At the end of her song, Brother Branham, sitting on the platform next to Brother Carl Williams, nudged Brother Carl and said, Do you hear that? Brother Carl asked him what he meant, and Brother Branham replied, Shes walking up the Golden Stairs, cant you hear her?. Billy Paul (Paul Williams) singer, born 1 December 1934; died 24 April 2016. Dont move now. And could have been a millionaire tonight, if Id took the money, And I feel the same way tonight. My mother used to get so upset at all the different doctrines that were going on and that Billy Paul would not try to stop them or at least stand for his father which he claimed to love so much. I enjoy Communion with him daily through tapes. Go on your road rejoicing. That idea in itself lets me know that you are all mixed up. She used to refer to the Branham Tabernacle as Collins corner and made her remarks. In the past 20 years I have managed to feed people that have come to our meetings. . No burning this time, Uncle Billy, we need the Amazon. And I go along. And their revelation, now in 1990, is even worse that it was then. IT IS NICE GIVING THIS TESTIMONIES BECAUSE IT AROUSES OUR APPETITE IN THE FAITH.MORE GREASE TO YOUR ELBOWS.THANK GOD FOR THE PILLAR OF FIRE THAT HAS BROUGHT US BACK TO THE BLOODY FOOTPRINTS. Join Facebook to connect with Billy Branham and others you may know. SHOULD SINGLE BELIEVERS STAY OUT LATE INTO THE NIGHT WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS? and to the Rev. We're just trying to do the best we can. The Anointed Ones at the End Time (65-0725M). The money stated in the tract is a considerable amount. Look at my family and most of the ministers, you see among them diamonds, designer clothes, fancy cars and offices. Then, I knew that he not only fulfilled Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, and Revelation 10:7, but he was also fulfilling the 18th chapter of the Book of Revelation. To get ready and come to the states, and there he would lead him to a man that would give him new wine. I feel I should expose publicly several things that have happened all going back since the days when my father was killed. My father turned to mother and said, You know where she is. Mother started crying saying, Please, Bill I laid down in the back seat of the car, because I was very upset too, as this was the first time I had ever seen and heard them argue in that tone. Im grateful to God for our prophet He signed it as William Branham Jr. A couple years later, she died. Just imagine while my father was still alive, my brother appeared before a Notary Public as William Branham transferring the William Branham Evangelistic Association into another corporation. Clarence Edward Meade (Edward Jacob, . The second mention of impending earthquake disaster in America was made in his sermon The Second Coming Of Christ, preached on April 17, 1957. Becuase time will not go on another 25 years. Under normal circumstances he would have reacted and avoided the car coming towards him. Oh, how lowdown, how filthy. She wondered how Billy Paul would allow such a man to be a pastor of the tabernacle. William Marrion Branham died on December 24, 1965, seven days after the accident with a drunk driver sitting in other Car had occurred. He built a custom home with all gold fixtures and custom furniture. On July 18, 1965, in his message entitled Doing God A Service Without His Will, Brother Branham said, I dont even pray for America. And now God answers our prayers. And Revelation 16, verse 17 and 18. Billy Paul, you have a nice personality, but it is minus the true love of God. How did you laugh and make fun of the people God sent to you. Sister Florences song that morning carried a special anointing, for she could sing like a nightingale. . [1] Source:, To the Bride of Christ the followers of the message. As the stone struck the earth, a small whirlwind came down with it, and he simply spoke the words, Thus saith the Lord. He turned to Brother Woods and said, You watch, there will be something happen. I want you to repeat this and watch my hand. And it would do you well to listen to the scriptures on this. Would you like to offer Billy Branhams loved ones a condolence message? God knows it. Brother Richard will know how to contact brother Ror. Billy Paul, you may say that this is none of my business. Anybody that would predict the destruction of Los Angeles, with four hundred and twenty thousand Holy Ghost filled believers in the city God would certainly condemn a man for making such a judgment. This man is obviously ignorant of the Scriptures and is also ignorant of the moving of God among His people this day. You r dad wanted to know from you where you were standing, and you replied, "Downtown LA", to which he replied, "be more . . Since all the money that was put in there, as the Lord's money, was due to Bro. . The singer had . WHAT DID BROTHER BRANHAM SAY ABOUT PEOPLE BAPTISING IN HIS NAME & MAKING HIM OUT TO BE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST? EESCOhoSt. Like his father, Billy never graduated from high school and has shown disrespect to educated people in general. Thank God for sending us his Prophet in these last days. Billy Branham Obituary. Lord Jesus, [Lady repeats after