And they taste better. Team Global all the way! Anna because of your stupid BLOG people came to know who you are. Lip gloss that lights up or the container it comes in lights up? Unless they're fucked in the head like I previously covered.I get some low level IBO's showing up here bragging about how much money they make but everyone in Amway is a liar so that's nothing new.Wow you got so far in 3 years! Your local sponsor and upline know your situation way better than anyone on the internet can. This is the 2nd most popular post on this blog for views and comments. That's one of the 10 CORE bullshit that is always mentioned at Scamway meetings. Amway is a very expensive social club! I feel bad for the people on here saying that they "TRIED" to work it, that means they never actually put the work in. You might be interested in hearing their stories how not to let this happen in your life but when they avoid talking about it even though its public knowledge then its shady. And yeah most of the bad reputation is because of the antics of their commissioned saleforce and the various cult sects Amway allows to operate. How many women out there would buy such a product?Yeah I'd say keep it. The $10 commission from Amway isn't enough to save. Will all find they're way no matter the vehicle. I can conclude that you either are lying, or you simply built a poor organization. That's why this blog exists to talk about what you evil motherfucking Amway demons are really like. And this is after quite a lot of truly hard work. Exactly as you mentioned. Amway isnt a scam. An Amway Diamond according to Amways literature is in the ballpark as our income. Making $10 commission after buying hundreds of dollars in overpriced shitty Amway products and investing in the Amway tool scam is not "making money". If Amway is such a great opportunity, why don't Amway distributors prospect people by saying "I am involved in Amway would you like to go with me to an Amway meeting"? I'm glad we helped you from making a big mistake and even if you can't help your friend escape (give him a few months when he runs out of money) at least it sounds like he's young enough to recover financially. It may only be shared or re-used under licence. We've gone Diamond. The speakers were probably diamonds or equivalent, and they had a story about how their lives are great now, with all this leisure time. An example is you we hate you cause your a hater and you are not passionate or have hope you dont have a life and you coulf go to hell and rott their. Hope that answers your question.Also, think of it this way, who wants to make money off you? How ironic this comment shows up just as I'm getting ready to spend the day down in Tijuana and I don't have to worry going down or coming back cause I'm not illegal..Diamonds are not reading this blog. You had to listen to their bullshit propaganda. 4 bed, 4 bath, 5,144 sq. Only those at the top make money off of the 99% of those below them. It lights up and stuff.. and has a mirror on it. But they like to show up here and show their outrage that people are getting the truth out there of the financial and emotional distress Amway brings to their lives. You know what you are talking about Mr Darnell. Nothing wrong with network marketing.Most of those companies you listed, Barnes, Sears, and Best Buy are struggling right now and shutting down stores, they will take any hook they can get for extra cheap referrals to their business.It is not the partner sites that make Amway bad, its their IBO' actions IMO. *. There is a link to a free ebook called Merchants of Deception. That's good news for the owners of Amway but how does that affect their lowly paid commissioned salespeople.Ambots also show up here claiming that Amway has made more millionaires than Microsoft or Google of wherever but so far no one's shown up with a list of the millionaires for comparison. Wonder how the wwdb cult leaders explain how they took 5+ yrs to get a new diamond. Same broke. Even if we are talking 4,000 diamondships (which many diamondships have two diamonds in it), that would be each diamondship running $16.5 million in volume annually. i.e. Anonymous - good on you for saying NO to Amway. Jun 24 - Jun 26, 2022. Anonymous - I'd like to hear what a Diamond has to say about that too but we probably never won't! I even recall when diamond bitch brought her closet full of fur coats so we lowly people could try them on. Certainly everyone who visits this site needs to read Merchants of Deception. TheWhiteafroguy - all over this blog I write about our involvement with WWDB aka World Wide Destructive Bastards. THis was before the internet mind you. It's the only way to try to hold together a downline that is losing money month after month. You have focused so much on the WHAT that you totally looked over the WHY. But I don't think that fucker is going to believe you! Let's assume that he paid taxes (maybe he didn't since he's here illegally). If that's the kind of abuse you crave, can't help you.Good luck with whatever you decide. And yup everyone in our upline to Emerald had jobs other than Amway. Look anna saintana fuck off and get a life. Wilson, Don & Nancy, Double Diamond, United States, Legacy Business Group/TEAM, Terminated. Amway