Note that Indomitable favors having more armor (see Indom), so if you are using Indom then the Noble Mail lines will benefit from it slightly more than the 40% lines. Turn manipulation can be helpful to get the upper hand early. Resolve can help you dodge the ever dangerous Charm status. A Heater with Shield Expert grants a large defensive boost, making it far safer to allow this bro to be surrounded for more Riposte chances while also increasing his chance of dodging to actually get Riposte value. That Swordmaster isnt all that scary when he drops to Fleeing while his health is still near full. Gifted is probably the better of the two but theres plenty reason to use both. Killing Frenzy synergy: They proc on the same conditionBoth Berserk and Frenzy proc on a kill, so it makes sense to use both together. Polearm back liners also enjoy having a stronger melee weapon to swap into should they get jumped on by a flanking enemy or Orc Warrior. Misconception Reach is an auto-pick on 2HandersNo. For example, if you have an interesting choke point funnel or hill that you can make use of but there arent very many useful tiles for you to stand on behind it, then you can use Rotation to sub fighters in and out. The summary serves as a quick reference. The second way to get more Reach value is to attack more times per turn. Early game: Dodge excelsDodge is one of the best perks in the early game for a number of reasons. Raising armor levels at the expense of the Nimble value may decrease durability while costing more FAT. So if you have 80 accumulated FAT, you only lose 40 INI instead of 80. Does not reduce the INI cost of equipping armor/weapons. Eliminates the INI penalty for using the wait command (-25% INI for the next turn order). Colossus can help you reach a comfortable level. Puncture is a strong attack, and a skilled bro (to handle the -15% accuracy) with high FAT (to handle the 15 FAT cost per Puncture) can do pretty well for himself. Dragon Quest VI : Le Royaume des songes. That being said, even with Shield Expert they will still break eventually (even quickly). If you have Resilient as well then the Charm will wear off without ever actually doing anything. 100 armor Young will need to hit the wall 5+ times before they reach the Fearsome window. Reason two is that enemies understand reason one and they will prioritize shooting Nimble units instead because they dont understand that Crossbows are bad against Nimble units. Its a good perk, potentially exceptional, but understand the pros and cons and make the choice that works best for your bro and needs. (To uninstall just remove the zip file from the data . You cant always just stand around and let the enemies walk into you. Gifted is worth 5 RES with Mind assumed, plus two other stats dependent on what your Bannerman needs. Anti-Hexe: 9L protects against death by damage sharing9L can make Hexe fights a little easier. Duelists however can sometimes out damage the 2H Cleavers, cost less FAT to hold and swing (unless Orc), and are much better at dealing injuries. This is just about see what you can get a bro to with both nimble and BF. If you begin the turn loaded and get a kill you can do a double blast which is pretty good, but if you are unloaded at the start the AP can only be used for repositioning. However, given the chaotic nature of the battlefield, multiple brothers contributing damage, and damage rolls being variable, it is hard to predict how often Executioner helps or does not help. A 2,000 sq. Adrenaline: Set up a 2-turn IndomAlthough the cycle is dead, with heavy armor, you can Adrenaline, start the turn with Indom, wait (to slow you down next turn), and then your Indom will persist all of this turn and most/all of the next turn as well as you should go near last. There are some enemies that will specifically attack your morale and Rally is important in these fights. Forge comparisons down the comments, refer tothis discussion. Front line Duelist Hybrid Valuable bag slotsBags is not absolutely necessary in that case, but helps resolve FAT issues and tactical option limitations. At the eleventh character level, you gain an additional perk point and this perk becomes inert. Colossus into Gifted is a good opening that can help you if you struggle in the early game. The average level 3 cheap background unit will have ~6 MDF and Dodge will likely start you with +12 or better, almost like getting an extra shield. Heavy armor users that want more FatigueBrawny is pretty straightforward, if you want more Fatigue and your armor is heavy enough to get good value out of the perk, then consider picking it up. Utility Throwers Hes got some tricks up his sleeveThere are a number of consumable items that can provide valuable impact in battle. So a Warhammer goes from 50% Ignore to 75% Ignore Works with a consumable in your offhand (such as a Net or Grenade), but consumables do turn off your Double Grip Does not