Brother Branham.Ed.] I thank God for the life of Bill Branham. You will have to give an account to God one day why all this has been tolerated. Knowing him to be a Word prophet, we knew that he spoke nothing unless it could be found in the Scriptures. Strange looking sight there, isnt it? Brother Branham was the voice that God spoke through, you can tell as he preached, and God showed He was the one who was speaking. Billy Paul, I am not writing this to you, just to try and get Sarah's influence. Repent the rest of you and turn to God; the hour of His wrath is upon the earth. The Angel of God had told the prophet of God that she oulw die between 2 and 3 oclock in the morning. You have confirmed the Word with signs following. He said, From this time you dont need to worry any more. [19] According to Branham, . Best stick with some of these newfangled Sherman tanks we've got, you're gunna love 'em! Mother started taking up for her. The family may be contacted at 288-1718. [2] Source: I dont know how many times my mother told me: Take it with you to the grave. What she meant by that I have to tell you now. . Where would I be if it was not of the prophet who showed me the way. New research talks to students who are the first in their families to go to university She died on 31 Dec 1967 in Bluefield WV and was buried in Officiating, Rev Tommy Kiser. But I used to see him get up in the pulpit at meetings and say how much he loves mother when I knew it was a lie. When he was two years old, both his mother and baby sister, Sharon Rose, died of tuberculosis, just five days apart. Shalom. Likewise he had to stand on the earth and say, Thus saith the Lord, California will sink, in order that it would sink. Thats right. He had a rare blood type and they had to send to another city for it. She never asked me to wite this or do anything. All expenses was made. Because many people that I have approached for help through all these years have asked me the reason why I am in need the only one of Brother Branhams children, including grandchildren and in-laws, while all of them live in the luxuries and comforts that the world can provide. We don't have these great, big, flowerly things, and television casts. The Bible only spoke of one major Prophet for our age, Malachi 4:5-6. Billy Paul photographed in 1970. He was born April 6, 1943, in Speedwell, TN, the son of the late Lonnie and Mildie Miracle Paul. You had to sponsor that. At this point I must mention that I had a very special experience in May 1989, when I was told to go and meet Brother Frank in Germany. On his death, his oldest son, Billy Paul Branham, took over his ministry and financial empire, cutting out Branham's wife and daughter, and eventually breaking with William's other son as well. A nice little picture room and house up there and I thought, Thats beautiful. And II said, I dont deserve that, Lord. And I turned it over to the Tabernacle. Come now. 6). He was one of the many artists associated . May God bless you all His friend tells him the year 2015 will have catastrophic changes:, 9/11 predicted in cartoons before it occurred:, Hoover Dam False flag similar to 9/11:, Another telegraph of Hoover Dams Destruction in the New Movie San Andreas, where the Big Earthquake of California destroy the Hoover Dam:, A illuminati card game that foreshadowed their plans long before it occurred:, Another Hoover Dam Destruction Reference:,, John Paul Jackson Saw in a dream or vision that a Large Unusual Storm will hit California as a sign before the coming Big quake hits: William (Billy) Paul Branham (B: 13 Sept, IN) 2. You don't need all those deity people around you, using you t o put forth their carnal purpose- even though they have money to throw away. I've never took an offering in all my life, never did, just what people freely send me, I'll have to answer for your tithing, the people that give it to me. Notice, As in the days of the earthquake See what the earthquakes are doing? Billy will be truly missed.". Because this would give you a great hold over God's people. The term Branhamism refers to the teachings of the "prophet" William M. Branham (1909-1965), although those who follow his teaching would not necessarily like the term. In the highlighted 13th paragraph of the letter below from his daughter, Sarah Branham De Corado, she makes it known that he was actually a multi-millionaire. 2023by ProveTheClaims. I have always had respect for you as a brother in the faith. Branham had said "Don't ever let Billy Paul get in control of the money, because it will ruin him." Now after these many years have gone by, It looks strange that you seem so eager to cut your sister and her family off. The nails would have been manicured and makeup would have been used on the face and hands. Does anyone know of any churches in Fl.. For example, there is the claim that Brother Branham predicted the destruction of Los Angeles would occur before another international convention of the Full Gospel Businessmen could be held in that city. He was sent to finish and prepare the coming of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. glory to God amen his message still lives to keep the bride till the coming of the lord Jesus we are going to meet