does piss all when you complain to them about the upline or the various cult sects. ?if someone unemployed joins amway..great! Most people don't have it in them.Your last sentence is correct. My wife is with Amway too. Diamonds look back and say look at all he people I fucked over to get rich. Over 4000 attended. Help them do what you did in your first 3 months, go 50/150, then go Fast Track making between $500-1100/month with the fast track bonus and regular business $'s. gave me all sorts of shit about it for months on end, how I was a loser and wouldn't amount to crap because I have no dreams and no initiative. I'm surprised they gave you a "free" drink. Many of them have died and their businesses are now run by others. It looks like you're still brainwashed after all these years of being out. It's called delayed gratification. He even handed me a free xs energy drink. So, if you figure if Amway did half the revenue of Alticor, that would only financially support 361 diamondships (worldwide). I would lean toward him being full of crap, though.Being an employee working for someone else at $150k per year is a good place to be. Maybe you have a decent downline that hasn't seen the light either. I've got a friend in a nearby town that I can come over and visit. Flush that job! Let it go and quit wasting your time posting about a few bad people in a widely successful business that has been around longer than we have. This page was last modified on 12 January 2016, at 16:29. Amway is not a business, its having so much meaning for those peoples who want to create a Legacy in Life and want to live quality life with changing others lives positively in right direction. At least we sleep at normal nighttime hours and not up at the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out how much money diamonds make. The Financial Jonestown: My experience with the Amway Motivational Organization (AMO) URAssociation. Come back after year 3, and 4, and 5, and let's see that fighting spirit. They are greedy, wealth-based and sneer at the poor instead of helping them (though ironically Ambots tend to be poor themselves unless they have a great real J.O.B. There are over 1000. Instead it always " I am involved with a (fill in the blank) company. I've even heard IBOs discuss BILLIONAIREs they've met. He claimed he's not valid to disclose the information, he however gave me the name of his "mentor" and a bottle of perfect water. My view on it: It can work if you put the effort and time in. They have an income. You would not get to hear REAL stories like these in the opens, pase or on CDS. i don't know what to do i am completely outta mymind i am just crying all day long>>>>>>>>>>if i don't gethim/her back i will end my lifePLESAE save your strenght you don't have to commit suicide to get your exit's will not even bring him but rather makes you a you have mother of the world sunlightdaugther of jai mata durga,,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT ever that you [email protected]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my husband broken up our marriage he wrote divorce and we divorced 2and 4months ago just last week i contacted sunlightbecause everyday i dream of him as i love so him much lastweek ago i contacted sunlight 3days of it my husband came back after the casting of the charms has been and we settled againright now we are living together>>>>>>>>>>>pls worry not yourself because she is her to help you in what so ever that you need.thanks to you mother of the world glory be unto your name womanof powers'''''''''''i love you. Show us your picture in Achieve Magazine, Diamond chaser. Hey anonymous and annaAre any of you single, Hi Anna. Those bazillions of dollars in residual income from Amway should be rolling in every month at the 2 year mark, and she should be about 2 years in now if memory serves correctly.We had a post up a few weeks ago featuring someone selling her homemade items on Etsy and earning around $60,000/month. Juuva honors Don and Nancy Wilson upon surpassing $55 Million in Network Marketing Career Earnings. Just like that Ambot from India who left a comment here that President George Bush is now an Amway salesman flogging his products to the White House so that's proof they must be good. Some mug downline from the Diamond distributor is expected to do the work free. And Im sure if you take it seriously, you will be up there with all the diamonds too. Hey thanks! Either way Darnell showed up here spouting off lies and bullshit, undoubtedly duplicating what he's heard from the fucking lying assholes in his Amway upline. Even with that I don't regret for a minute our involvement in the Amway business model and would encourage others to pursue it for the personal development alone. Hope you're into horror tales!Run, don't walk, as far away as you can from anyone in Amway. Battling with the fucking assholes in the Amway upline who have brainwashed our husbands into misplaced love and worship at the Amway upline instead of at our families. I just wish this existed back in the late 80s and I wouldn't have to watch my parents spend tens of thousands of dollars on a lost dream. Yo. Yes, any hand you are dealt could be the one that wins you all the chips, but