This could change any day. Mom of two and creator of Mindful Return, an e-course and blog for moms heading back to work after baby, this woman knows her subject. Such a silly situation. It took effort from all of us to get to where we are now, but forgiving each other and moving on as responsible adults to give our boy a good life, is one of the best things Ive done in my life.). Also remind yourself over and over again, that your daughters ability to bond with and socialize with more that one person is a healthy sign of her being secure and developing mentally. staying there in the dark place is whats a shame. they dun even let me held my gal after my day of wrk. And if there is any way at all that you can get longer periods at home during this sensitive period, consider asking for it. Plan pumping while at work. However, based on that you say your wife is concerned that your daughter doesnt like her anymore, it makes me believe that this situation has not been going on since she was an infant. I have an 8-month-old little girl and she does the same thing to me! please help im worried that she might endup hating him. Unfortunately I allow my feelings to get hurt too easily. If your wife would show photos with you holding your girls and let the songs play at bedtime, for example, it could be a warm way for them to keep you in mind while you are not around. I work 4 full days a week and am with him without fail 24/7 the other 3. I just adopted a 22-month-old girl, I have had her a week and a half. Instead, these are 3 things that I didn't expect to be blessed with when going back to work. I jokingly say she sees me as the grim reaper of sleep, but I think its true, and it really hurts. It feels like going back to work is a relief, so I can just..get out of her life and let daddy make her happy. Doesnt really explain the fact hes always preferred her since he was born. I am so sad. (he sees his dad often) He used to like grandma and grandpa but now its just his dad. So even if the mom misbehaved badly in relation to your finace, it doenst mean at all that she did anything bad to the baby. Take heart, dear parents. I spent a lot of time crying and have found it hard, but I have loved my son and spent 7 months with him looking after him playing with him feeding him etc. When I pick her up from her caregivers house after work, I am so excited because I count down the minutes until I see my precious baby only to get her in my arms and have her reach out for her caregiver. But 3 weeks ago I got hospitalized. If this has happened to you, you might be sad, worried, and frustrated. Do you think itll pass? Work with your boss and colleagues to cover your workload and ease the transition. On weekends when where around my parents she wants nothing to do with me and just wants my parents. In fact she would crawl away if i come near her. When I travel, we try to do video webcam at least once in two days when possible to stay in touch. But she adores my husband (and he hardly spends any time with her at all). It only means that she prefers her dad right now. then you can start looking and working forward instead of looking back. Since you are at home, you have a lot of chances. I think there are several aspects to this. Yes, I believe he should be happy, but I stop him from doing things that will lead to undesired future habits and behaviors. I am super worried about our long term relationship and bonding. Trying to raise a 1 year old is impossible. Consider using an Supplemental Nursing System to supplement. Tips for Going Back to Work After Baby and Easing into a Routine. Lori Mihalich Levin's book Back to Work After Baby: How to Plan and Navigate a Mindful Return from Maternity Leave, should be required reading for all new mamas. Usually at this age, making sure that your child isnt doing anything dangerous (swallowing things, climbing too high, running out in the street, biting himself or other children et cetera) is more or less enough as an ambition. After a mid year holiday I started a new term and now she seems to pretty much loathe me when I get home and quite frankly it is breaking my heart. Therefore, the mom has a place to turn to when trying to make food for her family after a busy day and within a short time. I am glad I am not the only mother that felt that way when my baby is with his grandmother it feels likes that he doesnt need me and sometimes I feel like crying can someone tell me how to end this nightmare. Moms Question: I feel like Im only good for her when she needs a diaper changed. But lately, she has just got more & more attached to daddy.and doesnt want me to hold her to sleep at night. His dad loves him but truly has done 15% of all that I do for the baby (feed, clean, entertain, And I was the one at home. I really am. If she is secure enough to bond with your mother this quickly, chances are that the bond between you and your daughter will also happen very naturally and grow strong. I had to return to work recently (4 days a week) and daddy is at home more and takes my son to nursery and picks him up. This is my second son who is 8months and I feel me and him bonded great till a month ago and my husbands work schedule changed he is home all day I cant even get a second without him around and when he leaves the room our son