3 credits. Stem Cells in Disease and Therapy. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. Global Environmental Biology. Includes a variety of seminar discussions and activities including preparation of figures for publication and the crafting of a research paper with correct usage of the primary literature. Explore the major through your introductory biology and chemistry courses. Prerequisite: BIOL317. 3 Hours. Experiments are designed to apply advanced techniques and concepts of molecular biology and genetics using prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. 1 Hour. Research projects must include experimental design and analysis of data. Phone: (804) 828-0100 4 Hours. Graded as pass/fail. The course will cover molecular construction of foreign genes; DNA cloning; technologies for DNA, RNA and protein analyses; nonvector and vector-mediated genetic transformation; gene regulation in transgenic cells; cell and tissue culture; cell fusion; and agricultural, medical and other industrial applications. Determination of the amount of credit and permission of instructor, adviser and department chair must be obtained prior to registration for this course. 3 Hours. May be repeated with a different topic for a maximum of six credits. Wednesday, May 10, 20235 p.m.University Student Commons, Richmond Salons907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. For more information visit https://business.vcu.edu/current-undergraduate-students/graduation-information or email [email protected]. Graded as pass/fail. 1 Hour. Advances in Cell Signaling. Prerequisite: ENVS602, or permission of the instructor. At fall commencement, Camille Schrier praises new graduates for their resilience, Class of 2021: Estefania de la Rosa advocated for a campus where everyone feels included, Class of 2021: Growing up in a refugee camp fueled in Khada Dulal a desire to help others, Class of 2021: After three careers, Tiffany J. Hite takes leap of faith to accomplish her dream of becoming a nurse, Class of 2021: As he combines passions for sports, law, politics and business, Andy Mensah remembers his roots, Class of 2021: Winfred Walker is an advocate for racial equity at VCU and better representation in comics, VCU to celebrate fall commencement in person on Saturday, Class of 2021: After overcoming steep health challenges, Heather James now inspires others, Class of 2021: After throwing everything he had at his student loans including his car Joel Rosback is graduating debt-free, Class of 2021: Elijah Dawson, the first in his family to graduate from college, has big plans, Class of 2021: Madisyn Elam looks for improvements to health care, Virginia
Topics will include yeast properties such as growth, structure, genetics, biodiversity and natural habitats. 2 Hours. Graduate check-in will begin at 4:00 p.m. and doors will open for the public at 4:30 p.m. Tickets are not required. BIOL454. Helps facilitate student involvement in research laboratories within the Department of Biology. Community Science: ____. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and BIOZ151; BIOL152 and BIOZ152; and BIOL300 or equivalents, all with minimum grades of C. Physiology of higher plants at molecular, cellular and organism level. 2 Hours. 2nd Place: Lois Akinola - School of Medicine. Enrollment requires permission of the instructor. Virginia residents Tuition, fees, as well as indirect charges are subject to change and all costs are subject to inflation. School of Education's Dean's Suite at 804-828-3382. Crosslisted as: LFSC520. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Saturday, May 13, 20231:30 p.m.University Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballroom907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. (Marine Biology), Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, Humacao, PR. Semester course; 2 practicum hours. BIOL101. BIOL425. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and 310 or equivalents, or permission of instructor. Prerequisite: BIOL300 with a minimum grade of C. Microanatomy of vertebrate cells, tissues and organs and the relationship of structure to function. 3 credits. Permission of instructor is required prior to registration. Develop tangible skills in internships that you can demonstrate to employers. Theoretical and empirical analysis of the structure and function of natural communities, ecosystems and landscapes. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. BIOL449. Thursday, May 4, 20235 p.m.University Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballroom907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Tickets for guests are not required. The commencement will take place at the. BIOL498. Not applicable for credit toward the major in biology. BIOL460. Consider training to become an educator through programs like. Semester course; 4 lecture hours. Enrollment is restricted to students with graduate standing that have completed at least a minor in biology or equivalent. Semester course; 1 lecture hour. 3 credits. BIOL608. Assessments and applied activities reinforce major course concepts. Semester course; 3 lecture and 3 laboratory hours. Not applicable as a prerequisite for any biology course at the 200 level or higher nor for credit toward the B.S. Projects should include data collection and analysis, learning field and/or laboratory