work with shields or 2Handers Works with Throwing weapons, including the single use Throwing Spear Throwing cannot gain the Double Grip buff so they can freely carry a Net here Works on secondary skills like Decapitate, Spearwall, etc Works on the secondary Ignite skill of Firelances. Chosen reference link Updated 3H Flail Use Case Updated Dagger Use Case with Qatal, Indomitable Removed references to the Adrenaline cycle Revisions as per the 5AP change Added a few Use Cases, If at first you dont succeed, try, try again.. Orc Warriors like to push your team around and jump into fragile backliners. Armor damage = 90 * 0.7 * 0.5(Indom) * 1.15 = 36.23. Chosen calc reference, Crippling Strikes Added two bullets in Mechanics Added CS usefulness against Nimble enemies Updated Shamshir Use Case, Colossus Added note on Forge section regarding Adrenaline/Indom nerfs Updated enemy units with Executioner, Nine Lives Added analysis on new BD buffs, Bags and Belts Added mentions of new grenades, Pathfinder Added new terrain types Trimmed some content in the main section Added note about enemy units with Pathfinder Added Use Cases about camps, Adrenaline, and the Library, Adrenaline Revised Discussion section considerably as much of it was about describing the cycle Revised some Use Cases Added a few more Use Cases, Recover Removed reference to Adrenaline cycle, Student Added Manhunter origin Mechanics, Executioner Slight edits regarding new enemies, Bullseye Added Handgonne mechanics Fixed an error in the Hexe Use Case Added Anti-Gunner into Use Cases, Dodge Added points about Nomads/Distracted and Gunners, Fortified Mind Added Banner/Lionheart mechanics Revised main section slightly Added Fearsome Use Case, Resilient Removed reference to Adrenaline cycle Split Discussion section into two pieces and added a bit Added Relentless Use Case, Steel Brow Updated calculation reference link Mentioned Assassin armor set in Nimble section, Quick Hands Added mention of 2H Mace into Qatal, Gifted Edited comparison to Mind/Brawny slightly, Backstabber Added note on Manhunter origin Updated surround mechanics as per stunned/ranged enemies change, Anticipation Added some Mechanics Added/revised some Use Cases Revised some content as per the new 10 RDF minimum effect, Shield Expert Slight edits, mentioned Blacksmith Retinue member, Brawny Revised example numbers and expected value as per change to 30% Removed or revised references to Adrenaline cycle, Relentless Added new sections regarding the change to negate the wait penalty, Rotation Mentioned Smoke Bombs in the Use Cases, Rally the Troops AP changed to 5 Added Alp, Pathfinder, and Fearsome Use Cases, Weapon Masteries Added new weapon skills introduced in Blazing Deserts Added related discussion to new BD weapons Added Sword Mastery effect on Gash, Reach Advantage Removed references to the Adrenaline cycle, Overwhelm Minor edits, added Arena Use Case, Lone Wolf Added some Mechanics Trimmed main section and some slight edits Revised most existing Use Cases somewhat Added several more Use Cases, Footwork Added kiting Use Case Added Anti-Mortar Use Case Mentioned overlap with Smoke Bombs, Berserk Removed reference to Adrenaline cycle, Head Hunter Revised almost entirely as per the new effect, Nimble Updated calculations and references as per calculator changes Updated Nimble weaknesses in the Discussion section Edited Use Cases with new armor and attachments, Battle Forged Updated calculations as per calculator changes Added 350/350 calculation to show famed armor value Removed refences to Adrenaline cycle, Fearsome Revised almost entirely as per the new effect, Duelist Updated Duelists vs. The Warriors cannot push if there are no empty tiles to push people back into. Picking Student gives your characters an extra 20% experience until they hit Level 11. BD introduces several more Nimble enemies, notably Conscripts who are the first and only Nimble enemy we see in mass. Shield bros: Berserk is not a priorityWhile you can technically use Berserk with shields, it isnt really the role of your shield guy to be getting kills, so he probably has batter perks he can be taking instead. Then next turn you let the enemies attack into your Heater and then switch back (4 AP) and attack (5 AP). Another upside is that your entire team enjoys this benefit. Warbows: Increased consistency of first shot injuryWarbows with CS are a great way to tag multiple enemies early on in a fight with Injuries for later exploitation by Executioner bros (or the Warbow user himself). With CS they will even injure Chosen consistently and headshots are more likely to get Concussions or Fractured Skulls which are some of the best injuries. In June 1944 Japanese and U.S. navies fought the decisive battle of the Philippine Sea. Executioner usefulness is inconsistentExecutioner value is going to be tied into the injury system. Fearsome downsides: Morale checks will naturally