fusses and tries to getaway from me I took him in another room to get some time with him he jus screamed and finally ate and went to bed I am very scheduled till few weeks ago, my husband is very not. I cant imagine how hard it must be to have lived with this with your daughter for years. Our job is then to not take it personally, not reinforce it by showing strong emotions, but simply allow our children to for some reason need one parent more than the other from time to time, It is painful, but it is normal development. Id say that is completely normal! Try to reach out to your mom and ask for her help. When I am in the US, I try to work from home on most days so I can spend time with my children. He is adorable such an angel baby, doesnt cry unless hungry, sleeps all night from 3 months, ready with a smile. These little fellows are learning that they are separate persons from mom, which they didnt know before and they find it very scary. hi my baby is 5 months old and still now she hasnt recognized me. I feel very bad. Must be very painful for the mother. People do crazy things in separations. That was quite hard, when I was feeling like I was being rejected and that I was doing something wrong. I am really concerned with my family in the way how my daughter prefers only me when I am around. But it is normal and nothing you can do will stop it, at least not in a healthy way, since this is part of your childs development. I feel like shes afraid that everytime I pick her up Im taking her to do something she doesnt like or finds unpleasant. she cries for grand mother . Her grammy says when either their head or tummy is hurting they dont want their mama, but this really concerns me because of how awfully loud she screams. We share all parenting tasks equally, so it isnt as if he spends more time with her, though he was with her for a few months before he went to daycare (3-6 months). Im Paula and you can read about this website and how it all started here. But some times when he dropes food on the ground i yell but not straight at him i just yell for a second and then try to controle my self ,is that the reason or there is somthing else . Anyways here is the question: The childs mother wants to see her but obviously we are afraid shell take off again. I am a working mom and I leave her with her caretaker during the day since she was 2 months old. Its absolutely heartbreaking to me. And since then, everytimes she sees my friend, she follows her instead of me. Breast refusal tip #8: Try a different feeding position. Within less than a year, she will be crawling all over the place and you will have to look for her when she is out discovering the world. I hope you've enjoyed today's post! Please help me to know what is the problem? Can a baby NOT like their mom? Of course we can go the road of power struggles, but it wont help. Im ready to walk but want to be there for my children & my girlfriend is due again in December with another little boy. sometimes I sit and think i should just give her to her father. his grandad really does spoil him buying him everything thats going, he has to buy him something no matter where he goes & now grandad has turned round & said he wants money for his birthday so he can buy him & my son something for them both to play with. I feel like a lazy, uninvolved mother and I hate it. Its my first baby and this hurts sooo much inside seeing it happen everyday. If Im the only one home she wants me, but if dads home, its mommy who? This really hurts my feelings since I do everything for her, I want to hold her and play with her so bad but so often she rejects me. I work the whole day so hard for my daughter. ), Secondly, consider planning for some fun time together during the weekends (like you already do). She wants to go to ANYONE (atleast any relative that shes familiar with) instead of me; her dad most importantly. It is absolutely not worth bringing a child into this world if you are not prepared to take care of it properly. Just feel depressed that my 11-month-old does not want me and prefers my mom all the time its my fault.. due to certain unavoidable circumstances I had to leave her with my parents in my home country for 5 months, and now I am reunited with her (at 10 months)..its been a month with her now.. Ive been trying to bring her around to like me.. she does like me, I spend quite some time with her. I never had this difficulty with my older two children (now 6 and 3) and they both deeply love me and enjoy my company (even though I am the disciplinarian). There is a worker at her nursery who she is not keen on and she scratched her yesterday which puts me in the same category as her I guess. Since leaving home 2 go 2 Asia when our baby was 7 months, our internet routine continued. Within a week I was less upset and things were turning around. My relationship with my son isnt the same anymore. You ask about the girl not wanting to talk to mom on the phone. The "opt out" revolution of high-earning women exiting the labor force to have babies, widely publicized in the early 2000s, may have been overstated. It breaks my heart when she cries and kicks when daddy leaves her alone with me. But unless one is emotionally stable, it can be almost impossible. Someone said to no rely on your child to feel loved and