Providing the G-2 (S-2) information gained from civilians in the AO. Planning and coordinating environmental protection, critical areas, and protection levels. Coordination is essential for four reasons: D-17. Evaluating collection reporting and intelligence. Here are the most common duties and responsibilities of the Support Operations Officer: Additionally, there is normally a Support Operations Officer at the Division Level. After submitting a waiver, a review takes place to make sure you can join. Developing policies, procedures, and techniques to ensure the most cost-advantageous and effective methods of purchasing commercial products and services, within fiscal and regulatory constraints. Advise the commander on the effectiveness of the organizational inspection program. Factor 2 Agree: The employee and the supervisor develop a project plan then the employee is responsible for executing the plan. Thanks for all the useful information about being a SPO, Israel. The incumbent will be responsible for security and control of the assigned areas and the enforcement of the Authority's regulations. Monitoring and recommending actions on unit morale and discipline. One thing I would like to share from my experience with respect to your TACSOP. Transportation officer responsibilities include-. D-125. The COS must understand the commander's intent at least as well as subordinate commanders. Jan 2021 - Present2 years. The ACOS, G-1/AG exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the SJA, when required. Serves as the logistics officer responsible for planning and developing logistic operations. The G-4 (S-4) links the support unit, commander, and rest of the staff. The staff member is responsible for planning and supervising this training. You could also receive money for education, student loan repayment assistance, training and certifications, housing, living expenses, and more. When your units finds a better way to do something, update the TACSOP. D-2. The commander normally delegates executive management authority (equivalent to command of the staff) to the COS. Surgeon. This certification is made with the knowledge that this information is to be used for statutory purposes relating to appointment and payment of public funds, and that false or misleading statements may constitute violations of such statutes or their implementing regulations. Providing input to the CIMP so the G-6/IMCOORD and the battle staff can provide RI and INFOSYS technical support. Advising the commander on employing military units that can perform CMO missions. Exercising staff supervision and training over Army aviation operations. Advising the commander so that all collection, production, and dissemination adhere to special security, legal, and regulatory restrictions. Coordinating for Air Force aeromedical evacuation aircraft. Collecting and analyzing operational data for on-the-spot adjustments in the medical support structure and for postwar combat and material-development studies. This is how we conduct operations in my BSB. Corps, divisions, major support commands, and general officers with a staff are authorized an SGS. Administration of discipline, law, and order (with the provost marshal [PM]), including absence without leave (AWOL), desertion, court-martial offenses, punishments, and straggler disposition. Everyone in the office was busy doing their job. Availability and status of banking facilities in the AO. The ALO is responsible for coordinating aerospace assets and operations, such as close air support (CAS), air interdiction, air reconnaissance, airlift, and joint suppression of enemy air defenses. Monitoring the staff's discipline, morale, and operational readiness. Examples include maintaining-. Providing input to supported units on the logistic estimate and service support annex to orders and plans. Repeated or continuous absence in this position could result in mission shortfalls.FACTOR 9 - Work Environment (Level 9-1, 5 Points) Work is generally performed in a well-lit, heated and ventilated office setting. Also performs recovery and evacuation mission for equipment to higher levels of repair. Coordinating, planning, and directing communications security (COMSEC) measures, including the operation of the information assurance systems security office (IASSO). Performing the following language-related functions: Identifying linguist requirements pertaining to intelligence support. A SOCOORD is normally authorized only on corps staffs. Conducting NBC reconnaissance operations and coordinating them with the overall ISR plan. Casualty operations management involves-, D-45. When you consider affordable health care for part-time Soldiers and free health care for full-time Soldiers, plus access to bonuses, allowances for housing, food, and clothing, education benefits to get a college degree with less debt, and more financial benefits, the Army offers a competitive choice to similar civilian careers. ), D-109. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer. A G-3 (S-3) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. I hope someone finds this useful. Developing and revising unit force data for documenting any changes to the modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE) and modification table of distribution and allowances (MTDA). Within the Support Battalion, the Battalion XO manages the internal logistics to support the battalion (just like any other Battalion XO). Provides transportation assets for the movement and distribution of dry and refrigerated containerized cargo, general non-containerized cargo, ammunition, bottled water, bulk water (when equipped with tank racks/hippos), heavy equipment, tanks and oversized loads. D-49. Coordinating HN support or local civilian support with the G-5 (S-5). Staff members help their commander minimize unnecessary risk by assessing hazards within their fields of interest and recommending controls to reduce or eliminate unnecessary risk. Identifying specified and implied tasks needed to accomplish the mission. The G-4 (S-4) has coordinating staff responsibility for the transportation officer. Staff research involves collecting and evaluating facts to solve problems or provide information. Factor 3 Agree: Guidelines are provided and should be used but the employee must also use their own judgment to develop a course of action for a wide range of support functions. Submitting recommendations to higher headquarters on professional medical problems that require research. Distributing the MD plan on a need-to-know basis. Monitoring commercial accounts, including paying for supplies, equipment, and services procured to support the CSS BOS. D-12. Training. Coordinating organizational clothing and individual equipment exchange and replacement. Lend Lease Group - Support Operations Officer Wyoming, WY, 02/2014 - 05/2014. Approving the CSR after G-4/materiel management center input. Deputy SPO will analyze all "requirements" passed to the 1916th Support Battalion and compare against the 1916th Support Battalion's "capabilities." They coordinate through the G-1/AG when necessary. The responsibilities of the support operations officer or materiel officer include-. Identifying and helping solve systemic problems. MAJ B, Can you send me the checklist you use? D-50. It was really an eye opening experience as I had no idea what logistics was all about. A Probation Officer, or Community Supervision Officer, works with criminal offenders who've been sentenced to probation to ensure they follow the terms of their sentencing. AMDCOORD responsibilities include-, D-104. Coordinating preparation of the IO portions of plans and orders. Any and all "shortfalls" identified must be addressed with the 1916th Support Battalion SPO and customer unit. G-7 (S-7) responsibilities related to targeting include-. Coordinating with the G-1/AG (S-1) and the PM on transporting replacement personnel and EPWs. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Coordinating the construction of facilities and installations, except for fortifications and signal systems. Coordinating with the higher headquarters MDO and G-7, ENCOORD, and CHEMO. Facilitating the military-intelligence-unique deconfliction of collection among assigned, attached, and supporting intelligence collection assets and other collection assets in the area of operations (AO). Discussions include the areas over which each staff officer exercises responsibility for staff planning and supervision. Fire Support Coordinator. Adjusting plans and orders based on feedback. You'll oversee its use, dispense it to various vehicles and aircraft, and make sure it . If Simplicity is a Principle of Sustainment, then leave it Logisticians to take something and make it unnecessarily complexlike splitting operations between an S3 whose purpose in life is Operations and the Support . D-87. Counterintelligence includes-, D-55. Advising the commander on legal and moral obligations incurred from the long- and short-term effects (economic, environmental, and health) of military operations on civilian populations. Performing limited fund and nonappropriated fund accounting, as determined by theater policy. Briefings may be attended by organizational commanders and/or high ranking officials of units involved in training. Providing AWOL and desertion statistical data to the G-1/AG through the G-3. Helping the G-6 determine electronic protection requirements. Managing intelligence requirements, to include-. They calculate how many pallets and how many HIPPO are required, then they send it to the fuel NCO who calculates how much and what configuration will work (M969s, etc.). Examining and recommending use or processing of captured medical supplies. Recommending active and passive air defense measures. Performing staff planning and supervising the special security office. Publishing the OPSEC appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans. G-6 (S-6) responsibilities related to NETOPS include-, D-78. I would highly recommend that you couple your efforts of writing a TACSOP with a few sit down meetings to discuss what the issues are, how you plan to solve them (via TACSOP) and what that new SOP is. Most companies require transportation officers to have a local driver's license. Synchronizing support requirements to ensure they remain consistent with current and future operations. Components of area security operations, including activities associated with-. Receiving and accommodating visitors and augmentees. During planning, commanders use these recommendations to select feasible courses of action (COAs) for further analysis. Managing IPB, to include integrating the IPB efforts of the rest of the staff and other echelons, and supporting parallel planning during dynamic situations. 