techniques, and/or mastering experimental procedures, all under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Graded as pass/fail. Welcome to the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine. Saturday, May 13, 20238 p.m.Stuart C. Siegel Center1200 W. Broad St., Richmond, Va. 23284. Introduces the principles of ecological genetics, especially those with foundations in population and quantitative genetics, and illustrates conceptual difficulties encountered by resource stewards who wish to apply genetic principles. Topics include diseases of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, the effects of environmental contaminants and climate on those diseases, and their interaction with human health. Tickets for guests are not required. All of the graduates from 2020 and early 2021 will be contacted. Virginia Commonwealth University is an urban public research university with a leading medical center & top programs #UncommonVCU #VCURamily. The admission process for international graduate students can take six to eight weeks, depending on how soon the applicant can provide the necessary materials. Eukaryotic Biotechnology. This course will familiarize and engage students with multiple forms of diversity in science through presentations, diverse guest speakers, class discussions and student assignments, preparing them to recognize and leverage this diversity by employing inclusiveness throughout their scientific careers and lives. View programs Richard T. Robertson School of Media and Culture May be repeated for credit. Enrollment is restricted to students with graduate standing that have completed at least a minor in biology or equivalent. Discussion of principles, concepts, techniques, applications and current advances in cellular and molecular biology aspects of biotechnology for animal and plant cells. We collect limited information about web visitors and use cookies on our website to provide you with the most optimal experience. Semester course; 1 lecture hour. 4 Hours. According to a VCU release, the commencement ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 11 and will be held at the Siegel Center. Exploration of concepts related to the basic molecular and cellular biology of viruses with emphasis on the structure, genetic material and replication strategies of viruses, and the different mechanisms of infection and prevention measures. Everything you need to make college memorable. BIOL545. Prerequisites: BIOL 218 and 317 with minimum grades of C. Study of the characteristics, adaptive radiation and distribution of mammals, with emphasis on North American forms. Studies should include directed readings, directed experimentation or advanced guided inquiry all under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite: BIOL317 or equivalent. Patterns of Mammalian Reproduction. By Mike Porter. With careful planning, a study abroad semester works well during junior or senior year. 4 credits. 2019-2021: Major: Biology Mentor: Gretchen Neigh, Ph.D. Stacey Ruiz 2020-2021 : Michael Thompson . A maximum total of six credits for all research and internship courses (BIOL395, BIOL451, BIOL453, BIOL492, BIOL493, BIOL495 and/or BIOZ395) may be applied to the 40 credits of biology required for the major. 1-2 credits. The Biology BS provides an excellent liberal arts education with substantial experience in quantitative and analytical thought, along with preparation for related professions. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. This course will equip students early in their graduate experience with the knowledge, resources and skills to rapidly and successfully complete the requirements for an M.S. 4 credits. Semester course; 1 lecture and 4 laboratory hours. Prerequisite: BIOL300 with a minimum grade of C. The basic biology of fungi, including growth, structure, genetics, diversity, the commercial uses of fungi and their importance as model organisms. 4 credits. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB), Beta Beta Beta, SigmaXi, Illinois State Academy of Sciences (ISAS), Estuarine Research Federation (ERF . Prerequisite: BIOL317 or equivalent or permission by instructor. Spring 2021 Commencement Program Family and Friend Well-Wishes for the Class of 2021 VCU Family and Friend Well-Wishes for the Class of 2021 Watch on Spring 2021 Degree Recipients Please click the appropriate school or college below, to view a scrolling list of degree recipients for the Spring Class of 2021. BIOL640. Semester course; 1 credit. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Graduate and professional level job titles, GPA requirements (to progress/graduate in the major), Eugene P. and Lois E. Trani Center for Life Sciences, 1000 W. Cary Street, Room 126, Richmond, VA 23284, Strategic Enrollment Management and Student Success, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Institute of Biological Sciences, Ready, Set, Go Sophomore Transition Experience, cultural or identity-related organization, VCU Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific Products, Scientific Publication Journalist or Editor. Students will gain hands-on experience in performing tasks related to specific research areas based on the laboratory in which they are accepted to work. Education Richmond, Virginia vcu.edu Joined June 2010. Please enable Javascript functionality in your browser so you do not see this message again. 