occur and some enemies immuneJust damaging and killing enemies normally will often cause morale problems on the enemy team at some point. They also really like smashing shields and have Axe Mastery for extra shield damage so without Shield Expert your shield is going to break quickly. With 3AP attacks you can swing a 2Hander for 6AP and QH to a Dagger for 3AP. The numerical values include modifiers from Backgrounds, Traits, and Equipment. Since heavy armor does a good job of protecting your hp, Forge units have little need for Resilient to protect them from Bleed/Poison. You can still use Indom on 2Handers, but not freely as in the past. Misconception Heavy armor & Forge needs Indomitable against ChosenNo. Provides 10 RDF at minimum. Dodge is often perfectly fine without Relentless. Ultimately, NimbleForge is a niche combination that can potentially be great depending on luck with named armors but its not a strategy that can be relied on and Nimble characters can already make use of efficient armors. So that leaves the 3HF almost entirely incapable of injuring. When fighting 30+ enemies, the overflow enemies will spawn on the top section of the map which is the left side of your formation. That aside, Polearm units have more perk space than other bros and since they only attack once per turn they really dont like missing. A small benefit that is certainly weaker than taking a real perk in its place. Thus, shielded Hammers can consistently proc Fearsome on armored targets. Spearwall: Low damage makes injury very unlikelyDue to Spearwall halving your damage and Spears also having poor Ignore%, it is extremely bad at inflicting injuries to anything that is remotely armored. Throwing + Melee hybrid can maybe get away without it if you dont mind giving up half a turn to switch to melee and you dont plan on going back to Throwing after. This reduction also takes place before the 10% remaining armor mitigation and the critical multiplier, effectively decreasing HP damage taken even further than advertised: In this example, the effective Nimble value is closer to 33% than 40%! These guys arent a threat without the units accompanying them. Recall that once enemy morale drops it lowers their RES, making it easier to get more drops. Dragon Quest X. Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland SP. Duelists however have better mobility and can attack multiple times per turn which means that missing is less painful and there is less wasted overkill damage on weakened enemies. If 80 HP is all you can manage, the brother is probably trash and not worth giving a forged set to . Polearm Mastery also grants a large degree of mobility, which can let your bro move a few tiles and punish someone who has lost his helmet. The 40/160 Brow line consistently beats other 40% Nimble options (even if they have Brow), making this line a good choice to use if you want to grab Brow. Only Indomitable can compensate for low HP in that case, but its an active skill that requires AP and FAT. Indom makes you significantly more durable than merely raising your HP, but it comes with the associated costs of AP/FAT, and likely perks like Recover/Adrenaline to help support it. 300/300/-58 armor is -18 Saves +1 Initiative for each point of Fatigue saved Updates as you change your armor around Will count (and reduce) the additional Fatigue cost of attachments if they push your body armor into the next threshold Will provide less value if combined with an armor using Light Padding Replacement (LPR), but they do stack. High FAT characters can better support the cost of heavy armorHeavy armor logically costs more FAT to wear. Duelist drastically increases damageDuelist is a strong enough perk that it enables an entire build style that would otherwise be completely ignored without it. Generally, LW just usually isnt worth the risk associated with trying to make use of it. The extra 17 HP provided by Colossus does a lot to reduce the odds of injury and death here (less so if AFP is assumed). The high AID potential of Duelists make them especially strong against armored but low hp enemies such as Ancient Dead and most humans. It is a global damage increase (and quite a large one) after you get a kill, which means if you can consistently be getting kills then you are consistently doing extra damage without really any strings attached except for getting it online in the first place and keeping it going. If there is a dangerous enemy or position you need to block then you can use Rotation to swap healthy bodies in front of the danger as each bro gets worn down, allowing you to better use your partys overall hp/armor rather than one guy getting stuck and killed. Taunt doesnt deal any damage which becomes a concern when you start getting outnumbered. Student gives you a helping hand with levelling up. If high fat(130+) and average hp then bf. Forge: Indom solves your biggest weaknessForge does a great