I discuss this in more depth in this comment: Thanks for asking. etc If Jeromy has covered this somewhere on this site, just follow his directions. If you ever want to discuss, we can have a Skype/Zoom call. This EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure is a primary reason why electrical sensitivity is increasing when high-speed internet is installed in our communities. You can do the same thing for your cable modem:, I use a Cornet ED88Tplus and listen for any sounds on it, even if ever so faint, I use studio headphones. We are seeing a lot of people who are having effects from cell towers and small cells. WebThe fiber also can be used directly as a transducer to measure a number of environmental effects, such as strain, pressure, electrical resistance, and pH. The quality of fiber internet depends heavily on the construction process that allows it to reach you, which really depends on the provider. 6.) I owe my health to the discovery of your website three years ago. Do you have a YouTube channel? I did so and the very second that the windows in my browser became active, I was hit by symptoms e.g. Indeed, shouldnt be a big issue.. Hi, we have just had fiber optic broadband fitted to all telephone poles in street. I would like you to go to this site, it will give you some more ammunition and to understand what and why this occurs. In the review, Hardell says this is a conflict of interest. Question, I am doing everything possible to mitigate EMF as Im super sensitive., Does any of this matter? Wi-Fi sends data via electromagnetic radiation, a type of energy. they are always sending and receiving information, but these devices transmit just According to a different 2017 animal study, the radiation emitted from Wi-Fi may also contribute to neurodegenerative disease and brain function in rats. Optical fiber is about 100120 microns Thanks for your reply. If you can use an older cable network, that should be better. You can do a search for cell towers and antennas here: Thanks Julia! Currently, theres no definite answer to this question. Wonderful that you have connected the dots! She is even injured by the tower and it seems to be what has given me the stroke and heart attack. So if Fiber Optic is an option I should avoid altogetherthats absolutely fine! I had changed from my Internet from Server 1 as they were determined to give me a SMART modem that had 2.5GHz, 4GHz and 5GHz, when they knew that I was vulnerable to EMR, and had been suffering radiowave and microwave illness since 1960 (ex-military microwave communications officer). Glad the article has been timely for you. The main reason I want a smart phone is because I like to listen to podcasts and YT videos. I just got an AM radio, RadioShack 12-464, and am wondering if the feedback I hear is due to electric and magnetic fields as well as dirty electricity? I would work with a local EMF consultant to discuss this issue. As usual your article is very interesting and clear. Non-ionizing EMF is low-level radiation which is generally Im pretty sure its directly associated with the installation. Thanks for your question. What about using one of these to see if it reduces/stops the stray voltage coming in on the line? I have an iPhone 12 max pro and My hands go numb after only holding the phone five or 10 minutes. Having pure fiber run to each home with specifically selected/designed low-EMI ONT devices for the data conversion in the home and no small cells deployed in the community is a low-EMF future for all that also provides fast, secure and reliable internet. Indeed Karl. However, the only data connection will be at the ONT device. Question What about the fiber optic junction boxes? EMI from Specialty Lighting: Server 1 is going to disconnect my phone in two months and if I cant solve this problem with the power adapter and this problem of the 700-800V/m, then I am in real problems. I would greatly appreciate it if you could explain how the fiber optic method creates EMF if you do not choose to use the utility companys internet service, but the wires are running below your front yard, up through the box on your yard, etc. On next street is another box they go to repair my phone landline (needed repair twice in last 2 yrs (he said AT&T was trying to rid landlines). 5G, or fifth generation, is another type of wireless technology. Great questions. Is there anything I need to have them do prior to running fiber optic cable underground and into my house? Studies have demonstrated a reduced risk of colon cancer when populations with diets high in total fat switched to a diet high in total fiber and certain whole-grain Im about to pick a new net provider for the next year or so and am choosing between Xfinity coax which I already have, it has a clear impact on the houses DE, or trying AT&T fiber which is true fiber. You are exactly right. The power adaptor of modem measures 700-800V/m 380mG at the power connection and all power points in my home measure 700-800V/m, including the Ethernet cable to laptop and all phones connected to VOIP. Indeed, wonderful to meet you in person as well! Thanks for the timely info! This will greatly increase the RF in your neighborhood. Thought they had as there were large box that always hear a fan at end of our street, thought was fiber. So, this is an area of which I need to be EXTREMELY careful! Residential is in a small confined space and has more soft bodies present (humans and animals, in other words). For most ES people, sticking with older technology as long as possible is the best option for now. But since you obviously understand what you have written, my question is whether what I have told you about the timing of my symptoms helps you to identify the source of them. Cell phones release low levels of a type of non-ionizing radiation called radiofrequency energy. WiFi is a network interface carried over radio waves. World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Your Guide to Vibration White Finger (VWF) and Its Treatment, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. EMI is the more technical term. WebOne theory is that fiber might prevent this disease by affecting hormone levels, like with breast cancer. WebAnd because fiber-optic cables are non-metallic, they are not affected by electromagnetic interference (i.e. Obviously, you want an ONT device with no WiFi as well. Consider this EMI issue when choosing your service. Thanks! Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. Here is my YT channel. And gonna pull out the cables from the house too & disconnect from that thing. According to the FCC, only around 33% of Americans have access to fiber internet connections. The EMF Project is working on a health risk assessment of EMFs. Read this: I would like to know if your printed books are available now. Weve also gathered answers to some of the more frequent questions below: -For more information on a particular type of cancer or the latest updates we have available, please visit our website ( or search our blog by clicking the magnifying glass at the top of our homepage: -For information on whether you would be eligible for a certain treatment, please visit our website for more information on how to make an appointment or get an online second opinion: -For information on clinical trials available at Dana-Farber and elsewhere, please visit the Dana-Farber database: Can you help me distinguish between the many? Hence reading your article, on reading comments and came across the YouTube videos on picking up electrical interference! That was my gut reaction from the get-go, although I could not base my instinct on any cold, hard facts, being virtually ignorant of the technology. Im overwhelmed and can not figure out what to do. I had a similar conversation at the EMF Conference with the president of American Teledata where he explained some of the coming/current advances in fiber optic technology. My only concern is that we speak carefully and correctly, in part so that the critics have even less excuse for dismissing the issue. All rights reserved. So putting the two together, this would seem to make sense. It will be interesting to see if it helps me when Im on the phone! The changes wont be significant though. The AM radio is a near-field magnetic field sniffer. I just got fiber optics installed in my apartment building four weeks ago. Ionizing radiation is high-level radiation, which is has the potential for cellular and DNA damage. Some forms of this type of EMF include ultraviolet (UV) rays and X-rays. Apart from this detail, what are the principles = which criteria to check? It was very timely, since Shaw presented the idea of future fibre optic installations for highspeed internet in the Gulf Islands at our Island Trust meeting last month! I am so adamant about this that if push came to shove down the road, I would go so far as to cut ties with the Internet altogether if it would make our home a safer and healthier environment for my Mother. Read through and watch these: Hi Jeromy! Thank you writing this article on EHS and fiber optic installations, it was very interesting. Thanks for the reply. I have Charter Spectrum for my landline phone and internet. This is how I work if you want to go that route: Oh, you have helped me immensely! See the videos I have of this in the comments above. I had three electricians out and they havent a clue. An example is that of the power supply units for laptops, netbooks, induction charging docks for portables like phones and tablets, as well as the desktop, let alone the All-In-One (AIO) computers. WebYou'll be surprised to know that jabbing yourself with a fiber is not the most hazardous situation. Well, sorta. You COULD use fiber to pick up sunlight and carry it. No doubt about that. However, the cross section of a single fiber is very, very I was unable to learn whether it was a fixed ground based radar or an AWACS plane. Its unknown if Wi-Fi poses other health risks. This uses no electrical equipment between the main office and the home. But if I get even half a microwatt of HF and some crackling or pulse or repeated signals then there is likely something on the line. Devices like the Sine Tamer wont necessarily help with this issue. Hi, Im all for getting rid of cell towers and 5G and wifi etc etc but this article is just 100% BS. * Remove all 5G antennas With the peace of mind you have already given me by helping me decide against the fiber connection installation, I would like to beef up my knowledge on this topic through a bit of research firstas I may have different questions for you as well. I have been enjoying the challenge for 31 years. =====, I have a few questions: It seems to be dependent on the equipment used by the internet providers, along with multiple other factors including the home and the individual. (fight fiber optics with fiber optics). This comment also explains why staying with cable (co-axial) internet is often your best option. However, it is a major contributor to electrical sensitivity and poor health. This would be a good thing for you, if you can get a low-EMI media converter that will transfer the fiber data to your copper system in the home. Im still a bit confused, though. I wasnt aware of some of this information! Thats because theres no solid evidence suggesting that Wi-Fi, or EMFs in general, directly causes cancer. You can buy maps of the MOAs in pilot shops at airports. Devices that use WiFi have a wireless adapter that translates data sent into a radio signal. just louder even when I used it for CD to play music. I rarely use a landline phone. Then you just need to have an ONT unit (fiber optic modem) that you can tolerate. The problem many times is just getting enough fiber to the area, which would have been under estimated in years past when designing the HFC systems. Some have WiFi built into them and you will have to work with the provider to get this disabled. Researchers determined that men who used wireless internet had reduced sperm motility, compared with men who used wired internet. Is there a possibility for a cure after this (electromagnetic sensitivity) happens to you? Studies involving EMFs and cancer are conflicting. Fiber internet uses a newer technology, and therefore tends to be more reliable and faster. But do feel dirty electricity in the form of fluorescent lights, etc. According to a 2014 animal study, long-term exposure to Wi-Fi radiation reduces the reproductive function of male rats. Wireless networks stream invisible radio waves, a form of radiofrequency