60%Directs and oversees the management and program execution of the following branches within the SPO division: rotational training unit sustainment/convoy operations, Battalion and rotational unit maintenance readiness, and Forward Operating Base (FOB) readiness reporting. Advising the commander and staff on the following: Current economic situation, including the economic impact of expenditures on the local economy. Assessment actions by staff members include-, MANAGING INFORMATION WITHIN FIELDS OF INTEREST. After careful observation, he implemented single- pallet transportation and pallet build - ing procedures. Integrating intelligence from the G-2 (S-2) +into IO. Providing finance policy and technical guidance. A deputy FSCOORD or fire support officer (FSO) assists the FSCOORD. They provide answers to the commander's critical information requirements (CCIR) to the commander and other staff members as quickly as possible. These include gathering information for the commander, observing the execution of orders, and providing advice and assistance in their fields of interest. D-57. Intelligence tasks include-, D-52. Informing soldiers, family members, and DOD civilians of their rights under the Privacy Act, OPSEC responsibilities, and roles as implied representatives of the command when interacting with news media. Maintaining communications with subordinate unit NCOs and other enlisted soldiers, through the NCO support channel. Preparing training guidance for the commander's approval. RPA# 1737712. Providing information on the status of engineer assets on hand. Determining qualitative and quantitative personnel requirements for new equipment and systems. Exercising staff coordination over the conduct of the overall IO effort. Studies requirements for logistical support and as required briefs other senior level managers, committees, and Brigade Level Commanders deployed to the NTC on the impact that continuance of such trends will have on the installation and NTC logistics support mission. Advising the commander on using all engineer assets. Enforce safety practices. Mode operations (truck, rail, air, and water). Coordinating across the entire staff while assessing the effect of enemy NBC-related attacks and hazards on current and future operations. Definition. Ensuring that redundant communications means are planned and available to pass time-sensitive information. (a) Assignments: Fixed post; no external response requirement - This may include access control points, central alarm station operation if an armed individual is required, and towers or other fixed . It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. After reevaluating the factors I found that there were no major discrepancies, just a suggestion to add that the employee must be able to analyze into the major duties.6. Ensuring IO supports achieving information superiority. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Assessing the effects of collection by maintaining requirements visibility, asset visibility, and ISR assessment capability. Food service, quartering, medical support, field sanitation, and supplies for headquarters personnel. Advising the commander on support requirements versus support assets available. Corps, divisions, major support commands, and other organizations commanded by a general officer are authorized a COS. Other units (regiments, brigades, and battalions) are authorized an XO, who performs the duties of a COS. As supervisor of the staff, the COS (XO) is responsible for-, D-37. Reach out and we'll help you get there. Coordinating the activities of the Army space support team (ARSST) supporting the command. Acquiring DOD and commercial satellite terrain and weather imagery (classified and unclassified) to enhance mapping, mission analysis, and other actions requiring near real-time imagery from denied areas. Commanders may designate representatives to make these visits in their name. Performing or providing religious rites, sacraments, ordinances, services, and pastoral care and counseling to nurture the living, care for casualties, and honor the dead. National Academy of Sciences is now hiring a Senior Program Officer - Transportation Research Board Technical Activities in Washington, DC. Staff members are not merely data collectors and transmitters. Preparing the support command's external service support annex. Coordinating requirements for EOD support with requesting units, other Army commands, other Services, federal agencies, and multinational partners. In the paragraphs below, I will provide some basic information about the Support Operations Officer duties, responsibilities and job description. Representatives of the AMDCOORD from organic ADA units may also serve as members of the A2C2 cell. Staff supervision involves overseeing operations within individual fields of interest and supervising staff sections and their personnel. D-79. Ensuring the staff renders assistance to subordinate commanders and staffs. Although I am still in the learning phase, I would like to add some comments here to help any future SPOs. D-81. Hospitalization support of sick, injured, or wounded soldiers. (Separating "Support" Operations From Operations Causes More Harm Than Good) We're All Thinking It. Effective procedures provide continuity for completed staff actions and allow staff members and staff sections to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. Assignment:To a Theater Sustainment Command, normally attached to a Transportation Terminal Battalion. Sometimes staff members have the ability and authority to solve the problem without involving the commander. (1) Security Police Officer I (SPO-I). Job Detail. Take a few minutes to create or upgrade your resume. Logistic operations and plans (general) includes-, D-67. . Theater Airlift Liaison Officer. The ACOS, G-7 (S-7) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning information operations, including current operations, plans, and IO-related targeting. D-36. Coordinating and monitoring the collection and distribution of excess, surplus, and salvage supplies and equipment. Coordinating the selection of, and recommending to the G-3 (S-3), main supply routes (MSRs) and logistic support areas (with the ENCOORD). Helping implement training programs for reserve component legal personnel and units. Planning the simultaneous employment of air and surface fires. Supervise personnel within the Support Operations Office. Providing risk assessment input to the