Am I the only one who wishes we got . He will think the Valentine Stable is his house and try to cuddle with a horse's rear, thinking it is his wife. Near Owanjila, the player can pass through a group of Laramies, one of which will hold the player's horse, asking him to get off it so they could steal the animal. They'll continue to torment and threaten to burn the man alive. He asks the player for help, and thanks the protagonist after safely making it back. There will be no consequence for beating him up or killing him. In one encounter, he suffragette will ask the player's opinion on allowing women to vote, and the player will respond that he is fine with it, but does not see the value in voting. Soon after the mission "Urban Pleasures", sometimes mobsters may be found guarding the bridges to Saint Denis. The boy asks the player if he has seen his dog, and requests that the player helps him find it. A patron will complain about the cleanliness of the tavern and threaten to take their business elsewhere. If the player approaches the three Raiders, they will become hostile towards them. The player can encounter a beggar asking for some money. The player has the option to accept or decline. The first clue is located on the building just above the second "N" in "Saint Denis" on the Red Dead Redemption 2 map. In Rhodes, an encounter with the same scenario will occur.[2]. Despite the boy's efforts, he loses sight of his dog. The latter willbe a long way to row though. The player can intervene or not intervene. Ill try saving and reloading. Dec 28, 2019 @ 5:13pm Hi, You can fish on a boat, just press E and select your fishing rod. If lassoed or murdered, he can be looted for the Letter to Nigel from Tom. One of the Murfrees will brandish a weapon at the player and will tell them to mind their own business. The player can encounter different gunslingers in The Heartlands, Rio Bravo, Big Valley, Ringneck Creek, and Scarlett Meadows who will challenge them to a friendly shooting competition. Helgerson will offer a Chelonian Handbill, which the player may choose to accept or reject. You can obtain a map with the locations of all of the fish by speaking. These encounters can only occur playing as Arthur. If a prisoner is helped, he will give the player a robbery tip. In western Lemoyne, on the bridge just across from the border with New Hanover and southwest of Old Greenbank Mill, the player may find a group of five O'Driscolls that have barricaded the bridge with a wagon. For a map of Saint Denis with all useful locations, check out the Red Dead Redemption 2 Interactive Map. Shoot to kill! As detailed on the How to Fish page, you can buy various types of bait at the Bait Shop in Lagras. The player can encounter a man who collects herbs such as Indian Tobacco or American Ginseng. The man tells the gunsmith to stay away from him and tells the man not talk that way to his father. It can be played in 5 locations as seen below. If the player wins again, the man will be enraged and shoot his horse dead for losing. The moonshiner will thank the player for the help and will ask them to take the loot from their chest. The player can encounter two men making moonshine at their camp in Big Valley and they will notice the protagonist's approach. This has the chance to make the player's horse buck them off, upon which an ambush will begin while the player's horse takes off. When arriving at the homestead, the thugs will be heard threatening the woman's husband in the basement of the house. In Saint Denis, the player may encounter Anders Helgerson a spokesman and leader of the Chelonia cult. Then he heads for Blackwater. The player can encounter various pickpockets who purposely bump into the player and take the player's money. If antagonized enough times, the undertaker will become hostile and attack John. At Coot's Chapel, a gravedigger is seen picking up a corpse, dragging it and putting it in a mass grave. Curiously, if the player kills him they can encounter him again in the same spot. MIS Gaming 19K subscribers Subscribe 29K views 4 years ago Like, Comment, Share & SUBSCRIBE for MORE!! If the player lassos the runaway and returns it to its owner, the owner will offer a small cash reward. The player can loot the dead individual(s) (loss of honor), take the wagon (loss of honor), or take the horse. In Saint Denis, two men will be loudly arguing on the sidewalk beneath a balcony on one of the city's poorer streets. The player can decline the offer which will gain them some more honor. Here are 20 Hidden Locations Only Experts Found In Red Dead Redemption 2. If done in the Epilogue, it will be a generic gang instead. The player can give him 25 cents or steal from him. In another encounter, in an alley near the Fontana Theatre or near the stables, a man who is getting mugged by an outlaw can be heard crying for help. He gives you map marking all 13 Legendary Fish. The Gray member will execute the Braithwaite and disposes his body on the Braithwaite's property. In New Hanover, an O'Driscoll will shout "Look who we found! With each encounter, Nigel will provide additional details, such as how Gavin is a Cockney and that he disappeared without a trace one night while Nigel slept. The player can choose to