3 Hours. Students read primary literature, communicate scientific findings and synthesize information from multiple sources verbally and in written format. Semester course; variable hours. 1-4 credits. Prerequisite: BIOL300 or equivalent. A study of the ecology of streams and rivers. 1 credit. Dec. 7, 2021. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Semester course; 2 lecture and 2 laboratory hours. Singleton Center922 Park Ave., Richmond, Va. 23220. For additional questions email. Prerequisite: BIOL317 or equivalent. To qualify, students must have overall and biology GPAs of at least 3.5 and must complete the following courses in this sequence: BIOL 392, at least four credits of BIOL 495and BIOL 490. Responsibilities cumulate beyond those required in the prerequisite course. We collect limited information about web visitors and use cookies on our website to provide you with the most optimal experience. 3 credits. We'll be gathering in the first floor lobby of the Academic Learning Commons. As a young student, that recognition helped me realize that I had what it was going to take to pursue art as a career. Ph.D. students in our program take courses designed for graduate students with an emphasis on research design and experimentation. Presentations by faculty and visiting lecturers, and discussions of research and developments in biology and related fields. Students present talks and lead discussions on the selected topic. BIOL693. 4 credits. Additionally, students in the pre-dentistry or pre-optometry advising tracks or those pursuing application to the accelerated nursing program must speak with a pre-professional health adviser prior to enrolling in the class. 0 credits. [email protected], All Bulletins 2023-2024 Virginia Commonwealth University Examination of the basic factors that affect reproductive performance and how these factors are used to regulate the reproductive processes of domestic animals and humans. Information is still being collected and the list will be updated once information is received. The Spring ceremony will include congratulatory remarks from Dean Susan Gooden, a keynote address, and encouraging words from a student speaker. Students will assist with components of the laboratorys operation and gain experience working in a laboratory setting. Presents major concepts in bioinformatics through a series of real-life problems to be solved by students. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Enrollment is restricted to students with graduate standing. Saturday, May 13, 20235 p.m.Greater Richmond Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D403 N. Third St., Richmond, Va. 23219. Students typically earn about 30 semester hour credits before taking the written examination. 3 credits. Includes a variety of seminar discussions and activities such as preparation of visual materials and statistical analysis of data. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. BIOL510. Information is still being collected. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. 1 credit. A celebration of achievement for disabled undergraduate and graduate (masters and doctorate) candidates. Prerequisite: Completion of the Biocore with minimum grades of C. Pre- or corequisites: BIOL492 or 495, and senior standing. This course examines the physiological adjustments and adaptations made by organisms in response to their environment. Prerequisites: BIOL392, permission of the supervising faculty member and a research proposal acceptable to the departmental chair. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. A celebration of achievement for undergraduate and graduate (masters and doctorate) candidates that identify as Asian Pacific American (APA), Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI), Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI), and South Asian (Desi). Semester course; 3 lecture hours. BIOL650. 3 credits. BIOL103. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and BIOZ151; BIOL152 and BIOZ152, all with minimum grades of C. A field-based course that focuses on insect diversification, identification, natural history and basic biology. BIOL603. 3 credits. Prerequisite: BIOL318 or BIOL341 with a minimum grade of C. The origin and genetic history of modern humans, our historic colonization and migration, the utility of the Human Genome Project, our differences from other primates, adaptation to our environment and disease, and the ethical implications of genetic research in our society. This course must be taken for two consecutive semesters starting in the fall. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Candidates for a baccalaureate degree who complete a minimum of 45 credits at VCU may qualify for graduation honors. 3 credits. Theoretical and empirical analysis of processes that occur within natural populations, including population genetics, population growth and fluctuation, demography, evolution of life history strategies and interspecific interactions. Friday, April 21, 20236:30 p.m.Academic Learning Commons, 1st floor lobby1000 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23220. By clicking on "I agree", you agree to this use. Discuss options for fulfilling your capstone & begin to plan accordingly (common options are research, internship. Focuses on the structural, mechanical and biochemical adaptations employed by microorganisms in their interactions with host cells and substrates. The goal of this course is to provide training in writing competitive research proposals. Friday, May 12, 202310 a.m.Dominion Energy Center600 E. Broad St., Richmond, Va. 23219. An examination of the cellular, molecular and clinical aspects of cancer development, progression and treatment. 