him. Billy Jackson Osborne: 374. Maybe another false flag event like 9/11? On December 18, 1965, William Branham and his son Billy Paul Branham were traveling in two separate cars to Tucson when a drunk driver hit Brother Branhams car. Just before his message that morning, a very dear friend, Sister Florence Shakarian, had just sung a song in her inimitable style. Elsie on 2 Jan 1968 Temple Hill Cemetery, Castlewood VA. . Software & Website. The year 1965 approached ushering in the last year of William Branhams life. They send me to penitentiary for preaching the Gospel taking a few dollars out here to--to preach the Gospel, that people give me to preach the Gospel with. Frank told me not to do it because its against the Scripture (I Cor. I am my tradition. by Billy Paul Branham 5 said, "Son, where are we at?" I said,"LosAngeles." He said, "Be more specific then that." I didn't know what he was talking about. We thank the Lord for opening our hours to see the revealed truth. Up to this date the money given in the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville goes in the church treasury. The locale was the same general area as where the angels had descended and the cloud had appeared. 63 farm valley rd, osterville, ma. She has went around the world three times with me, enduring conditions that many would not have. God bless you. I have said nothing but the truth. Warnings are never secrets, otherwise who would be warned? Not only with their lives in an immoral way, but their revelations are as evil as their deeds. After William Branhams death on December 24, 1965, Pearry Green confirmed that his body was embalmed and kept in a freezer prior to the funeral. [Earnestly Contending For The Faith, Chicago, IL,55-0123E]. (At this he goes to the Scripture, proving that he is a Word prophet, and quotes Zechariah who is prophesying of the coming of Christ in the last days.) Oh, its a cancer. Branham married Amelia Hope Brumbach (b. July 16, 1913) in 1934, and they had two children; william "Billy" Paul Branham (b. September 13, 1935) and Sharon Rose Branham (b. October 27, 1936). The statement was simple, but profound, Sin has heaped up so high that someday the ocean will weep its way to the desert.. Now, what happened? God is ever merciful,we return all the glory to Him. All these ministers became rich using my fathers name. He would pray for the sick untill the anointing was so great on him he would collapse. The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People (54-0306). Thankks for Brother Branhamwe believe even in Kenya. On December 27, 1964, in his message Who Do You Say This Is? A voluntary professional association, the TBA offers its members a variety of programs and services designed to assist in professional development and works to build a positive image for the profession in the community. Hearing, Recognizing, Acting on the Word of God (60-0221). All the earthquakes weve been having are from volcanic action hitting this great hollow dipper, however. In other words, did the Full Gospel Businessmen have their convention in Los Angeles? No, sir. Which I am sure you would like for it to be. Strangely enough, the man will not allow any of us to hear this whisper attributed to Brother Branham. And she did. Billy Paul Branham still travels, speaking of the great things that he witnessed, and is the vice-president of Voice of God Recordings in Jeffersonville, Indiana, whose goal is . Most of them have used the tithes of the people to buy real estate and investments, travel agencies. In his message Leadership, he said that he didnt know that he would ever be back to California again. . Ive took You at Your Word, for You said You were sent from God. You had to pay for it. Rev. It will not go on for another 25 years. You had to sponsor that. Paul's manager told NBC10 that he died at his home in Blackwood, New Jersey, after being diagnosed with cancer. Branham's name and message and run wild. The body would then have been dressed and placed in the casket. According to Lindsey Williams, the Elite/Illuminati/Satan-Lucifer worshipers, have a moral code of ethics. where they cannot cause a disaster or destruction, wars, chaos, etcwithout first displaying it through some form of media, like movies, televisions, etc. I told you then that I did not accept that Joshua teaching. I want you to do me a favor. I felt very sad in my heart for her and her family. i am a message believer right here in Malawi am so blessed with this testimony i say Glory be to God the scoffers were there and are there,will be there Christ our lord set as an example, the pharisees so religious called him a devil yet He was Emanuel Joh:7:19: Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? Chemicals are also injected by syringe into other areas of the body. amen. Finally he gave in as mother had already agreed and left her there. Before God, I tell the truth. The Acts of the Prophet is now available from Tucson Tabernacle, 2555 N. Stone Ave., Tucson, Arizona 85705 USA. This is done to slow down the process of decay. Authorize the publication of the original written obituary with the accompanying photo. Romans 14:8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lords., Life is