give him 50 cents or steal the money from his bowl. This encounter can be repeated for the same reward. In Armadillo, the player can encounter two Del Lobos exiting the saloon, with one of them having a fight with a local citizen. Head slightly to the northeast of the shop to enter a courtyard with a tree. The graffiti is found beside the entrance of the building, so it's easy to spot. Can't Find a Boat - Red Dead Redemption 2 - Forums. The player can encounter a man looking over a cliff. Freeing the outlaw will result in a loss of honor. Listed below is all of the Cigarette Cards that you can find in the Saint Denis area. They thank the prostitute for helping lure the player outside and want to get revenge on the protagonist for posing a threat to their boss. Click the links below to jump to Know what you're looking to catch? You must catch these fish and deliver them to him to complete this Stranger Quest. The house belonged to an alchemist who, according to a newspapers' article, was doing experiments to turn metals into gold (his scorched body can be seen below the remains). Got there using my horse. Two Murfrees have a woman tied up beside a wagon that has been ambushed and her male companion is dead nearby. Boats are a part of the transportation system in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online. If they decide not to, a Lemoyne Raider gang member will be annoyed by the tax collector and will execute the man with a knife. In Saint Denis, a man will be speaking with an acquaintance on a sidewalk near a muddy street puddle. The player can help the man by giving him a health cure. The ghost of a young woman named Agnes Dowd can be seen in Bluewater Marsh between 9 pm and 3 am. That's what I did to get the catfish, couldn't find a parked steamboat anywhere. The player can encounter a man camping in the woods. I think they spawn randomly because I found a row boat on the coast of Saint Denis by complete accident. Two other outlaws, Earl and Bobbie, appear on horses pointing weapons at the player. The drunk will also tell the player that he feels sleepy and takes one last swig of the whisky. The man can be encountered in New Hanover, Big Valley, and Scarlett Meadows in Lemoyne and will have a different herb to show to the player each time. The player must kill the thugs and untie the man. If they are killed, the player will yell that they can camp wherever they want to. The Steamboat (Small) is a means of transport in Red Dead Redemption 2. If defused is chosen, Arthur will tell the man that he got him mixed up with someone else. Random Encounters refer to events and characters the player can come across while roaming the map. He asks the player if he could rob his friend for him with the promise of splitting the money. If inspected it will be shown that his face is horribly macabre. Where to find the vampire in Red Dead Redemption 2 To track down the bloodsucking beast, you first have to find graffiti in five locations around Saint Denis. After a short walk, during which the hunter will point out that the trail is fresh, a grizzly bear will emerge from a small stand of trees higher up the slope and charge. The player can encounter men trying to clean their horse's hoof. In Scarlett Meadows, a Lemoyne Raider is seen shooting at a target, while two of his comrades are watching. Some of these campers may be re-encountered and they will remember the player if they meet them again. This time the couple is sober and doing some intimate in the bedroom. Taking the money back from him will give the player their own money back and more on top. Russell apparently has amnesia and will forget the player's previous encounter with him. This will always occur the first time the player approaches the entrance to Caliga Hall. He then offers to buy anything the player wants from the gun store, enabling the player to obtain a free item from the store. Unfortunately, when the first man repeats this gag, he accidentally shoots his friend in the chest, killing him instantly. If the player beats her, she will lightly berate her horse for losing and vow to win the next time. Valuable note - The game doesn't tell you that after entering the boat you have to press Triangle/Y to start rowing. In the middle of Saint Denis, players find a large square full of . One of the male patrons calls them "loonies" and one of Lemoyne Raiders grabs the man by the head and slams his head on the bar counter. Also, killing the rider will reduce honor. If the player accepts to help the man, they will tell them where the shack is located. A man near Keane's Saloon will call out to the player and ask if they want to make some easy money. Killing the lawman will lower the player's honor. Thats when you play Poker in Story for the first time. Recommended Lure: Special River Lure Legendary Lake. The details of her lifestory shall appear in random order. The player's horse will buck the man off (if its bonding level is high enough or if the protagonist quickly whistles for the horse) or they can shoot or hogtie the thief. The boy then insults the dog for running away. The player can antagonize him or defuse the confrontation. If the player agrees, they can dispose of the body in a pigsty nearby and receive 15$. The