radiation (EMFs), through the air similar to cellphones, computers, Bluetooth speakers, and other WiFi-powered devices. All of a sudden, I cant watch tv without being affected and couldnt sleep all night. Otherwise, they are below ground. Every cellular antenna on a light or utility pole needs a fiber connection to operate. (2014). Do you have connections with people who may be able to create/propose solutions to manufacturers? Carlberg M, et al. How can I know if high-speed fiber optic internet is installed in my neighborhood? WebOptical fiber glass is just silica glass. Since its release, thereve been rumors about 5G and its health risks. EMF SolutionsAffiliate DisclaimerEMF ConsultantsCookie PolicyPrivacy PolicyContact I bought four 32 x 32 aluminum sheets from Home Depot and I placed them on the floor right above the spot where the modem is in the room below. There may also be an additional wireless component to that infrastructure. Electromagnetic fields and cancer. I look forward to seeing the article you are preparing. Also I have an iPhone 10. Microwaves and infrared radiation are considered non-ionizing. Inadequate transmitting power. Is this how 5G will be handled. Is there anything you would recommend please? Vila J, et al. I fully intend to switch to a different Internet provider, as I am not satisfied with my current one. The non-WiFi modems that seem to work best for electrically sensitive families include the Arris models TM822R, SB6141, SB6183 and SB6190. With the co-axial cables in your home, I might just disconnect the ones you are not using if you suspect that you have this EMI issue. However, you can and should ground this before it gets to your laptop. This would give us internet that is healthy/safe/fast/reliable for the entire society. But my current concern is should it be installed at all?? Thus the observatory and aircraft are both government, they coordinate. 3.) As concerns over Wi-Fi increase, thereve been several myths about its effects on health. This is in contrast to wireless communications for which the radiation emitted is an intrinsic part of the process. If electrical sensitivity symptoms increase all of a sudden with a new internet provider (for example, switching from Comcast Xfinity to AT&T ), go I have fiber optic internet which I have been happy with, however this prompted me to question whether it could be contributing to my EMF sensitivity. WebFiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #1: Wildlife & Stray Animals Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #2: Weather & Natural Disasters Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #3: Intentional Damage Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #4: Construction Work Fiber Optic Cable Cuts Cause #5: Fire Interested in our fiber optic services? The have kept their phone line DSL or cable internet connections until they know more about the new system. My Acoustimeter RF AM-10 shows red lights in my house in the airnot near electrical outlets. What the paper doesnt tell you is that Green Bank is in an MOA (Military Operations Area). My current method of voice communication is Skype / Zoom from a low-EMF laptop with a grounded Ethernet connection. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified electromagnetic fields, especially from cell phones, as possibly carcinogenic. Noting that there could be some risk, the IARC concluded in 2011 that we need to keep a close watch for a link between cell phones and cancer risk." I thought fiber optics would be cleaner! Thank you for taking the time to read this. Ive completely cleaned up our home because Im a registered nurse with friends who are very sensitive. Thank you so much for your professional advice back then and now also! I know the modem is in the room below me and I know the side of the room where it is. I just subscribed to your YT channel, thank you for all this information youve taken time to make available! Hassanshahi A, et al. The concern around WiFi and routers causing cancer is due to the emission of these EMFs. I am absolutely not opposed to thatyou should not have to offer all your knowledge and time without proper imbursement. It makes my hands burn. As always, a collected analysis. Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health. (if the Fiber Optic is just down at the curb and no where near the house?). I am currently a Safe Technology Educator in my town and how ironic that I am now needing to find information to remedy my own ill health. What part of the country do you live? Thank you for the article. Insight is committed to bringing you information about cancer that you can trust and that meets the highest editorial and scientific standards. Ive been dealing with EHS and DE for almost 8 years now and am just now finally starting to slowly recover if I keep a healthy distance from stuff and eat brain foods. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. EMI on Ground/Neutral Wire: You are likely picking up the electric field from the AC wiring in those parts of the home. They came to my door after I had become ill to ask me to sign permission for them to switch my service to fiber optic. Get your facts straight and stop fear mongering! Send me a message for more information on EMI filtering options. Dont know about using a radio and what is the difference. The router can then connect to dozens of devices if you want (all wired hopefully). I have to keep checking it because they randomly turn it back on. Ive been concerned about 5G and had no idea they use the fiber optic system! We are in a rural area of FL and have only been in our home for 2 years, but with the addition of these new towers it really worries me. The scientific community (too often in revolving doors with the same industries that produce and sell cables phones and modems they should honestly analyze) says its just a conspiracy theory and the 5G is absolutely safe. This will take good engineering. Occupational exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields and brain tumor risk in the INTEROCC study: An individualized assessment approach. With this book, you will quickly learn how to find and create a home that is healthy for you and your family. 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