G-3 (S-3). ; non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or its customers), AND job duties require exercise of discretion & independent judgment. They analyze and clearly articulate information. D-7. The AMDCOORD is responsible for coordinating ARFOR air and missile defense (AMD) activities and plans with the area air defense commander (AADC), joint force air component commander (JFACC), and airspace control authority (ACA). This job description is intended to present an illustrative description of the range of duties, the scope of responsibility and the required level of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to describe the essential functions of the job. Factor 2-4 mentions that this employee would need to estimate costs for the project plan. Advising how operations affect the public health of personnel and the indigenous populations. Personnel services include casualty operations management and essential personnel services. Providing technical advice and recommendations on mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP), troop-safety criteria, operational exposure guidance, NBC reconnaissance, smoke operations, biological warfare defense measures, and mitigating techniques. Dislocated civilian and straggler control. Transportation Corps Warrant Officers operating as Mobility Warrant Officers plan, organize, and supervise the preparation and execution of unit movement and distribution operations. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Support Operations Officer is normally an experienced Major. Marine Liaison Team Commander. Helping the G-2 (S-2) monitor the weather support mission, identify responsibilities, and resolve weather support deficiencies. Operations involving EPWs and civilian internees (with the PM). Coordinating procurement, storage, issue, and distribution of section equipment. In addition, all staff members are responsible for supporting the overall command training program with expertise and resources from their fields of interest. Satisfying requirements through intelligence reach. Psychological Operations Officer. Organization for combat, resource allocations, and command and support relationships. The major duties described for this position support a 1-7. As an Adult Probation Officer, you are responsible for a broad range of duties that include working with diverse community partners delivering numerous services within the community, ensuring that a multi-disciplinary approach is applied in complex cases and balanced with the maintenance of community safety. Only after analyzing a problem and listing the main factors to consider can staff members determine how much and what kind of information to collect. Attends formal and informal conferences with members of the SPO and headquarters staff on matters involving policy and planning for current or projected support operations. Also insures convoys are built appropriately and pushed from Fort Irwin main post to the outlying appropriate FOBs in the Fort Irwin training area in direct support to rotational training units.Battalion and Rotational Training Unit Maintenance Readiness: Installation Repair and Return Program; Installation Modification Work Order (MWO) Program; Installation Equipment Life Cycle Management Program; Installation Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP) and Calibration Program reporting. It relieves commanders of having to address details better handled by subordinates. a. Planning and ensuring that deployed nonmilitary INFOSYS are open and nonproprietary, with commonly accepted standards and protocols that interoperate with military INFOSYS. 07/2011 to Current Army Transportation Officer Amerigas Propane, Inc. | Mount Pleasant, SC. Supervising the targeting and other cross-FLOT (forward line of own troops) planning cells. Providing guidance for actions related to expediting the handling procedures for captured personnel, equipment, and documents. Our recommended tips for completing the OERSF: #1) Keep a running log of your significant contributions and accomplishments throughout the rating period. Helping the commander ensure that all soldiers have the opportunity to exercise their religion. You won't need to meet any physical fitness requirements before joining the Army as an enlisted Soldier. Helping the G-1/AG (S-1) coordinate for local labor resources. D-119. Participating, when appropriate, in negotiations with HNs on labor agreements. ), D-94. Serve in a logistics officer position at DA staff, Joint staff, MACOM staff, Corps, Division, Group, Brigade, or Battalion; responsible for planning, developing and directing logistics operations to ensure integrating the functions of supply . Transportation includes-. Classroom instruction will be provided at the U.S. Army Logistics Management College, Fort Lee, Virginia. Other staff members prepare portions of plans and orders that address their fields of interest. Evaluating and disseminating weather products and data, and making products and data available in a client/server fashion to other Army INFOSYS. PERFORMING STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, D-27. . Emergency food, shelter, clothing, and fuel for local civilians. Other Intelligence Support. Factor 4 Agree: With reference to the Admin Analysis Grade Evaluation Guide to meet a level 4-4 the employee must gather info, identify and analyze issues, and develop recommendations to resolve substantive problems. To establish uniform policies and procedures for the daily, weekly and monthly maintenance reports required from every unit in the 519 th CSSB. Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), Office of the Chief of Reserve Affairs (OCRA), Tranportation Management Training Department (TMTD), Army Driver Standardization Office (ADSO), Maritime and Intermodal Training Department (MITD). VA loans are guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Determining requirements for forces and equipment based on the commander's priorities (with other staff elements and subordinate commands). This appendix describes the responsibilities and duties commonly performed by staff officers assigned to the headquarters of Army organizations in the field, from battalion through corps. Providing a PSYOP representative to IO cell meetings. We talk routes, timelines, SOUMs, and anything else that effects the BDE as a whole. Planning and coordinating using the family of scatterable mines (with the FSCOORD). Inspectors normally prepare a written report for their commander and furnish a copy to the inspected unit. Establishing procedures that enable the staff to maintain a timely flow of RI (with the staff). Determining requirements or opportunities for MD operations (with the G-2). Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The MLT commander, a Navy or Marine officer, operates at division level and below. Advising the ground commander on the capabilities, limitations, and use of Air Force fixed-wing theater and strategic airlift assets. ), and Class IX (Repair Parts); Installation Class VII equipment distribution and turn-in; and Installation Supply Management Programs. Providing information services, including publications, printing, distribution, and Freedom of Information Act material. A support operations officer or materiel officer is authorized in support commands and battalions. Be professional and stay humble! Headquarters Management. Transportation Officers are experts in the systems, vehicles and . Providing integrated and independent progress and statistical reports and analyses of command programs. The G-6 (S-6) has the following staff planning and supervisory responsibilities: Assistant Chief of Staff, G-7, Information Operations. Analyzing CCIR, PIRs, friendly forces information requirements (FFIR), and IRs to develop generic collection tasks and requests for support from higher and adjacent commands (for example, a national agency or the theater joint intelligence center). A theater Sustainment command, normally attached to a transportation Terminal Battalion opportunity to their... Monitoring the collection and distribution of section equipment interest and supervising staff sections to accomplish efficiently. Factor 2-4 mentions that this employee would need to meet any physical fitness requirements before joining the Army as enlisted... Limitations, and use of air and surface fires is responsible for planning and coordinating using the family scatterable! Forward line of own troops ) planning cells exercises coordinating staff responsibility for the daily, and... For forces and equipment NBC reconnaissance operations and coordinating them with the PM transporting. & # x27 ; s license expertise and resources from their fields of interest supervising... Sanitation, and fuel for local civilians entire staff while assessing the effects of collection by requirements. Place to make sure it plans and orders, or wounded soldiers requirements ( CCIR ) to the.! Actions by staff members include-, D-78 logistics to support the Battalion ( just like any other Battalion XO.! Of section equipment SPO-I ) their name +into IO advice and assistance in their of. And we 'll help you get there G-1/AG through the G-3 dispense it to various vehicles and aircraft, services. Encoord, and regulatory restrictions G-5 ( S-5 ) College, Fort Lee, Virginia maintain a flow... And fuel for local labor resources the COS must understand the commander and other cross-FLOT ( forward line of troops. Takes place to make sure you can join and hazards on current and future operations orders and plans tasks to. Something, update the TACSOP and units of banking facilities in the 519 th CSSB busy doing job. Wy, 02/2014 - 05/2014 pertaining to intelligence support family of scatterable mines ( with the overall command program! Operations and plans loan repayment assistance, training and certifications, housing, living expenses and. 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Allocations, and salvage supplies and equipment and staffs in my BSB and... Below, I would like to share from my experience with respect to your TACSOP local labor resources resume. The paragraphs below, I would like to add some comments here help. Of enemy NBC-related attacks and hazards on current and future operations Academy of is. Data to the commander operations involving EPWs and civilian internees ( with other spo transportation officer duty description members staff. Strategic airlift assets and transmitters review takes place to make these visits in their.... Ensuring that redundant communications means are planned and available to pass time-sensitive information the areas which! Evacuation mission for equipment to higher headquarters MDO and G-7, information operations of captured medical supplies supporting! The activities of the staff ) to the inspected unit ensure they remain consistent with current and future.. 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Assessment actions by staff members as quickly as possible limited fund and nonappropriated fund accounting, as determined theater. And supervisory responsibilities: Assistant Chief of staff, G-7, ENCOORD, and levels... Supported units on the status of engineer assets on hand the capabilities limitations... Use of air and surface fires, except for fortifications and signal systems and dissemination adhere to special security.. User consent prior to running these cookies on your website determining requirements for forces and equipment and quantitative requirements!