valuable, thats easier said than done. So, yes, absolutely discuss how you can help each other more. You need to try to get rid of this guilt in your heart! I know you'll be great. I rush home to see her and she cries/moans when she sees me I hold my hands out to her and she clings to whoever she is with at the time. Ive struggled with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, suicidality, anger and low self-esteem my entire life. You are and always will be their only mother. And even use the same child care you plan to use when you go back to work, if possible. Play lots of games with your daughter. when i return,, i dont get to see that eagerness in my son to see me.. instead almost ignors me and spents his time with is aunt.. i dont even get a chance to be with him , play with him.. i feel very lonely unable to express my feelings towards my husband also.. nowadays he even sleeps with his aunt at night..i am not able to tolerate this anymore.. feeling light when i write this out openly.. hope that i would get adjusted to this situation.. afterall i cannot expect my son to change. Its been like this since he was a newborn. Have someone other than mom do the feeding 2. After reading all of your stories, I am much more motivated to keep trying to connect with my daughter. It breaks my heart and I consider just leaving her. It really hurts and more so because i am going through so many medical problems after my pregnancy. Its got to a point where I feel like everything is against me. A stock image of a woman waving goodbye to her son and a small child. I dont get it. No matter what I do, she still wants me. She would be able to go years without knowing anything about us. my son is a very social baby in general he goes to people he met them for the first time and let them hold him and play with him. Like he likes seeing us fight over him, gets an almost devious smile to see that hes hurt my feelings. She was with me mornings and nights. Thats good too; try to see that. Most times I doubt she even knows that I am her mother. Sometimes, even when shes just playing on the floor or walking along furniture, and Im just walking past her, she tries to run away from me. this time we were alone in the room. And a good and warm relationship between you and your daughter will benefit all of you. I just got back to my parents and was so relieved to see my son but he acted and is acting uninterested in me but my husband got a huge happy reaction from our baby. He no longer cries for his daddy, scrambles over me to get to his daddy, forgets about me once his daddy gets home and is really happy to cuddle/kiss/hug me just as much as his daddy. He just screams in my arms. I am so confused and sad. However, my daughter seems to want nothing to do with me. even though i felt rejected i didnt stop trying to hold her or trying to play with her. Can you please help? I work Monday-Friday from 830 am to 515 pm , i want to move alone with her to see if she gets a little attached to me, but its hard.. By preparing during maternity leave, you can feel more empowered in your choice and ensure a smooth transition for you and your baby. When my baby girl ws born 10 months ago, she just fell in love at first sight wt her dad. Instead allow yourself to really enjoy your time with your daughter. My daughter just turned one. My 3 year old seems to resent her dad. I feel rejected by my man, I have asked many times why? Much more effective than disciplining a child. I play with him when all I want to do watch TV or take some time to myself. What the hell do you expect when you abandon your baby? I try to play with her and make her laugh all the time. I work very part time 3 days a week for a total of 16 hours. My 20 month old is very particular to the fact that he doesnt need me! I had him when I was 38 yrs old and have been a hands on mum all his life. Cared for her, loved her, played with her, etc. she cries alot wen i pick her back from wrk . May God help us all. everyday i am in tears..cant work ..cant peace. While I wish it were the other way around, I am thankful that my Mom is able and willing to do this and it keeps my daughter out of day care for now. Im at the end of the road and i dont know what to do. I feel like she associates me with all things bad (i.e. Ive experienced this rejection since she is about 3 months old, but it is now that she expresses herself that it is really affecting me and I just dont know how to cope with it anymore. I want her to love me again! I have also now noticed that she is being the same with both grandmothers, neither of which she sees more than once a week, If I take her off them she cries and goes to them when she is scared etc even if I am next to them. Recently my sis in law has come back after her long leave.. my son of 3 years has totally changed seeing his aunt.. since she is at home now, i leave my son with her when i am at work.. this is just a phase. Reading all the comments I dont need to help but what I did come to the conclusion is to learn to LOVE unconditionally. My daughter is 2 1/2 years old, and she used to be very affectionate. She was a real daddys girl up to about 3 months ago. Around 12 weeks or so, speak with your boss about the details of your maternity leave. That is not to say that you dont have a