3 Hours. LSEE - For more information please reach out to Margaret Ozierski via email: [email protected]. For more information please reach out to your departments administrator or advisor. Enrollment is restricted to students with graduate standing. Prerequisites: BIOL151 and 152; BIOZ151 or LFSC/BNFO251; BIOZ152 or LFSC/BNFO252; BIOL300; CHEM101; and CHEZ101, each with a minimum grade of C; and BIOL200, MATH200, MATH201, STAT210, STAT212 or STAT314. 3 credits. Limited Seating. May 14. 3 Hours. 4 credits. Commonwealth University. Learn more about berber and drugs of abuse (alcohol, marijuana, etc.). 3 credits. . If several topics are offered, students may elect to take more than one. For more information email [email protected]. For additional questions email [email protected]. Visit https://socialwork.vcu.edu/academics/commencement/ oremail [email protected] for more information. Saturday, May 13, 20235:30 p.m.Greater Richmond Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A403 N. Third St., Richmond, Va. 23219. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Virginia Commonwealth University - Class Rings, Yearbooks and Graduation | Balfour Virginia Commonwealth University Change Your School Contact We're bringing the TRADITION to you. BIOL459. College of Engineering. Prerequisites: BIOL152, BIOZ152 and BIOL300, each with a minimum grade of C. BIOL310 is recommended. Virginia Commonwealth University will hold fall commencement on Saturday, marking VCU's first universitywide in-person commencement ceremony since the COVID-19 pandemic began in spring 2020.. VCU will hold commencement at 10 a.m. at the Stuart C. Siegel Center, 1200 W. Broad St. Emphasis is placed on understanding how different physiological systems work together to maintain homeostasis and predicting the consequences of damaging or deleting system components that can occur in diseases and injuries. Prerequisites: BIOL300 and 310, each with a minimum grade of C. Basic principles of developmental biology focused on vertebrate model organisms with an emphasis on the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms that guide development. Also discusses the interactions between fungi and plants and fungi and humans. Saturday, May 13, 20237 p.m.Greater Richmond Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B403 N. 3rd St., Richmond, Va. 23219. 3 credits. Designed for biology majors. Graduates may bring up to 6 guests to attend the in-person celebration. Prerequisites: BIOL152 and BIOZ152; and BIOL300, BIOL310, BIOL317 or BIOL318, each with a minimum grade of C. A study of a selected topic in biology. Prerequisites: BIOL317, CHEM102 and CHEZ102, with minimum grades of C. An introduction to physical, chemical and geological oceanography and a more detailed treatment of the organisms and ecological processes involved in the pelagic and benthic environments of the world's oceans and estuaries. Students will utilize a number of computer programs to analyze and interpret management strategies. Biology Capstone Experience. The course also will introduce students to data mining, the use of databases, meta-data analysis and techniques to access information. Prerequisite: BIOL310 with a minimum grade of C. Provides an understanding of molecular biology testing methodologies as applied to analysis of forensic samples. VCU Transfer Center Telephone: (804) 827-1349 Email: [email protected] Transfer Advising Request VCCS Transfer Planning Checklist Office of Admissions Telephone: (804) 828-1222 or (800) 841-3638 Email: [email protected] Apply Here. Forensic Molecular Biology. 3 Hours. Saturday, May 13, 20235 p.m.University Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballroom907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. Scientific Communication: Public Discourse. Friday, May 12, 2023NoonUniversity Student Commons, Commonwealth Ballrooms907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 Hours. Introduction to core biological concepts including cell structure, cellular metabolism, cell division, DNA replication, gene expression and genetics. 0-4 credits (one credit per 50 hours of supervised work experience). Prerequisite: BIOL317 or equivalent. 4 Hours. Tickets for guests are not required. Friday, May 12, 20235 p.m.First Baptist Church2709 Monument Ave., Richmond, Va. 23220. Independent Study. Monday, May 1, 20235 p.m.University Student Commons, Richmond Salons907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. Prerequisites: BIOL300, BIOL310, BIOL317 and BIOL318, each with a minimum grade of C. Enrollment is restricted to biology majors with senior standing. A comprehensive ecological and evolutionary study of specializations and adaptive radiation in mammalian reproductive anatomy, the reproductive cycle, seasonality of reproduction and factors affecting litter size and developmental state of neonates. Friday, May 5, 20236 p.m.Academic Learning Commons, Room 1201. Students will gain hands-on experience including data collection and analysis, learning field and/or laboratory techniques, and/or mastering experimental procedures, all under the direct supervision of a faculty member. A study of a selected topic in biology. Topics include molecular aspects of cells, bioenergetics, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, cellular and organismal reproduction, genetics and evolution, and ecology. Semester course; variable hours. 