job of keeping you safe against most enemies but is extremely vulnerable to high Ignore% attack such as those from Chosen 2Handers. Barbarians: They have a lot of RESReavers have 80 RES and Chosen have 90. You dont need Fearsome to accomplish this. Basically it would just a better version of the Necro/Noble line. Even then it still wins in some cases. This is because from Blue Hats perspective, Blue Hat is only fighting 3 of my bros (so 2 surround modifier), regardless of who is attacking him and from where. Some perks especially shine in the early and mid game and Im going to be pointing this out. you could probably skip both of them and be fine tbh, If you're in for a long haul some minmax and also a hell of rng luck a cultist with high rank (from cultist origin sacrifices) + nimble bf + cultist armor is something godlike. More enemies means more chances to turn Frenzy online, and more pressure on your team to kill enemies quickly. This solution has the added benefit of giving a long range option that throwing lacks while also providing even more ammunition (at least 20 total, matching two quivers). Underdog is +5 in the interior of the formation and more otherwise. Easy pickup here. Oh please. Because Forge value updates with current armor durability, very heavy armors that can maintain a high value even after being damaged benefit more. Version 1. Frenzy nor Xbows change that evaluation. Anti-Undead Priest: Resist morale drops and StunsUndead Priests are rare and usually only come one at a time, but in the Monolith you will be fighting 3 and they will be spamming you with morale drops and Horrify Stuns. Hits or misses aside, more attacks means more chances to hit. The effect that Overwhelm applies is quite good. Doesnt work with Relentless of course. However, pumping RES has other benefits, and can help keep your morale Steady or better so that you dont lose RES (and Fearsome value) through dropped morale. Going from 47 defense to 50 defense is a massive increase in overall durability due to increasing returns from defense. In some ways this is similar to weapon specs as far as saving FAT goes, but of course it depends on how much you move. Finally, Backstabber is really easy to get value out of as you are naturally going to be getting surround bonuses every battle anyway. The gains going from 210/210 to 300/300 are substantial (almost a one hit difference). Polearms are the same way but backliners have less need for defense boosts so you may skip it if you want to be more aggressive. Sure, let's walk through the correct answer (for front liners). Any disappointing recruit can also take up this role instead of being outright dismissed. Usually it's the best brother that hasn't been tracked. This is a long commitment to make for your Spetum bro so the extra Reach defense can be appreciated if multiple enemies manage to get through. There is no inherent synergy with Nimble, Duelist, flanking, or things of that nature. This logic also applies to the Handgonne. This works particularly well against Nomads who will spam their 1 turn Distracted status. Gifted is fine still but it does take two of the rolls. Without QH it can be difficult to make meaningful use of your two bag slots which isnt really a problem, but if you want to carry multiple weapons or items then QH will help you use them. How you evaluate Colossus is going to depend a lot on whether you plan on going Nimble or Forge later on. Nimble usually performs better against weapons with high AID such as two-handed weapons or Crossbows, while Forge excels against repeated weak attacks. Split Man/Strike: 15 -> 12 (Orc: 20 15). NetsNets are great. If a frontliner gets into trouble then he can swap positions with a fresh backliner. With weaker weapons HH still suffers from its old malaise of splitting your damage more, and as such HH should be avoided on weaker weapons. You can use it to cast Recover for next turn. Theres a reason why things like the Longaxe and Polehammer feel so clunky. Chosen are among the harder enemies to injure early. At 0AP, Adrenaline could be used on the same turn as Recover, which combined with heavy armors interaction with Initiative and the wait command allowed bros to infinitely maintain buffs like Indom/Shieldwall/etc. The Artful Escape of Francis Vendetti is a video game about great expectations, famous folk singers, lingering shadows, space Gods, hallucinogens, individuality, reptile shops, and wild imaginations. A common scenario where this is helpful is against Ancient Dead where you need to push toward their Polearms and this can put your bro into dangerous positions. Turn 2 you can use a skill such as Indom or Spearwall and wait. This holds all of turn 2. For these reasons a high Resolve score is a must for anyone looking to LW. Misconception HP is unnecessary for heavy armored characters with ForgeNo. You dont need superstars to beat the game. You can use this to