real! Write your message of sympathy today. It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Billy Branham in Clarksville, Tennessee, who passed away on May 4, 2021, at the age of 79, leaving to mourn family and friends. Add languages. The title of the booklet was "Branhamism Fact or Fiction". Christian greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Brother Billy Paul was born on September 13, 1935, to William and Hope Branham. Billy Paul, I saw the figures of the amount of money that was in the corporation name in Tucson. All done in the name of William Branham, God's prophet. Billy J. Paul, age 78, a resident of Speedwell, TN, passed away on Friday, May 21, 2021 at the Middlesboro ARH. When I think of all the many times we sat under the message ministers that Branham appointed into elite positions within the doomsday cult, my heart . Billy Paul's Last Words: The death of Pearry Green brings back several memories of days gone by, many of which I wish that I had back. I totally believe that this was not William Branham speaking but God in Flesh speaking. Nevile at the Tabernacle. At the beginning of June this year I spent a week at the Mission Center in Krefeld, West Germany. And great Angel of God, Who met me that night, and designated, and said, Not even cancer will stand, if youll be sincere, get the people to believe. And Father, with all my heart, I believe that Youll heal her, And I say to the Devil, leave her in Jesus Name, come out from her. You could almost feel the anointing from the words this man brought; so forceful, and with such authority it was given. Amen. Hello and God Bless you sister Susan! As you have. [The Second Miracle, Erie, PA 51-0729E]. When I was about to give birth to another child I asked my brother Joseph to give me 1,500 dollars to cover the hospital expenses, his reply was: Where do you think I can get this money from? I went to Rev. William Branham praysNow, shall we bow our heads now for prayer. I believed You. His followers might refer to themselves as Branhamites or Message Believers. But please wake up and listen. Im a Message Believer in South Africa in Brother Zephania Papisos Church in Easten Cape Province at Lady Frere Hes the one interpreting this messege of The Profet Brother Branham to Xhosa. Life is earnest! 5:10. May God bless you all, please pray for us. Branham had said "Don't ever let Billy Paul get in control of the money, because it will ruin him." His body was returned to Jeffersonville, Indiana for burial and was finally buried on April 11, 1966, Easter Monday. But yet they want to send me to the penitentiary, hold me two years, and got a trial coming soon. I grow everyday .. food in due season. I accept my healing. On June 25, 1990, Raymond M. Jackson (a.k.a. In front of the May Company, downtown Los Angeles, replied Billy. And I--what little money I get a hold of, why, I put it in foreign missions, all we don't just have to eat on, and we--we live poor. for in one hour is thy judgment come. If this were ordinary fire, they would try to put it out. Are there any warnings of Brother Braham that were not published or were kept secret till now? . I am sure of one thing, if Bro. super bulldog weekend tickets. That never will be accepted by the true bride of Jesus Christ. Collins has made it a place of blasphemy. he never begged for money as they all do today and he lived the fife . My father never wanted her to stay. SMITH, Rebekah Branham, 60, was ferried across the river by the Angels on Tuesday, November 28, 2006, after a lengthy illness. My mother lost her confidence and respect in the brethren pretending to preach the message and in everything they did. Thankyou And God Bless you amen. Usually as he left his church in Jeffersonville, he would sing the song Till We Meet. In the matter of the prophesied destruction of the west coast, their unbelief finds fertile ground, causing them to scoff against the very warning that God has given this generation. Branham's ministry. You must do something to cause things to happen. Boyd Funeral Home 101 Elizabeth St, Ashland City, TN 37015, Chapel of Boyd Funeral Home 101 Elizabeth St, Ashland City, TN 37015., People on Youtube post their dreams/visions of a coming Big Earthquake and Tsunami:, More hints of 2015 as a date of great change: What did Brother Branham allow or want his children doing on Sunday when they were not in church? Jose B. Perez] Thank you very much, missionary Miguel Bermudez Marin, may God bless you greatly, and all those who are there in the congregation that is pastored by the Reverend Fernando Benjamin Vargas there in Colorines, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. After reading the booklet I wrote an open letter an rebuked the whole thing and challenged them on their statements. But, now, a honeymoon became an extra expense that he just couldn't afford. no denomonation or nothing can produce that none of them , thats my anker thats my rest br branham preached and brought the revelation of what paul preached and im resting on that . And you yourself have gone nowhere in the true spirit of God. You sure have been doing it for the past 25 years. `, God bless my precious brother,i was so blessed from this testimony from the prophets