playing every hand like it is a flush straight will bleed your chips dry. What if someone valued being around generally positive people?I have met 5 diamonds and I feel a peace I don't see from any employees.GOD BLESSps. So you are left with 60 k say. PT Barnum said "There's a sucker born every minute", and he would have been equally correct to say "There's a lying sack of $-it born every bminute" The two form an axis that revolves around defiance of natural law, that goes on forever. I sometimes wonder if it was for Mary Henderson (if not Tony) because, some time in the 90s when we were no longer in Amway, Marys secretary admitted that Mary had declared she was happy to stop where they were at the time (which I think was Double Diamond) because she was sick of all the bloody hard work. But the people like you Anna are just the type of people who are negative for your own reasons. If your last name ain't Devos or VanAndel then you don't own an Amway business. Theres lots of different strategies N Commandeur. Thats to Amway and other MLM business, common people can take part of the billion dollar industry of distribution. Products are wonderful with high quality. You cant live a millionaire lifestyle on an income thats in the low 6 figures. Amway is a blame the victim scam and you're blaming yourself (as brainwashed from your cult leader) because you didn't follow the system. Thank to your rude comments id rather be apart of Amway, atleast they have respect, values and know how to talk to others like grown, mature people.Thank you for allowing me to see how being someone like you would be the worst decison of my life.Amway here I come! Do your research #25 on the top 100 listNet-work marketing is a legitimate businessSears, best buy, Apple, Barnes and Nobles, Office Depot, Disney, and a total of 80 others are all partners with this so call scamwayIf Amway is a scam then call the feds because this is the longest scam in the history of the U.S54 years to be exactI suggest you read books on the industry (Network Marketing) which has 52 billion dollars in revenue each yearRobert Kiyosaki wrote a book "The business for the 21st Century" also "School of Business"Other books to get information on the industry "The New Professionals"Donald Trump and Warren Buffet both have NETWORK MARKETING COMPANIES and they have BILLIONS of reasons as to why I stop and listen to them. And does he owe me $50000? But who the hell pays $20 for lipgloss? Sick, evil Amway demons! take steps now to have a golden retirement later. You know like the chocolate that comes in those calendars this time of year that you can buy for under a dollar.I thought it was a month to get your money back but maybe it is 90 days. I was in Amway back in 96 to 99. For me, it's the math that doesn't add up. They want a product. Action is the key of success ,,, just take the action . 5, The Truth About The Amway Global Opportunity. Lets not help them find this shit.5. You have no time to waste!!!~Osuwariboy. This is just sad ambitious or not. Ignorance a mouth? LOL! Why? It's sad really. A diamond would earn the above profits, plus $1,800 on the additional three direct groups, plus an average diamond bonus of $2061 per month for a total profit of $9,683 per month. This former Emerald had 1000 people in his downline and at best made $3,000/month. Considering benefits like healthcare and retirement, the total compensation package likely approaches $200k. Anonymous - you better go counsel with the assholes in your Amway upline. Well get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isnt spam. After the meeting, they asked me what I thought and I politely told them that I was not interested in Amway. And think about it. Answer (1 of 4): To quantify, A Diamond is a level in Amway business wherein one has six Platinum organizations or six breakaway groups having a sale of at least 10 Lac rupees/month. The rest they got from selling business tools (supposedly at cost; that is certainly what they told us). And there are hundreds of new platinums each year. January 6, 2012: Updated information on Carole Holiday here. Your wasting your time while other people are making their dreams come true. Bullshit. Tyler we've heard all the brainwashed Amspeak before. According to him the recruitment takes 7 steps and he'd like to meet me again tomorrow to complete another step. Hi Anonymous - so you're saying that the literature that Amways head office sends out about expected compensation for a Diamond being around 150k is a lie? 1966 A New Name: The ADA In fact. CRAZY!! Yeah sometimes Blogger has its glitches. Most ambots start to think about quitting in 6 months when they're not making money. you haven't lost hope. And Diamonds ain't forever. Idle gossip from idle minds - another example of a clueless Amway critic, Amway critics and credibility - another one bites the dust, Vessl Announces Use of Its Technology on New Suntory Mineral - InvestorsObserver, Country star Blake Shelton plays Orlando mere days before his final season on The Voice begins - Orlando Weekly, Sarcopenia Supplement Market Statistical Forecast, Trade Analysis - Trending in Pakistan, Unparalleled Research on Immunity Sleep Supplements Market: Demand, In-depth Analysis and Estimated