3 Hours. Meet some of this year's graduates Semester course; 3 lecture hours. For more information contact the School of Education's Dean's Suite at 804-828-3382. Friday, May 12, 20231 p.m.Altria Theater6 N. Laurel St., Richmond, Va. 23220. The course also covers applied topics such as biotechnology, pollution control and food production. Semester course; 0-4 field experience hours. 3 Hours. BIOL560. Semester course; 3 lecture and 2 laboratory hours. For more information email, Tickets are not required. The ceremony will be live streamed at the following link. Consenting to VCU's privacy policy requires the use of Javascript. For additional questions email, Tickets are not required. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Semester course; hours to be arranged. Environmental Pollution. 3 credits. Covers the implementation of conservation techniques including monitoring, planning, education, habitat management and combining conservation with human development strategies. 4 credits. Semester course; 1-4 lecture hours. Commencement - Virginia Commonwealth University Save the Date! Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 4 credits. Developmental Biology. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Introduction to Biological Sciences I. 3 credits. Monday, May 8, 20235 p.m.University Student Commons, Richmond Salons907 Floyd Ave., Richmond, Va. 23284. GSWS - Emily Humberson: [email protected], Saturday, May 13, 20234:30 p.m.W.E. Tickets are not required for guests. Where to Apply: VCU Graduate Online Application Application Fee: 70 USD Admission Requirements: The following documents must be sent with the application for graduate programs: Completed application form Original and certified copies of academic records including diplomas, certificates, national level exams. 0 Hours. Topics include the history of stem cell research; the generation of pluripotent stem cells; the role of adult stem cells in disease and genetic disorders; the use of genetic engineering in stem cell-based curative gene therapy; and discussions of the ethical issues related to stem cell use in regenerative medicine. These cookies help us provide you with personalized content and improve our website. A minimum of three hours of supervised activity per week per credit hour is required. Semester course; 3 lecture hours. Conservation Biology. We collect limited information about web visitors and use cookies on our website to provide you with the most optimal experience. 3 credits. BIOL691. Enrollment restricted to qualified seniors and graduate students. The ceremony takes place during the fall and spring commencement. Internship is designed to provide laboratory, field or work experience in an off-campus professional biology setting. Prerequisites: eight credits in biology. Graded as pass/fail. Aims are to prepare the student for future research experiences and to have the student write detailed research proposals. Students will make several oral presentations directly related to their specific BIOL492 or 495 projects. Crosslisted as: ENVS654/URSP654. See the Schedule of Classes for specific topics to be offered each semester and prerequisites. BIOL654. 3 credits. Guests, please RSVP to the evite. Semester course; 3 lecture and 4 laboratory hours. 0 Hours. Variable credit. Tickets can be picked up in the VCUarts Deans Office, Pollak Building 2nd floor, on or after April 17th. in Biology while enhancing their communication and planning skills in several critical formats and areas, as well as exploring alternative career paths based on their personal goals and values. 3 credits. Prerequisites: BIOL and BIOZ151, BIOL and BIOZ152, and BIOL300, each with a minimum grade of C. Introduction to basic reproductive anatomy and physiology. The official conferral date is listed on the VCU academic calendar . Focuses on how to make conservation work where biodiverstiy and human livelihoods must be reconciled. BIOL540. Prerequisites: BIOL 151and BIOZ 151with minimum grades of C; and MATH 151, MATH 200, MATH 201, STAT 210or satisfactory score on the VCU Mathematics Placement Test within a one-year period immediately preceding the beginning of the course. , progression and treatment by students of Education 's Dean 's Suite at vcu biology graduation 2021 credits before taking the written.! Neigh, Ph.D. Stacey Ruiz 2020-2021: Michael Thompson # UncommonVCU # VCURamily following link, Commonwealth Ballroom907 Floyd,! Via email: maozierski @ vcu.edu for more information please reach out to departments! A403 N. Third St., Richmond, Va. 23220 and food production fulfilling your capstone & to! Off-Campus professional biology setting the implementation of conservation techniques including monitoring, planning a... Supervising faculty member for two consecutive semesters starting in the first floor lobby of the Biocore minimum! 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