to report for sports physicals shall be paid a per diem compensation of one two-hundredth (1/200th) based on a daily rate or, if needed, an hourly rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). The Board shall provide training for all mentor teachers before the start of their assignments. Teachers who are involuntarily transferred shall receive written notification of the Board's action. However, all degrees differentials in multiples of fifteen (15) credits shall be maintained for teachers employed prior to July 1, 1986. Compensatory time may only be taken upon approval of the principal. The teacher may withdraw from TSDE at any time and return to the standard method of observation/evaluation. A teacher shall receive no step increment if the teacher accumulates more than one hundred fifty (150) calendar days of requested unpaid leave during the course of a school year. Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons. In addition, full credit for up to four (4) years military service will be given. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. HTEA Contract 2018-2021 Board of Education member Paul Distefano said O'Malley has been instrumental in making Edison a nationally ranked school district. If by Association, to the Board and/or the Superintendent, at the offices of the Board Secretary. chaperone duty, 11 All elementary reading specialists are to receive a duty-free schedule. "If you build it, they will come," O'Malley said in describing the district's growth. However, for safety concerns, teachers must personally notify the office that they will be out of the building. Written Performance Reports shall be based upon a compilation of classroom observations and other written supervisory reports by all supervisory personnel who come into contact with the teacher in a supervisory capacity. Additional authorization for dues or other deductions may be received after August 1, under rules established by the State Department of Education. 50 timely township topics at sessions crafted to keep you on top of the changes, requirements and expectations of today's local leaders. Jeffrey Bowden David Dickinson, Board Member Edison Township Education Association. Assistant Superintendent - Pupil Special Services, Chief Academic Officer - Elementary Administrator, Chief Academic Officer - Secondary Administrator, High School Math Textbook ISBN Information, Middle School Math Textbook ISBN Information, Elementary School Curriculum Guides and K-2 Report Card Rubrics, Gifted and Talented Parent Information Night, District Health Forms & Athletics Information, Edison Board of Health Immunization Schedule. An additional 500 students are expected to enroll for the 2018-19 school year. The in-school work year for guidance counselors, psychologists, learning disability teacher consultants, and social workers shall be equal to the in-school work year of teachers except that guidance counselors, psychologists, learning disability teacher consultants, and social workers employed before September 1, 1993 shall work from September 1 through the beginning of the in-school work year of teachers, and from the end of the in-school work year of teachers through June 30. No teacher shall serve as a mentor to more than one (1) provisional teacher at a time. Formal classroom observations for the purpose of assessing teacher performance and teacher evaluation shall be conducted only by personnel holding a supervisory certificate issued by the New Jersey State Board of Examiners. A teacher may file an addendum to the observation report within ten (10) working days after the follow-up conference. For services that contribute towards the out-of-pocket amount, once the catastrophic limit is met, benefits will increase to one hundred percent (100%) of the reasonable and customary amount. Forms used for observation reports and annual written performance reports shall be only those that are developed in cooperation with and agreed upon by the Association and approved by the Administration. Effective for unit personnel new to the district, who are hired on, or after, July 1, 1996, one-half (1/2) credit for up to six (6) years of teaching or related experience will be given. Problems and/or issues affecting district-wide policy shall be referred for consideration by the district-wide curriculum coordinating committee. The district gets at least 125 new high school students each year. Monroe Township Education Association. At the same time, the disposition of the unresolved grievance at Level I shall also be submitted in writing to the Committee. A Basketball (boys/girls) The staff development trainer will be assigned no teaching or duty periods. Middle School Team Leaders will be compensated at the rate of eight hundred dollars ($800.00) per year. The PIP shall be based on the job description and shall focus on the most important areas of professional growth. If required to facilitate/conduct in-service sessions after the completion of the normal school day at the elementary school level, the curriculum resource teachers will be compensated in time equal to the time required to facilitate/conduct any in-service session. He began. It is expected that all parties will exhibit professional behavior at all times. No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by the Board, or by any member of the administration, against any party in interest, any Association Representative, any member of the PR&R Committee, or any other participant in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation. In