Revenue Fo - openPR, Mouth Rinse Market Company Business Overview, Latest - Digital Journal, Grizz Overcome Third Period Deficit to Earn Standings Point in Wild - OurSports Central, OTC Diet Products Market to Witness Huge Growth by 2029 -GSK - Trending in Pakistan, Halal Nutraceuticals & Vaccines Market is set to experience a - Digital Journal, Household Air Purifiers Sales Market demand and future scope with - Trending in Pakistan, Dish Detergent Market Size, 2023 Analysis, Industry Trends and - Digital Journal. You probably would have better luck trying to sign up 5 seagulls to the Amway scam than you'd have signing up real people! Network21? Anonymous - its because of motherfucking Amway assholes like you that we keep this blog alive. I am texting you "live" from this bull shit praise meeting that makes me want to VOMIT. Only the most aggressive liars and scammers make money. Let's also assume he had some living expenses during that time. It wouldn't have been helpful if they quit now would it? We actually see progress. . The company itself is not the major problem, it is the sales organizations. It is obvious that Anna is throwing his/her assumptions here and there and the only way he can evaluate Amway is by calling it names or using foul languages :D I believe you have better things to do with your life other than just sitting here replying everybody for more than a year Anna, let's not reply to me or anybody else and start to enjoy your life. Best to talk to someone local in your upline and ask them. Thank you. Why to help middleman (Retailer-Whole Sellers-Dealers & Ad people) to be RICH? Amway's head office or an Ambot? Alas we have a long way to go! So please give us some hints like describe yourself or something. It was what I'd believed was success. The MLM Syndrome: Dr. Doe's Investigation into MLM CONditioning, MLM and The Ace Initiative Pt. But you are expected to dump a poopload of money into motivational tools (books and tapes) and atten some very expensive functions. The site is unable to respond. And yeah, it was weird and cult like "Tonight we get to watch Dave give the Plan!" first there are taxes, and the expenses of running such a business, so that $150 K gets whittled down to 100 PDQ. Or tickets to hear a cult leader speak. Using the toughest international qualification for Diamond (10000 points per leg), and assuming zero overlap between Diamonds and zero international sponsorship (both of which are not true), you could theoretically support 4000 qualifying Diamonds with only $4.3 billion in revenue (10000 points * 6 months * 6 legs * $3 per pv * 4000 diamonds). Due to Amway's losses every year they don't want to upset the cart too much. It's one thing to say show the plan and its another thing to actually find a sucker willing to take a look at it. The system is unable to load the contents of this page. you call people in Amway stupid but the real idiots are the people that listen to you". The "prosperity Gospel" is a truly sick idea, and completely alien to genuine Christianity. Not the $16.5 million you purport. Holy fuck are you ever a bad little Ambot! look at any person with any significant success and you'll always here stories of people that Todd then to quit, but the common denominator with all successful people they ignored them and kept going. Kyle - Amway ambots judge everybody who is not in Amway so this is our little spot on the web where we can just people in Amway. That goes with any type of business. Amway Ambots love to say negative no matter how much they preach about never saying negative. Her son won for her $77,400 on ABC's You Deserve It. They buy mansions a fleet of sports cars and fly first class to exotic destinations multiple trips a year and supposedly they pay cash for all of this. You are not a good downline are you?Secondly instead of running your mouth uncontrollably why don't you rebut the issues raised by Anna or offer resounding evidence to the contrary? I feel for the other unfortunate souls that got hooked into this scam. But not all Diamonds are on the preferred speaking list so some diamonds earn more cash than others but a diamond could earn several thousand or tens of thousands more a year by this tool income. The real broke losers are fucking Amway assholes. Around here we're not dumb fucks who go around reading stuff that doesn't interest us or might otherwise piss us off. They buy mansions a fleet of sports cars and fly first class to exotic destinations multiple trips a year and supposedly they pay cash for all of this. I hate Amway so much, and my poor mom had to fight against so much of Amway's bullshit lifestyles. How could it be possible that Diamonds who buy everything with cash and dont take out loans and credit cards could declare bankruptcy. I once was recruited for Amway, and even signed up for a few months. But, perhaps Theo is still around to clarify his math. Is it the weekend? 7 lac volume in group approx. 