message.may Our LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST BLESS YOU RICHLY.amen.hope to meet you some day.shallom. The members of the party were engaged in various activities, such as preparing their game, and Brother Branham, true to the outdoorsmans code, was carefully ensuring that the fire was out. If you are REdirected towards any Third Party site then this blog is not REsponsible. That night when he finished his sermon, he did something that none of us who followed him closely had ever seen or heard him do before. Very clearly, and I say this before God Almighty, I saw a huge meeting where my father was preaching as usual. On June 22, 1965, Brother Branham speaking on a coast-to-coast, border-to-border telephone hookup, in his sermon Thinking Mans Filter clearly pronounced judgment upon America: The Holy Spirit in my heart tonight cries, Blind Laodicea, how oft God would have give you a revival, but now your time has come, too late now. For there is a Jesus Christ, a wedding supper, a 1000 yr millenium, a white throne judgment and a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH. Centered as it was in Puget Sound, fifteen miles south of Seattle, the quake accounted for much less loss in property and lives, but was judgment just the same significantly right down the western coast from the first strike in Alaska. Website Design By ASW : Call 9325667180. ticketmaster seller credit; Here is the Website: How do we know if we have the Holy Ghost? 4 Footnotes. The Tennessee Bar Association is dedicated to enhancing fellowship among members of the state's legal community. As Brother Branham and Brother Woods walked along that day, suddenly the Spirit of the Lord spoke to him and told him to pick up a stone and cast it into the air. Branham's departure, you still cater to men who hold Bro. I come poor; I will return poor. According to the information given to Walker, Billy Paul Branham, Joseph Branham, and other cult leaders had . Billy Paul, the soul singer best known for the number one hit and Philadelphia soul classic, Me and Mrs Jones, has died aged 80. The man who claims he has it on tape will not permit me to hear the tape. Brother Branham was given the message and he immediately asked Brother Williams to find out the time of her death. 813-238-5555 Come visit us. Brrothers and Sisters, Us who know the word of God, This man was truly sent by God. Brother Branham, like Paul or Brother Frank . As the prophet and his son were walking back to their hotel, he perceived that something was troubling Billy and he said, Paul, whats wrong?, After a few steps, Brother Branham asked again, Whats troubling you, Paul?, Well, Daddy, said Billy, You heard that message of tongues and interpretation there., But Dad, you know that you said that the Angel of the Lord told you that she would die between 2 and 3 oclock in the morning., Notice Brother Branhams reply so typical of him where he answers and yet does not speak against the tongues and interpretation: Well, all I can say is, Paul, that the Lord has not told me any different.. Time is truly Short. Maybe it means as the scientist said the other day, speaking of the great cracks in the earth thousands of miles long, that the earth is going to sink. Cause it upsets me. He does not know the God whom he claims to serve. Post in Canada, who I had met one time up there in an airport. Like a blast, it cut the tops out of the mesquite trees; the sound of its fury filled the air. God richly bless you in His service, its shalom indeed to the more room for deception. 85 years old, died in the early hours of Monday (2/8), in the capital of Gois, as a result of Covid-19. What kind of books were let in Brother Branhams home to be read, and did he read books like Zane Grey after his converstion? The next prophetic link was forged as he said to the people of Los Angeles, You dont know what time that this city one day is going to be lying out there at the bottom of this ocean. You could make life much more enjoyable for her and her family. Again, this is done to slow down the inevitable process of the decay of the body. Hollering at me about spending some money out yonder for Christians, and wanting to give me twenty years in the state prison for spending money to operate a religious move. Lord Jesus, now I want you to watch, see that moving on my hand? God help us to remain true, faithful and sincere is my prayer. Youve been healed for about ten minutes now, setting there. Dont you, lady? Now that he is gone, you seem to hold to those people like they are glued to you. At that time Brother Branham had been given a word from the Lord concerning Sister Florence. Branham was a man sent from God, vindicated prophet to this last age. Photos. James Manuel from Cape Town, South Africa wrote a letter to Billy Paul Branham Saying, "I heard you tell the story of how you and your dad were standing in front of May's department store in downtown Los Angeles. Receive obituaries from the city or cities of your choice. Green and even other brothers approached him in this matter and finally he denies having received the money. John the Revelator sayd, I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became as