the event that the position cannot be filled, this posting will be district-wide. A contracted part-time staff member whose work day ends prior to the end of the school day does not have to come back at the end of the school day to attend any staff meetings. The Written Performance Report shall not contain any material unless it has been brought to the attention of the teacher. The Professional Improvement Plan (PIP) shall be developed by the evaluator and teaching staff member. ARTICLE I RECOGNITION 1. in-service program, 35 Consultation time for special education teachers and regular education teachers will be provided. "We've done this, and we don't get a lot a credit for it, without any debt. Under our current health care company, if you need blood work done, have it done at Lab Corp. EDUCATION ASSOCIATION FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2018 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2021. Said deductions shall be deposited in an account mutually acceptable to the Board and Association. Ellen Baxter Dr. Zhaobo Bob Wang, Board Member Parent-Teacher Conferences shall not exceed three (3) per year, two (2) during the fall semester, and one (1) during the spring semester. If requested by the Association, an opportunity to present any, or all, Level IV grievances shall be availed the Association President, and/or the Association Grievance Chairperson. Guidelines for degree differentials are contained in Article XXXI, Section E, Paragraphs 1. Pre-school classified students will be considered re-evaluations for this process. For high school science teachers assigned laboratory courses scheduled for six (6) or seven (7) class meetings per week, the normal teaching load shall consist of four (4) class sections per day. O'Malley said the school board has a committee looking at the need for a new high school. See physician's statement These days shall be mutually agreed upon and may be scheduled from September 1 through the beginning of the in-school work year for teachers, and/or from the end of the in-school work year for teachers through June 30. In the event that certified substitutes cannot be hired for extended absences of a speech-language specialist, any caseload assignments will be compensated at a rate in accordance with Article XXXI, Section I, Paragraph 5. An Association Representative may speak at the conclusion of any school level meeting, or at a designated time mutually agreed upon by the building principal and the Association building representative. REMINDER: TAKE ACTION TO PREVENT THE FLU! The current collective bargaining agreement was ratified by the WTEA and the Woodbridge Township Board of Education and covers the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. . The report shall not be placed in the teacher's file or otherwise acted upon without prior consultation with the teacher. Membership on this committee shall include personnel from each educational level (elementary, middle, and high schools) and from every type of position within the organizational hierarchy (teacher, supervisor, administrator, special service personnel). Wrestling D Golf Welcome to the Ewing Township Education Association webpage! salary guide, 39, work day, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 34, 40 In addition, the middle school Association Representative will be exempt from a homeroom or bus supervision assignment. The Board shall provide a payroll deduction program for the purchase of United States Savings Bonds. (732 . He said schools have never been ranked higher and SAT scores are at there highest level in a decade. Instructional Program Assignments, 42 The workload of an elementary teacher with a .5 assignment will be one-half (1/2) of the total instructional time of a full-time teacher. The teacher has five (5) working days to sign the Written Performance Report. This number may be waived in months in which there are five (5) Tuesdays. In such cases, the observation shall not mention staff members by name. The applicant's length of service as a teacher in the district, and secondarily in the profession. You just have to remain vigilant," said O'Malley, adding that the district also has worked on addressing mental health and has used Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care to provide training and screening and to deal with students and staff. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the reasons for the transfer. The number of meetings shall not exceed four (4) per month. Should a mutually acceptable amendment to this Agreement be negotiated by the parties, it shall be reduced to writing, be signed by the representatives of the Board and the Association, and be submitted for ratification to the Board and to the Association. Everything is paid for. Emil Ferlicchi James Kukor, Board Member "I talked about one Edison when I first came in because it was a district of 17 totally different schools," said O'Malley, who focused on giving all students the most rigorous curriculum. All grievance hearings shall be at a mutually agreed-upon site in Edison Township. Approval by a state educational authority alone will not suffice in this case. The Board will pay the difference between the grant and seventy-five percent (75%) of the applicant's salary. The individual for dues or other deductions may be received after August,. Taken upon approval of the Board for this process O'Malley said the school principal teachers... 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