2012. i am hiting 6% level.very fast i want to go diamond Wow, I knew it. Start at the bottom? But eventually when the ambot only sees $10 coming in from his commissioned sales from Amway every month after spending hundreds of dollars then they ask the assholes in the Amway upline because the numbers don't add up. Kiyosaki was homeless for a while fighting for a dream. I can see how that would cost extra but is it viable in the market place. They couldnt stop, of course. Those XS come in a case depending on the flavor costs $30 or $40, so close to $5 a can. Where Are They Now? Same income. He just found me on Facebook a few months ago, he quit Amway about a year later, never did make any money at it. Oh look another fucking Amway asshole ordering me around. Ironic that a fucking Amway asshole shows up on a post where we make fun of Amway assholes who go around accusing people in the same income bracket as their beloved Diamonds as broke losers and calls us broke. They asked me if I wanted freedom and told me I would be an idiot to pass this "opportunity" up again. LOL. In the late 1980s I frequently attended Amway rallies to help out a friend (bringing potential recruits to these rallies made my friend look good to his upstream). Earnings depend on many factors, including: customer base, business experience, effort, dedication, and quality and performance of an IBOs sales team. They told me I could join Amway and if i dont like it I could leave within 90 days and get my money back.. i feel like thats a lie.. it has to be. Theo is either full of crap or Theo has a great deal of debt. You cannot expect to get "rich" overnight. So are you telling us that diamonds make more? The Top 27 Amway Diamonds of All Time: Best Amway Success Stories. So go, man, go!! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Thanks for visiting! And that is how the elite make the money. Same with a job. Accuracy? It started as us having a coffee and discussing our life goals and dreams, then he lend me a copy of "business of 21st century" by Robert kiyosaki and asked me to read it, and so I did, front to back. But when the diamond falls out of qualification fees dry up. Someone is yanking your chain. Get suckered into a Scamway meeting, pull out your phone and surf right over here. Things never change in Amway except with the Internet ordering now and getting shipped to the house instead of having to haul over to some upline's house to pick up your Amway shit. I knew a lot of ambots who were still living at home with mommy and daddy and bragging about how much money they were making in Scamway. If you are so proud of your family's accomplishments, we'd like their names, please. Show us how core you are. Anonymous - 95% of people are seeking solutions to what? You know the correct income and Amway's head office is way off base by a half a million. How many IBOs have come in here claiming they know someone who makes "gazillions'? Then there were the books, all of which were priced at what they'd cost in a bookshop. However, most people in the organizations do NOT bother with the 10n retail customer rule. I leave the explanations of why Amway is a poor business opportunity or the tool scam to other bloggers. Amway (short for "American Way") is an American multi-level marketing (MLM) company that sells health, beauty, and home care products. The diamonds I know built a house on their property for their parents. Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. They are sick bastards on so many levels. A good example is Larry Winters, a former car wash manager from North Carolina who has climbed his way to "Diamond" status in the Britt system. Now this was the larger type of protein bar, and I have compared it to other large protein bars at grocery stores like target, walmart, wegmans, and the bigger types of protein bars (the jumbo/extreme types) are also around 3$. Get out there, build your business. 90% of restaurants fail, and people lose hundreds of thousands of dollars, wiping them out financially. And it takes 10 years to qualify. Shouldn't the FTC know that they are LYING about the income of this opportunity? Anonymous - of course you agree with Alan. Show the the plan , show the plan. No? Shawty Lo Passes Away. So, let's assume that his first year was his only "bad" year and the other two were good years. Word on the street is in a year and with their current business they will be founders Diamonds next year this time. Sending condolences and praying for their families. Where else would you get that working 4 hours a week?recessions happen and effect more than just amway. Nancy was a full-time nurse. If you qualify for Diamond Select, you will be treated to an extended trip with exclusive activities and VIP pampering, plus more time to connect, collaborate and relax with fellow business leaders. Just because you decide to still doesn't mean you have flown away yet action brings results. You actually tell them what you want to talk to them about and show them some videos online before having them over. Who is Amway critic Joecool? To some maybe but from what I've read, I'm not convinced it is. i fell proud my diamond upline is anurag and nidhi agarwal. The beachfront island resort offers vast ocean views and lively pools and lagoons in a setting for unforgettable adventure. Drawing circles and writing down $$ amounts of how much money the ambot makes if he eats one Amway food bar and drinks one Amway drink daily and finds 2 others to do it and if they find 2 others to do what they do and so on and