your advantage. Legacy info: 1AP Adrenaline and the death of the cycleBD nerfed Adrenaline to 1AP (from 0). The enemy will engage into you and there will be two of your bros to each enemy bro getting you 1 surround bonus. However, Spears do gain +20 accuracy, and Spearwall does benefit from the Duelist bonus (it will not make Spearwall amazing or anything). Frenzy can help increase the consistency of one hit kills with some weapons against some enemies. Hybrid: A unit that levels both Melee Skill and Ranged Skill, not to be confused with a melee unit using multiple weapons or a ranged unit using multiple ranged weapons. Berserk is better in many of the hardest fights in the game. Four average rolls in fatigue gives you +1.25 attacks if the following conditions are met: both zerk and frenzy are taken, brother gets a kill this turn, brother has stamina remaining, there is a relevant enemy within range, and the fight is still contested. Dagger MasteryDaggers/Qatal can attack three times per turn with Mastery which means three Overwhelms. In that regard, the damage formula works against Steel Brow and Head Hunter, because critical hits are weaker than you might expect assuming there is a helmet to help absorb the blow. As you can see, ditching our shield and going Duelist makes an enormous difference to the offensive output of the Winged Mace, and other 1Handers will follow suit. Blazing Deserts also buffed Ambushers Boondock Bows. thanks for your hard work!! Not that having more Initiative is bad or anything, but it also isnt uniquely better on Duelists. So in this case CS actually might indeed make a big difference to the number of injuries you are inflicting early on. Gifted loses to Colossus which will easily give you more than 3 max rolls worth of HP. Plus: the new LPs and reissues of 2023. Thanks for reading the introduction! Sunken Library requires a lot of movement through sandAlthough sand tiles only cost 2AP, they cost 6 FAT. See in comments. 20/07/31 Added Riposte use case in Shield ExpertVersion 2 20/08/13 Blazing Deserts launch (see Blazing Deserts section for changelog) 20/08/15 Added BD overview subsection under Blazing Deserts main section. On the first or second turn you will be engaged with the enemy melee units which grants your units cover. While Indom gives the best possible defense against Chosen, constantly using it and relying on it has its own costs. Download the zip, and place it in: steamapps/common/Battle Brothers/data 2. CS is a niche perk that suffers from a number of problems. CS is better against harder to kill enemiesCS provides the most value against Orcs and Barbarians due to their higher HP than most other flesh units. and rounds it down in your favor Provides Stun immunity from Maces, Orc Young, and Unholds Provides immunity to displacement effects such as Warrior pushing and Unhold Throwing, as well as abilities like Shieldbash, Polearm displacements, and Serpent grabs. Provides immunity to Kraken Tentacle grabs Does not provide immunity to tier 3 Nachzehrer swallowing Does not provide immunity to Priest Horrify, and Horrify status will cancel your Indom. Early game: High return on durabilityIn the early game when your armor/hp are low, 9L actually offers the greatest durability boost of the row one perks. For example, lets say you want to get your Resolve up and you want to put at least three levels into it. How does Duelist compare to 2handers?It is pretty clear that Duelist is very strong when we are ditching our shields. If the first hit deals 15+ damage, then the second hit deals 5 damage, the second hit gets the proc, and the third cannot unless it also deals 15+ damage. Kiting: Make enemies chase you across the mapPolearms are already a good kiting weapon due to the their reach and 5AP costs. Crossbows/Throwing are great against Chosen both for dealing injuries and killing Chosen faster, and you want to kill them as fast as possible. With the lightest 300 famed armors Brawny value could be as low as 11 FAT, or only 2.75 levels worth. Despite the HP damage reduction, by lack of armor, Nimble is still vulnerable to poison effects after roughly [5-8] successful shots. Recover is recommended for continued tanking, as Indom and incoming attacks will fill your tanks Fatigue quickly. You get two chances to resist each Hexe Charm (you have to fail both checks) so each point of RES gets two chances to help you resist a Charm. Are you really sure you want to be halving your accuracy?Lets start with cover mechanics and how they affect accuracy. Click To Watch Free 'NAACP Image Awards 2023' Live Stream. Nimbleforged is a thing. Reduces Reload cost for Hangonne from 9AP to 6AP. Skill such as Indom and incoming attacks will fill your tanks Fatigue quickly into the injury system to defense. More drops order ) refer tothis discussion plus: the new LPs and reissues of 2023 values... 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