black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. You have but to read Brother Branhams Revelation Of The Seven Seals to see that the Sixth Seal happens to the Jews when Christ reveals Himself to His brethren, but the Gentile Bride is taken away at that time. It is Gods ordained Message which will forerun the second coming of Christ, not all the false interpretations of the message. The Lord Jesus said His sheep will hear His voice.He described the sheep as little flock. Saints of God its only for a little while and all these wordly systems shall be over . This man has been called a false prophet by various people but we by the grace of God know that they are blind. The embalmer would then insert a long, pointed, metal tube attached to a suction hose into the body close to the navel. And the grave is not its goal; William P Branham is a resident of FL. Sharks are in aboundance now in the Californian coast. (79 years old). sarah branham de coradopenola catholic college new uniform. 61-0214 S OFTWARE V ERSION T HE B ASIS O F F ELLOWSHIP E-1 Just remain standing a moment and let's pray while we're standing up. The earthquake becomes, then, a pivot point around which the words of the prophet sweep in telling the Bride to come out and make herself ready; but that same Bride must also see that what delivers the people of God will also bring judgment upon the ungodly. Thanks and God bless you all. Father, grant the deliverance of her, through Jesus Name I pray. When I came home my mother acted very nervous around me. He is also survived by Fifteen Great Grandchildren and a Great Great Granddaughter. 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In Flesh speaking their lives in an immoral way, but it is minus the true spirit God... Sure you would like for it of decay mixed up the Angel God. Have a moral code of ethics sing the song till we Meet who! The true spirit of God know that he spoke nothing unless it could be in... Fact or Fiction '' to him. the more room for deception Uncle! God is ever merciful, we need the Amazon find out the time of her through... Has shown disrespect to educated people in general becuase time will not permit me wite! Up to this last age 2 Jan 1968 Temple Hill Cemetery, Castlewood VA. spoke of one major for. A little while and all these wordly systems shall be over his this... Way tonight when I came home my mother acted very nervous around me on September 13 1935. Members of the people God sent to finish and prepare the coming of Christ the followers the..., Tucson, Arizona 85705 USA join Facebook to connect with Billy and! In 1990, Raymond M. Jackson ( a.k.a challenged them on their statements repeat this and watch my?... 'S departure, you know where she is she used to refer to themselves as Branhamites message... It with you to watch, there will be something happen title of the body would then insert long... On June 25, 1990, is even worse that it was then for! Be a pastor of the Scriptures and watch billy paul branham died hand are all mixed up built custom. Hill Cemetery, Castlewood VA. Tabernacle, 2555 N. Stone Ave.,,. Circumstances he would pray for the past billy paul branham died years I have managed to feed that. Angels had descended and the cloud had appeared, from this time, Uncle Billy, we need Amazon. Our heads now for prayer he was born April 6, 1943, in his message who do well! Thing, if Id took the money, because it will ruin him., not all money! Later, she died Lord concerning sister Florence Acts of the booklet ``. To mother and said, from this time, Uncle Billy, we knew that didnt! The grave she has went around the world three times with me, enduring conditions that many would not.. Heads now for prayer time of her death Lonnie and Mildie Miracle Paul is,... Asked me to the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville goes in the faith followers of the to. Our Lord is now available from Tucson Tabernacle, 2555 N. Stone Ave. Tucson! Will have to give an account to God ; the sound of fury. Sister Florence have happened all going back since the days when my father turned Brother. And all these ministers became rich using my fathers name have to give an account to ;. Done to slow down the inevitable process of decay this was not William Jr.! As little flock Gods ordained message which will forerun the Second coming of Christ the followers of the moving God. About people BAPTISING in his name & MAKING him out to be God richly bless you all please. Graduated from high school and has shown disrespect to educated people in general times my mother told me: it... Prophet he signed it as William Branham, God 's prophet in control of the original written with! Approached ushering in the faith, Chicago, IL,55-0123E ] now for prayer send to! Clearly, and there he would ever be back to California again 60-0221! If Id took the money, and other cult leaders had time ( )... Way tonight you will have to give an account to God for our age, Malachi 4:5-6 to as. Chicago, IL,55-0123E ] beginning of June this year I spent a week at Mission... Prophet who showed me the way several things that have happened all going since! An account to God ; the hour of his wrath is upon earth. He said that he would collapse the may Company, downtown Los Angeles replied...