other man samples the moonshine but states that it is not very tasty, but is sharp in flavor. Be warned, if you are in the area with the random encounter activated and wait too long, you will find both prisoners dead. After his initial dialogue with the player, Nigel will proceed to wander through the town he was encountered in, repeatedly and desperately calling Gavin's name. It can be found on the water just next to your camp.. The protagonist can untie the tax collector and he will thank them for saving him. I can't remember what you need to do up until the point where you can hop on the boats but there should be a boat here at all times. She asks the protagonist to dispose of the bodies of the two men and after disposing of them she will tell the player to take some money in a sack as a reward. If the player frees the man, the gunsmith will apologise for kidnapping him and dress him up as his son. The boy will cry and say "Nono! A angry man in Valentine will confront Arthur about nearly killing Tommy. Red Dead Redemption 2 Vehicles & Transport This special remote controlled boat, invented by professor Marko Dragic, appears in Red Dead Redemption 2 exclusively as part of the Stranger Mission "A Bright Bouncing Boy". The graffiti is right in this area and it's hard to miss. This will cause the protagonist to lose honor. If the player intervenes, Palmer will thank them and announce his resignation, leaving his official paperwork inside the office. An ambush can also occur west of Tumbleweed, when going through the bridge at the Sea of Coronado. If the player approaches her, they will find that it's actually a Night Folk member in disguise, who will try to stab the player and start calling more of her fellows to attack. In the slums of Saint Denis, notably near Marcel Beliveau's Photographer Studio Portraits, the player can come across two mobsters. Reverend Peter Fotheringham can occasionally be encountered on a street corner in Strawberry. If the player decides to intervene, they will be attacked by the Lemoyne Raiders. The tax collector will tell them that he is not a federal tax collector and works for the state, although the Raiders do not believe him. If the player decides to help the woman, she would push the corpses off of her and tell the player to stay away from her. By 1907, Nigel is still searching for Gavin, but is the worse for wear. The player can encounter a man around the area of New Hanover. Two men are seen selling goods in a wagon to two Lemoyne Raiders, which are not satisfied with the product that is sold to them. The player can tell the angry man where the conman is located or mislead the man. Around Saint Denise but sadly you can't use a fishing rod on a boat. Please enable the javascript to submit this form. He will lead them into the patient room and tell them to set the man down in a chair. The two street urchins, however, cannot be harmed, lassoed or murdered after nor before the ambush starts. If the player is quick enough to save the husband and the wife, they will embrace each other and thank the player for saving them. Also, that he only did that because he did not want to face the fact that his son Sammy died in an accident teaching his son on how to shoot a rifle and fell in the river. is an unofficial Red Dead Redemption 2 fan site and is in no way affiliated with Rockstar Games or Take-Two Interactive. Arthur and Javier kill the bounty hunters and free Bill, who thanks the duo. He can be encountered again near the Annesburg gunsmith, and will offer to pay for any item in the store. If the player refuses to give the man the whiskey he will still pass out on the ground, without revealing the story about the Fort and Indians. You'll find the sword in a boat on. The player has the option to free the wanted fugitive or collect the bounty for the fugitive. He explains things pretty well in terms of getting boats in the game. Im not far at all into chapter 2 and at the moment I can only play dominoes (which seemed to be unlocked by doing the 1st Javier quest). Right after, she thinks the player looks at her funny and then goes on that he has the same look her uncle always has, running away in fear immediately afterwards. Privacy Policy. The second best horses can be bought here. If not, the protagonist will tell the police officer about how they saved the man's life. For the missions list, yes we do have one On this page we show where you can find interactive boats so you can explore water locations also. You will also get to play Poker automatically in chapter 4 main mission A Fine Night of Debauchery. If the player points his gun at him, he will encourage the player to shoot and put him out of his misery. Required fields are marked *. Robbing or killing the prospector as well as looting him will lower the player's honor. The player can encounter a man screaming in pain off the side of a road in New Hanover or Scarlett Meadows. The same encounter with the same scenario can happen later, but this time the victim can be looted for the Murfree Brood Ransom Note. The stranger will offer some money for the help. The player can encounter two bounty hunters transporting a wanted criminal they captured and will order the player to stay back from them. I know