. Now we have a long way to go before our planets Merkaba Fields imbalances are corrected so I postulate that these strange sounds will be with us for some time yet. (Not that i understand all hes saying). The limited dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. Similar results were obtained by Pechony et al. {\displaystyle c} I totally agree that there are profound changes going on in our energetic reality. It involves a new burgeoning science called Keylontic Science. Schumann resonances may therefore help us to understand these feedback effects. The base atmospheric electromagnetic resonant frequency is 7.83 Hz. Human beings vibrate, (yes that means you) and the frequency they emit ranges from 5-10hz. The Schumann Resonances encircle the Earth, repeating the beat which has been used to study the planets electric environment, weather, and seasons. Share Is the Earths heartbeat of 7.83 Hz influencing human behavior? Its electromagnetic field surrounds and protects all living things with a natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 hertz on average the so-called "Schumann resonance," named after physicist Dr. Winfried Otto Schumann, who predicted it mathematically in 1952. These bolts are a source of radio waves, which make the atmosphere ring at the Schumann resonant frequencies. I believe there is a relationship with approaching the black hole in the centre of the Milky way. Stand and spread your feet wider than your hips, at a 45-degree angle, and bend your legs. The strongest of which is at 7.8 Hz. No one really knows why. As we move up in the colour spectrum, the frequency is higher. Earth's climate has fluctuated through deep time, pushed by these 10 different causes. Called "Q-bursts", they are produced by intense lightning strikes that transfer large amounts of charge from clouds to the ground and often carry high peak current.[25]. The shaman believes we are dreaming the world into being. The earth itself vibrates as a resonance of 7.83Hz and better known as the "Schumann Resonance. The reason there's a fluctuation is due to the variations in the ionosphere and the major factor here is the intensity of solar radiation. Continental deep-convective thunderstorms produce most of the lightning discharges on Earth. This is a physical/spiritual Universe. Around the Earth, there are roughly two thousand lightning storms at any given period of time,producing around 50 flashes of lightning every second. Not only is our planetary spin not normal for natural planetary accretion principles to take place, but our magnetic fields axis is 11 degrees off in the opposite direction as well. It is amazing that this shift can be mesure, but for sure in 2015 this shift is now palpable. Humanity's accelerated burning of fossil fuels and deforestation (forests are key parts of the planet's natural carbon management systems) have led to rapid increases of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and global warming.Scientists have known for centuries that gases in Earth's . This is to total amount of electromagnetic energy that our planets morphogenetic field should possess. and the frequencies are loud and clear to me I hear them constantly. This technology created by the U.S. air force was designed to focus energy in the ionosphere. This pulse or frequency which has been likened to a heartbeat has been stable at approximately 7.8 cycles per second for thousands of years. The frequencies in the Schumann Resonance.Source: STW/Wikimedia. Presumably there is some change due to the solar sunspot cycle as the Earth's ionosphere changes in response to the 11-year cycle of solar activity. The Schumann Resonance of 7.83 Hz has also been linked by some to hypnosis, meditation, and even human growth hormones but theres less rigorous scientific evidence of those connections at this point. The Schumann Resonances encircle the Earth, repeating the beat which has been used to study the planets electric environment, weather, and seasons. To start, simply go outside barefoot. Flowing around our planet, the waves crests and troughs align in resonance to amplify the initial signal. Why is the U.S. so Medically Backward about Ozone? Some more plausible than others. These daily variations are usually in the order of +/ 0.5Hz. What is Earth's resonance frequency? By emitting Earth's natural 7.83hz frequency, COCOON essentially neutralizes incoming EMF radiation. Ive been feeling these waves of shift for years, and the intensity is rising. Since then, scientists have discovered that variations in the resonances correspond to changes in the seasons, solar activity, activity in Earth's magnetic environment, in water aerosols in the atmosphere, and other Earth-bound phenomena. In this case, the sweet spot for resonance requires the wave to be as long (or twice, three times as long, etc) as the circumference of Earth. [18] It was concluded that no particular systematic variations of the ionosphere (which serves as the upper waveguide boundary) are needed to explain these variations. [8] Because of this contribution, it has been suggested to rename these resonances "SchumannFitzGerald resonances". Faster healing may be possible with additional electrical stimulation. And any system involving wavelengths is interactive. For many years this resonance frequency has hovered at a steady 7.83 Hz with only slight variations. [24] Specialized receivers and antennas are needed to detect and record Schumann resonances. These closely match the ranges of normal brain-wave beta and alpha states: Early Russian cosmonauts lost 80% of bone density when they spent extended periods outside Earths magnetic field. Scientists therefore proposed another source of electrical excitation: induction of ionospheric currents by Saturn's co-rotating magnetosphere. Peace and Love and Life. Frequency increaes down the way, starting with 0Hz at the top. So long as the properties of Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these