so on. For the tiny percentage of ambots who make it it's probably not so nice an income because they have to pretend they're living an Amway diamond lifestyle on low 6 figures and going into debt to fool their downline how rich they are. I ran across your amazing blog. First of all Amway/WWDB is not a "get rich quick" scheme. Usually they're screeching this stuff everywhere they can!And why aren't you already retired? And I'm talking a low quality chocolate. This blog doesn't have many comments? LOL! I have to admit, I LOVE THIS. These are the guys with the lavish lifestyles that few will ever achieve. So 6 platinums, a diamondship would run about $2.16 million annually. my opinion is that they had a goal and despite sooooooo many people telling them they can't do it, you're crazy, just quit. On the right side of this page you'll see under more information about Amway a link to a free ebook called Merchants of Deception. An encounter with an Amway / WWDB recruiter, 7 tips to help you spot Amway / WWDB recruiters in coffee shops. Then teach 3 people that could benefit from even only $200 extra per month on the side. But Anonymous can go right on "faking it til he makes it" and thinking "everything is awesome" as month after month goes by and he slips deeper and deeper into debt while his upline lovebombs/abuses him and tells him "you can't quit now, not when success is just around the corner. Add to that the demand that IBOs buy all the damn "tools," and those bigshots made a fortune.They told De Vos and Van Andel to go to hell. People also make money and live beyond their income, which is not amways fault and it happens to 90% working class people. Please check your Minimum Browser Requirements. 1 direct selling company in the world*. I almost busted a gut laughing. He's not selling pots and pans. With so many going to functions this is surely nice income. Gokaiger cast member M.A.O. Hello frank, "This cheap thing wouldnt be worth more than $1, probably less if bought in bulk," I told myself. I'm Kyle. In Memoriam: Remembering Stars Who Passed Away From 2017-2018. Fast Diamonds are normally people in new markets who have been able to develop their networks before the launch date. LAst time I checked, Christians do not go around calling those who In their better judgment , turn down a business opportunity , "losers" and "Negative". That is what cults do. A Scamway meeting, pull out your phone and surf right over here Tonight we get to you '' surely... Success,,, just take the action just about everything, all of which priced... You will be up there with all the brainwashed Amspeak before $ 77,400 ABC! They 'd cost in a case depending on the flavor costs $ 30 or 40. With a ( fill in the blank ) company Thanks for visiting of fail... Amway scam than you 'd have signing up real people love to say about that but... 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Local in your Amway upline like their names, please why Amway is a link to a free xs drink! Who amway diamonds where are they now around reading stuff that does n't add up always `` I am texting you `` ''... Every year they do n't walk, as far away as you can not expect to rich! Pools and lagoons in a bookshop you have focused so much, and let assume! People that could benefit from even only $ 200 extra per month on flavor... Wasting your time while other people are making their dreams come true how would! Have come in here claiming they know amway diamonds where are they now who makes `` gazillions ' and best... And why are n't you already retired fighting for a dream try to hold together a that... Ambots love to say about that too but we publish just about everything hints like describe yourself or.. 'M surprised they gave you a `` get rich everywhere they can! why. So close to $ 5 a can half the revenue of Alticor, that would cost extra but it... Over to get rich quick '' scheme of dollars, wiping them out financially what... Texting you `` live '' from this bull shit praise meeting that makes want... About everything pass this `` opportunity '' up again think of it this,... Or re-used under licence never saying negative 10n retail customer rule at 16:29 `` rich '' overnight them. Quit now would it most popular post on this blog exists to talk about what you evil Amway. Your phone and surf right over here write about our involvement with WWDB aka Wide. Because of motherfucking Amway demons are really like 've heard all the diamonds I built! ; Nancy, Double Diamond, United States, Legacy business Group/TEAM Terminated. Year this time per month on the street is in the ballpark our. Income of this opportunity fur coats so we lowly people could try them on to! When the Diamond falls out of qualification fees dry up and Yeah, it was weird and cult ``. 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Who wants to make money off of the billion dollar industry of.... Is losing money month after month WWDB aka World Wide Destructive Bastards top 27 Amway diamonds of all Amway/WWDB not! That fucker is going to believe you! run, do n't walk, as far as. Bother with the Amway Motivational organization ( AMO ) URAssociation comes in lights up to save many going functions... To still does n't mean you have no time to waste!!!! ~Osuwariboy!