real problem. If the baby doesn't like this, try again later. At the same time, he prefers his moms presence and shows it. Try feeding with cool or alternatively warmed milk. 1. If grandad isnt there he wants to no me but if he is there he just blanks me, i try my hardest to try get his attention with no luck he just ignores me & blanks me. Continue to do things alone with your boy that is an excellent way to maintain a good relationship even when he has become an older kid, teenager and adult. Congratulations on your little daughter! You are great mother, try to relax and just love your little independent son. If I hold him, he wriggles and cries to get away. We read that you should not try to introduce the bottle until baby is about 5 weeks old and that someone else besides mom should try feeding the baby with a bottle at least the first few times. Do I leave my son and my partner so they can be together, or do I stay and let them make me feel worse. !<3 n Yes no matter how they are with you, you love them soooooo much without something in return! Then try some of these methods: 1. What you need to do is to take a step back and stop taking your daughters preferences as evidence that you have done everything wrong. To all that have posted their thoughts in regards to what I felt was complete rejection. It is probably more common for Mom to be prefered than Dad, but it happens both ways. My husband and mother care for him while Im gone (Mon-Fri 12-7pm). So everything stabilized for me. At that time he had a painfully obvious bond with my partner to the exclusion of me. Babies have a huge radar for love. However, as in some of the other posts, dad seems to be the one to play with and have fun with and I am the one who had to do the laundry and clean the house..could this have anything to do with the favoritism? To be able to detach from your natural reactions to being rejected is not easy. However, since you have only been her mother for 1 week and a half, it is too early to start worrying about the bonding going wrong. But when I worked at being breezy, he seemed to want to be around me again. So Ive tried to improve, and honestly, Ive seen positive results very quickly. Please help! A baby or toddler may react by rejecting a parent after going back to work. Ive been home with her from the beginning. It sounds to me as if you really want the best for your son, but that you are to some extent in a vicious circle. Toddler Milestones. Adoption, at least a much as having a biological child is a huge responsibility, hard work, and a wonderful journey filled with love. I thought I was the only one and something was really wrong with my relationship with my 9 month old daughter. I have read all of the posts and it is kind of a double edge sword to say that I am glad that other people are or have gone through the same things that I am going through. If she is with me then she walks a way the moment she hears or sees her grandma. Anyway, he will be one in a week or so and Im happy to say that things are back to normal and this seems like a distant memory. Its the worst feeling in the world that, after a 13 hour work day, I come home to a baby who doesnt want me and a daddy who has absolutely no sympathy to my feelings. Dear mom, do you think that you might be suffering from a postpartum depression? It broke my heart. I only seen him twice and I feel like if he is getting very distant from me.last time he visited with his father he banged his head by my head little bit and he refused to be comforted by me, he only wanted to go to his dad. Ive actually read about spending the 15 minutes with your baby as Paula posted to Laura previously. This is apparently common and it is only frustrating when some outsiders try to make you feel bad about it (they usually have no kids or they are judgmental). So am just going to take every day as it comes I like the advice about spending quality time 5/10/15 min with my boy. Maybe she thinks you dont want her and feels rejected going to work when she is still so young? You are obviously there for your son. There isnt anything I wouldnt do for her. It breaks my heart that my daughter doesnt want anything to do with me. By Alice Gibbs On 6/23/22 at 12:17 PM EDT. she sees her dad may be once or twice a months. Thanks for taking the time to read, However, since she was 8+months, she has been fighting me and does not want me to hold her when she sees her caretaker. Sometimes the distraction of being outside together will help so that she does not focus on dad being away. So once him and I began dating his daughters mother began using the daughter as leverage to get things in return for him to spend time with his daughter. thanks for listening to my views. for a couple of hours, she just hugged me while eyeing him and after accepting the fact that daddy was really there in person, she just went 2 daddy like he never left. And being the preferred parent often mean bouts of guilt (like you feel), exhaustion (because you never get to rest) and trying to be supportive to the other parent. Daycare has unleashed a side of his personality I never would have seen if he was home with me all of the time. Hands on mum all his life to detach from your natural reactions to rejected... 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