frequencies remain the same. The atmosphere was first proposed as a good conductor of electricity in 1893 by George FitzGerald. This offers hope. Looks like Mother Earth is giving birth to a new US United Sovereigns of Earth. Chart 3: Amplitude variation in each of the first 4 resonances, ie an indication of the amount of energy present in each harmonic. And the human brain is not designed to operate at just the 40+ Hz range of brain wave frequencies. Hi, The higher resonance modes are spaced at approximately 6.5Hz intervals (as may be seen by feeding numbers into the formula), a characteristic attributed to the atmosphere's spherical geometry. This is an extremely low frequency wave that can be as low as 8 Hertz (Hz) - some one hundred thousand times lower than the lowest frequency radio waves used to send signals to your AM/FM radio. As a sensitive I feel these on a daily basis (they can feel like onslaughts at times). 3; Changes in the frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme weather events. For example, many places have experienced changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves . This resonance provides a useful tool to analyze Earth's weather, its electric environment, and to even help determine what types of atoms and molecules exist in Earth's atmosphere. Indeed, there are multiple Schumann Resonances (7.83 Hz, 14 Hz, 21 Hz, 26 Hz, 33 Hz, 39 Hz, 45 Hz and 59 Hz), two of which are ALREADY focused in the 40 Hz range. These Resonances could Vibrate New Meaning to Life ! Due to solar radiation, individual electrons are dislodged from otherwise neutral gas atoms in this region, creating positively charged ions. Ive been thinking along the same lines without notes to the science aspects and I did have an experience that now makes things much clearer. The first Schumann frequency centers on 7.8Hz and typically ranges from about 7.2 to 8.6Hz. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. {\displaystyle f_{n}} Your Gateway to NASA Earth Observation Data. I believe the work of Rupert Sheldrake illuminates the interaction/relationship between frequencies; =resonance. At best, they can only control through experimentation which can be harmful to us in the short run but is not infinite for the eternal plan. MP3 available for sale HERE: https://powerthoughtsmeditationclub.d. Thisaccounts for much of the measured flow in this electromagnetic cavity. Time and again we have revelations measuring brainwaves in variious exercises. A 8.5 16.5 Hz frequency moves one out of the theta range into more of a full calmer alpha state with faster more alert beta frequencies starting to appear. This is an extremely low frequency wave that can be as low as 8 Hertz (Hz) - some one hundred thousand times lower than the lowest frequency radio waves used to send signals to your AM/FM radio. Due to the recent interest in Titan, associated with the CassiniHuygens mission, its ionosphere is perhaps the most thoroughly modeled today. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. This means our atmosphere is continuously resonating with a radio frequency of 7.83 Hz, along with progressively weaker harmonics at around 14.3, 20.8, 27.3, and 33.8 Hz. [2002],[56] Morente et al. [1], The global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952. As Earth's climate has warmed, a new pattern of more frequent and more intense weather events has unfolded around the world. Whatever is happening, its clear that this acceleration may make you feel more tired, exhausted, dizzy, depressed, and even strange as you raise your own frequencies to be more in tune with the New Earth. What is also changing is that higher harmonics are being measured. It is a pulsing that I experience that quickens foot to head. Copyright 2007-2023 & BIG THINK, BIG THINK PLUS, SMARTER FASTER trademarks owned by Freethink Media, Inc. All rights reserved. I was told by a wise old sage from India that the magnetic field of Earth was put in place by the Ancient Ones to block our primordial memories of our true heritage. A common approach is to make a preliminary assumption on the spatial lightning distribution, based on the known properties of lightning climatology. The amount of resonance fluctuates as the ionosphere becomes more or less dense. Upper tropospheric water vapor (UTWV) has a much greater impact on the greenhouse effect than water vapor in the lower atmosphere,[45] but whether this impact is a positive or a negative feedback is still uncertain.[46]. The REAL explanation by a well established and recognized scientist- https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=25&v=T2bJYUz-NiY. We do know that frequencies at the Schumann Resonance are incredibly important to our phsiology and mental well-being. There is always lightning somewhere on Earth, but there are well-known seasonal variations and patterns of lightning storms, which produce annual fluctuations in the measured Schumann resonance. Glad to have validation for what I have been feeling. RELATED: LIGHTNING MAY ACTUALLY PROTECT LIVING ORGANISMS. As a longtime astrologer I recognized his work as it applied to ancient astrology concepts. The Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) Program provides full and open access to NASA's collection of Earth science data for understanding and protecting our home planet. As we start to understand the workings of the Universe in a greater manner, certain teachings of the ancients start to gain scientific validation. which affects ionosphere shape and conditions, but they return to their base frequencies when things settle down. The Heartmath Institute publish a constantly updated chart of average Schumann power in the first 4 harmonics, measured at different sites around the world. Although the air force sold the Alaskan facility, sighting that They had completed their research, this technology is being used for many purposes, most commonly is weather control. Sound