I had looked in the area before. The aim of poker is to win the pot by having the best cards at the end of the game, or by convincing other players you have the best hand so they drop out. The player can whistle for the horse, if they have achieved enough bonding level or they can deal with the Laramies themselves before they get too far away. Thepoliceman will grab him by the leg and throws him to ground. The Raiders tell the man that they will be taking the goods, to which he responds that they are crazy. If the player decides to fight back and there be any witness or lawman nearby, it will incur in a wanted level regardless of self-defense. In Saint Denis, the player can encounter Donahue on the street trying to sell his book. The man recognizes the player and asks him to help him escape. Then falls off the chair and passes out. Just southwest of Hanging Dog Ranch, the player can encounter a pair of Laramies killing Geddes' cattle, with two of his workers threatened. The moonshiners may also request the poisonous Oleander Sage, not aware of its poisonous porperties. Happens as soon as Chapter 4 starts. As he is dying, he talks about the fates of his fellow campmates and of the Skinner attacks. If the player defuses the situation, Russell relieved that the player is not a southern and asks the player if they have any news from his commanding officer, named General Scollick. If approached, they'll identify the player as one of the Van der Lindes and start shooting. The player has the choice to accept or decline. The woman will realize that someone is watching her and will grab a shotgun. Arthur can defuse or antagonize the man. These small steamboats can be driven to navigate the waters of Red Dead Redemption 2. The suspect will eventually stop and surrenders, but tries to vault over a wall to escape the policeman. Later on in the Epilogue, Marston may run into the same man where he will reveal that he got with Lily-May, but she turned out to be emotionally abusive. A black couple can be heard crying for help, while getting attacked by three members of the Skinner Brothers, for camping in their territory. A few O'Driscolls will be holding several passengers at gunpoint outside the cars. The second Vampire Graffiti in the city is found near the city's Gunsmith. The boy thanks the player and states that the dog is "the closest thing to a family I got left". The two men inside the shack plan on murdering the man's wife and the player must kill the two men. The player can loot the man, but will lose honor, or they can take the horse. Finding a "free" boat, however, is not an obvious matter. The man will thank the player, allowing them to take any items from his bag. The Mad Preacher can be encountered randomly near most bodies of water across all territories. The city is a melting pot of different cultures, so it isn't all that surprising to learn that a vampire, known as the Saint Denis Vampire, has taken residence in the city, enjoying the local populace in every sense of the word. He takes his gold and states that he is going to tell his friend. If the player does nothing, the man will retreat and they will take the man's wagon. Inside, there will be Aged Pirate Rum and Moonshine. The man will thank the player for saving him from the two Lemoyne Raider and will raise the player's honor for intervening. The man will thank the player for helping them and will tell the protagonist to once again take whatever is in their chest. The fourth and second to last Vampire Graffiti in Saint Denis is found near the Trapper in the city's market area. They are legendary for a reason, after all. These small steamboats can be driven to navigate the waters of Red Dead Redemption 2. If the encounter is observed without interfering he will be promptly shot dead by the outlaws, who then leave town. If you help the living prisoner by shooting the chain, he will give you the location of a gold bar in between three rocks southwest of the Rhodes water tower across the railroad tracks. A Machete can be obtained from one of the Murfrees. If accepted, he will lose honor and she states that she would like to talk in a more private place and to follow her. He will show off by drawing it and pointing it at his friend, who plays along and raises his hands in mock surrender. These mysterious messages, unfortunately, are isolated, with no suggestion on where to. Note: In the epilogue, Angelo Bronte's mobsters will be replaced with Guido Martelli's and will instead be seeking revenge at the player for having helped Charles during his fixed boxing match. Then the protagonist will tell the man to go get the law, and that they will see what they can do. [Important Guest Info Inside]. If they shoot at his tree house, he will tell them to stop. Red Dead Redemption 2 - FOUND A GIANT BOAT IN SAINT DENIS!! Also, despite being already marked on the map by 1898 and its destruction only happening in 1907, the house is nowhere to be seen during the events of Red Dead Online. Near the Thtre Rleur, a man is seen standing next to the building and a woman from the balcony of the building dumps the chamberpot onto the man. Ll find the sword in a pigsty nearby and receive 15 $ the! 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