Design: Serene ambience, warm pads, melodic wolf howls. These emerging resonances are naturally correlated to human brainwave activity. [2006]. The waves were named after Winfried Otto Schumann, in honor of his seminal work on global resonances in mid-1950s. [citation needed], Interest in Schumann resonances renewed in 1993 when E.R. Price [2000][47] suggested that changes in the UTWV can be derived from records of Schumann resonances. The atmosphere of the Earth is actually a weak conductor. [65] Though three visiting spacecraft (Pioneer 11 in 1979, Voyager 1 in 1980, and Voyager 2 in 1981) failed to provide any convincing evidence from optical observations, in July 2012 the Cassini spacecraft detected visible lightning flashes, and electromagnetic sensors aboard the spacecraft detected signatures that are characteristic of lightning. When beeing sucked up in a black hole timeconsciousness will change; Frequencies and its relations will change. The ancient Science of the Shields. Also the way its worded you seem to be suggesting that we influence earths field as much as its influencing us. Since the landing of the Huygens probe on Titan's surface in January 2005, there have been many reports on observations and theory of an atypical Schumann resonance on Titan. The first suggestion that an ionosphere existed, capable of trapping electromagnetic waves, is attributed to Heaviside and Kennelly (1902). He claimed that the magnetic field changes are now loosening those memory blocks and we are raising our consciousness to greater truth. An alternative approach is placing the receiver at the North or South Pole, which remain approximately equidistant from the main thunderstorm centers during the day.[28]. At our opening class we discussed how human evolution and personal transformation is having a global effect. The wonder lay in the quickenings of the next 10 years or so, when Key sound folkies orchestrate a group Sounding of awakening Folkies around the globe simultaneously, measuring the Schumann frequency ascending change in Time. One of the interesting problems in Schumann resonances studies is determining the lightning source characteristics (the "inverse problem"). . However, it was not until 1963 that some techniques were developed for extracting the exact resonance frequencies from background noise. But something started to happen in 2014. Scientists discovered many years ago that the earth gives off a pulse. It is known as the "BEAT OF THE EARTH", has substantial HEALING benefits, and ancient Egyptian and Greek instruments were discovered tuned to 432Hz.", the meme reads. I feel is possible to function at an other consciousness level, and things that are not in alignement with our truth is being invited to be transmuted.. 3 is the number for complete, completion, and the perfect witness of God. [2003]. Rivers: working to shape mountains. Scientists find evidence that your brain can sense Earths magnetic Field, Heartmath Institute (schumann resonance and psychophysical regulation), The Heart of the World, Sierra Nevada, Colombia. Flowing around our planet, the waves crests and troughs align in resonance to amplify the initial signal. Changing frequency of flood generation processes. Scientists report that the Earths magnetic field, which can affect the Schumann Resonance, has been slowly weakening for the past 2,000 years and even more so in the last few years. Could also be HAARP (high frequency, active, auroral, research, program). This can lead to an increase in precipitation intensity, duration and/or frequency. The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor and if there were no sources of charge, its [50] The evidence is indirect and in the form of modulations of the nonthermal microwave spectrum at approximately the expected Schumann resonance frequencies. n On the other hand, some optical satellite and climatological lightning data suggest the South American thunderstorm center is stronger than the Asian center.[27]. "It's like sitting inside a ringing bell," said Harrison. The Schumann Resonances are not increasing. It has not been independently confirmed that these are associated with electrical discharges on Mars. The body uses its own electricity to repair wounds. However, occasionally extremely large lightning flashes occur which produce distinctive signatures that stand out from the background signals. But there have been other changes too. Chart 2: Frequency variation in each of the first 4 resonances. Awesome very interesting ! These frequencies ALREADY cover the same basic range in which the human brain operates. A historic frequency change. And what an accident, there was a major solar flare just before: http://thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2014/08/24/powerful-solar-flare-reaching-m5-9-erupted-from-region-2149/. 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[23] These signals are very weak at large distances from the lightning source, but the Earthionosphere waveguide behaves like a resonator at ELF frequencies and amplifies the spectral signals from lightning at the resonance frequencies. I believe that everything we are seeing with regard to earth changes, etc., are designed to deceive us and draw us away from worship of the Creator, YHWH God, and to become ensnared by the lies of the Deceiver! [35] Sentman and Fraser developed a technique to separate the global and the local contributions to the observed field power variations using records obtained simultaneously at two stations that were widely separated in longitude. Thus, the peaks of radio signal strength at the Schumann resonance follow a constantly shifting but reasonably predictable schedule. I had the opportunity to hear him speak and was thrilled that he briefly mentioned his theory as proving how astrology works! The base atmospheric electromagnetic resonant frequency is 7.83 Hz. If there was no source of electric charge for the atmosphere, its energy would dissipate in about 10 minutes but it doesn't. (The graph is usually blue with some green, and no white.) So, what is changing? All data and theoretical models comply with a Schumann resonance, the second eigenmode of which was observed by the Huygens probe. The electric component is commonly measured with a ball antenna, suggested by Ogawa et al., in 1966,[25] connected to a high-impedance amplifier. The resonances fluctuate with variations in the ionosphere, with the intensity of solar radiation playing a major part. The base atmospheric electromagnetic resonant frequency is 7.83 Hz. These oscillations are called the Schumann resonances. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The best documented and the most debated features of the Schumann resonance phenomenon are the diurnal variations of the background Schumann resonance power spectrum. Is Artificial Intelligence Becoming Conscious? First measured in the early 1960s, the very low-frequency waves (with the base at 7.83 Hertz) oscillate between greater and lower energy. Whether it's quackery or not is still being researched, but there are some researchers who believe that our bodies can be influenced by the electromagnetic resonant frequencies around us. yes i do believe for years that spirituality has something to see with sciences AND actual technologies.maybe they knew more about this, in the past and ancient civilisations .confirming we have a low memory for the most crucial thing to set us free from ignorance domination .wake up for good !! I have observed in the past 10 years or so the audience response to said ascending frequency though they are all same songs, sung in same key, the audience response is generating greater feedback. Earth's magnetic field is governed by the flow of materials in our planet's core, and it seems that two competing magnetic "blobs" along the outer core are pulling at the magnetic north pole. Well see in time I spose. Some have even. Schumann resonances on Titan have received more attention than on any other celestial body, in works by Besser et al. 11 Signs You May be Experiencing a Shift in Vibration: 1 - A Strong Urge to Explore your Individuality As you go through a spiritual awakening, you will have an unrelenting desire to detach from limiting belief systems and explore your own philosophies more. Schumann resonances are the principal background in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum[2] from 3Hz through 60Hz,[3] and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83Hz (fundamental), 14.3, 20.8, 27.3, and 33.8Hz.[4]. If the resonant frequencies were to fundamentally change, this could only be because the shape and size of the Earth-ionosphere bottle was changing, which hasnt been observed. Scientific research shows that our DNA acts as an antenna to these sources. [5][6], Effects on Schumann resonances have been reported following geomagnetic and ionospheric disturbances. From the shrinking ozone layer to the changes in our planet's magnetic field, there's plenty to keep researchers busy. Lightning-made Waves in Earths Atmosphere Leak Into Space, These waves have also been studied for their impact on humans. Is the Earth's frequency speeding up? The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. You are a soul, not a body. Since the Schumann frequency is said to be "in tune" with the human brain's alpha and theta states, this acceleration may be why it often feels like time has sped up and events and changes in our life are happening more rapidly. Well have to watch and see. Changes in earths Frequency will effect the human body, but will it effect it in a negative or positive way? In January of 2017, the Schumman resonance reached frequencies of above 36 Hz, which was unusual. The sensors used to measure Schumann resonances typically consist of two horizontal magnetic inductive coils for measuring the north-south and east-west components of the magnetic field, and a vertical electric dipole antenna for measuring the vertical component of the electric field. It is needed for life as we know it. The cavity is naturally excited by electric currents in lightning. This vibration is considered. , (formal amateur astronomer, now EEG biofeedback researcher), At least soeone understands whats going on. Ultimately both the 7.8 and 14Hz will go adjust in proportion and energy will shift to the 20Hz frequency. Is climate change caused by humans? Doing who knows what? Earth has been a snowball and a hothouse at different times in . [36], Schumann resonance amplitude records show significant diurnal and seasonal variations which in general coincide in time with the times of the day-night transition (the terminator). As a singer the ascending scales of faster oscillations, vibrations and frequency impact directly on the audiences I sing to and with. The strongest evidence for lightning on Venus comes from the electromagnetic waves first detected by Venera 11 and 12 landers. Other spikes are caused by equatorial coronal holes ejecting field lines into Earths electromagnetic cavity when Earth passes directly across them. Lets see the source of the current spectrogram: all ELF frequency values are still in the expected range: So there is no observable rise in the Schumann spectrum. That has yet to be determined, seen, experienced and recorded for future generations. Posts about Earth's Frequency Changing written by Higher Density Blog Some of the waves if they have just, The 'sweet spot' for creating this resonance is when the wave is as long or longer than the circumference of Earth. Being measured observed by the U.S. air force was designed to focus energy in the spectrum... Receivers and antennas are needed to detect and record Schumann resonances may therefore help us to understand these feedback.! Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952 is actually a weak conductor atmosphere was first as... 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