This word literally translates to pleasure newt, which is what youd call someone who cant get enough horizontal refreshment (a delightful 19-century slang term for sex). That would make German the funniest language in the world, dont you think? Likewise, soft eggs are weak or wimpy. After all, there are strict building ordinances in Germany. Geh mir aus den Augen! : Take care! Oh Scheie! Planning a trip? There are many German swear phrases that are used in everyday conversation. Or, grumble about it to yourself in your target language. Its also used as an exclamation when something bad happens. This word (and the rest of the insults listed below) are part of a whole list of German synonyms for wimp called weicheiwrter, or soft egg words.. (I only understand train station. in front of your boss.This German phrase means, youre not willing to let that happen and will take measures against it.Example: Mller hat dem Chef erzhlt, ich htte meinen Bericht zu spt abgegeben. (Not a pig was there.) Ich liebe dich so, wie du bist is quite romantic and is well known all throughout the German-speaking world. Low gear. In the end, honesty is always the best option. Meat was expensive, so it was a big prize to poor people.Example: Das ist das letzte Spiel dieser Saison. Made popular in the 1980s by a German pop song with the same name. Dont make a mountain out of a molehill! Da liegt der Hund begraben. It has seven holes and blows hot air, just like a recorder face, or blockfltengesicht. "Some people are such treasures you just want to bury them." 3.) Explicit sex terms. If Jens asks you to come, you should come prepared to speak German. Telling someone to leave it there is to tell them not get carried away. You can unsubscribe at any time. Schnapsidee. We might instead say it was dead or not a soul was there in English. In German, nouns are always capitalized. What is the German word for smother? The addition of the pharmacy is used to strengthen the phrase, as a pharmacy is a place which sells remedies against nausea. But if you get yourself in trouble using them, youre on your own! Theres something compelling about learning swear words in another language. dirty german second edition everyday slang from what s up to f web jan 4 2022 dirty german second Hand und Fu haben 8. Translation: to get a bear tied on your backMeaning: being lied atOrigin: Its not quite clear where this phrase comes from. In the UK, this word alone can mean a movie is rated 18, so can only be seen by adults. Ficken is commonly used in a sexual context in German, but the majority of f expressions in English are translated in Arsch or Schei. My hair stands up to the mountain. (Where are you from?) Not so in sausage-savoring Germany. Download: But if you still had both, hand and foot, you were strong and useful as a soldier.Example: Richards Plan um schnell reich zu werden, hat weder Hand noch Fu!Richards get-rich-quick plan just doesnt add up! Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei, Funny German Expressions with a maritime Background, Funny Phrases German with a military Background, Happy New Year in German Fireworks, Lucky Pigs and Champagne, Welcome back in German Make your guests feel at home, Top 5 Tips on How to Self-Learn French Better, 30 cute Names to call your Boyfriend from around the World, Ordinal Numbers in German all you need to know. Sie hat nicht alle Tassen im Schrank. Its almost like it gives you that insider feeling. Translation: to paint the sailsMeaning: to give up, to leaveOrigin: The funny part here is that streichen usually means to paint in German. Das kannst du deiner Oma erzhlen. Dont forget to go learn some polite words to make up for the vulgarity, like essential phrases in other languages. The first one is that in former times there were no regulations what kind of meat had to be in a sausage. Youll hear rude kids sometimes call women this in anime (and real life). You could also say git (pronounced with a hard G). Pigs get a bad rap in English. Ich liebe dich mehr jeden Tag As well as cutting off the left foot, which first stepped into the stirrups. So, in honour of native speakers and German language students, I thought I'd share this extensive list of common German phrases that most native speakers use regularly but probably didn't even realise were all that funnyuntil now. is often the root of all major insults in Russian. Translation: to buy a cat in a sackMeaning: to buy something unseen, to accept something without due diligenceOrigin: In the past, livestock was sold at farmers markets. Life isnt a rose garden. Ich lasse mir doch von dem nicht ans Bein pinkeln!Mller told the boss that I had submitted my report too late. Definitely the most common of all the French dirty words, its used like shit in English. Purportedlytracing back to the Iliad and Aeneid, this term was originally associated with the death of soldiers. A handy phrase for when someones getting on your last nerve. You might hear this phrase if you try toduzen too soon, that is, to use the du (informal you) form with them, as opposed to the formal Sie. German idioms are a constant source of hilarity, especially when directly translated into English. A noun for someone whos being very irritating or arrogant. Many of them don't have literal translations. Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei. "Thanks for telling me, sir! 8. You'll also likely hear the contracted version mumbled at you when out and about: 'Schuldigung. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Someone who drinks teamost likely when everyone else is drinking beer. When you stress the second syllable (fahr), the word suddenly means to run over. Mein Name ist (My name is) Woher kommst du? Its one of the stronger words in Japanese. Lets be honest. 1. You can go swear like a sailor in languages from around the world now! 20. Jetzt gehts um die Wurst!This is the last game of the season. If language is a reflection of culture, then theres no doubt about the swines place in the Fatherland. Well, it goes back to the divine judgments that were common in the Middle Ages. A brain denier is someone who doesnt use their noggin often. 6. English Equivalent: In the middle of nowhere or out in the sticks. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Used as an adjective, like Mira este puto Look at this fucking guy.. Jens: Australien ist furchtbar! Translation: you may take poison on itMeaning: thats for sureOrigin: OK, poison probably isnt something you drink regularly. Got that out of your system? Remember the recorder from your childhood music class? We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Translation: being on the wood wayMeaning: being on the wrong trackEnglish equivalent: to bark up the wrong treeOrigin:This weird German phrase was recorded for the first time in the 15th century. In order to do so, they were usually equipped with a head harness. Here are 30 of the best German insults we could find. Its so confusing that theres noother way to express your frustration but laugh. 2. Wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen. In this article, well show you some of the most popular German dirty phrases, and how to use them in a sentence. This word, which means someone who waves back at Teletubbies, describes someone who isnt too bright. If they powdered the baby with the peg bag instead of the powder bag, the baby would have suffered and have some serious damage.Example: Der Typ hat mir gerade die Vorfahrt genommen. Unfortunately while dreaming she stumbles and spills her milk. Was Hnschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr. "May be you should eat some makeup so you can be pretty on the inside too." "Fun brake" is a very car-orientated way of saying somebody is a total killjoy. It can also be twat or even damn in Spain. While it means penis, cock, or dick, its used more like fuck. You can also say *foda-se which is used like an exclamation when something bad happens. Im not going to let him pull the wool over my eyes! Germans like to do fireworks, drink champagne and forecast the future on New Years eve. Or screw you and fuck off. Kein Schwein war da. You can use it as an exclamation, or to express your anger with someone. 5. Isnt Das Motiv heiligt die Mittel- the end justifies the means? Moin. Similarly, you can call an overly pedantic person who always plays by the rules an ameisenttowierer, or ant tattooist.. To say in German My English is under all pig is to suggest that its really bad, and to say it in English proves its own point. It appears that chucking wood (if a woodchuck could chuck wood) is a really tiring activityhey, they have to snooze all winter. Calling someone a jerk or a fool (You asshole!) or saying you couldnt give a damn (I dont give an arse or I cant be arsed). I really dont think you have to see the managing director. These words are all considered to be highly offensive and should only be used in extreme circumstances. Here are some creative ways to express frustration: This literally refers to faeces but can be used in any situation to express frustration. German idioms are a constant source of hilarity, especially when directly translated into English. Basically, it means a stupid person, or someone given to meaningless talk. Like calling someone a dumbass or twat. Normally dead dogs are an occasion for sadness and lost childhood innocence, but the Germans use the subject toward more matter-of-fact means. Tee-trinker There are supposedly 1,200 kinds of sausage in Germany. Fecker - "Fucker" Like I mentioned, "feck" is a milder form of "fuck", and the same is true for fecker. Or I dont fucking care anymore! for when youre exasperated, or messed up. And, for good measure, you might want to get yourself a pig. Back then when lumberjacks hauled the cut trees out of the woods, it left a big trail looking like a way. Dont see the difference? Maybe the German idea of funny includes everything thats a little weird and special. You should also say it yourself. Some of the most common ones are "Scheie" (shit), "Arschloch" (asshole), and "Miststck" (bitch). Translation: to have a tomcatMeaning: to have a hangoverEnglish equivalent: Origin: When native German speakers say they have Ich habe einen Kater, they mean they have a hangover after too much alcohol. But unfortunately life isnt all play and having fun. Basically, a dumbass or idiot you cant stand. This saying fits if youre convinced that the person who has just told you something is lying or over-exaggerating. tracing back to the Iliad and Aeneid,, describe something mediocre or run-of-the-mill. Herberger coined many famous football bon mots, among them "Das Runde muss ins Eckige" (The round must go into the square) and "Das nchste Spiel ist immer das schwerste" (The next match is always the hardest). Learning German? This caused a lot of criticism and many people demanded to leave the church in the village. (Let's learn together!). Alright, so this isnt technically a complete saying or so funny in the English translation, but once you know the story behind it, its hilarious. What better language than German to insult someone? You can also call someone a labertasche, or babble bag. (An old English insult for someone who talks a lotand swears on top of thatis muck-spout.). Now one of the most universal bad words there is in the English language. I put that right. Click here to get a copy. In English, someone who behaves crassly (typically a man) can be called a pig or a dog. German combines both into schweinehund, meaning pig dog., Heres one for your morning commute: You can call the slowpoke in front of you a trantte, or a bag of whale blubber., Backpfeife is a slap across the cheek, and gesicht is face. (To sleep like a woodchuck. Translation: now the oven is offMeaning: thats it, game overOrigin: Winters can get pretty cold in Germany, so heating is important. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. German Swear Words Arschgesicht Fuckface (lit. So to the soldiers it was quite ordinary.. Moin is the shortening of the phrase, "Guten Morgen" or good morning in parts of northern Germany. Some words are unique to the German language. Slang words are young and sometimes a little weird, which makes them interesting. Learn the local language with my unique 80/20 method. (Download). While this is a pretty mild word comparatively, its a common insult meaning ugly woman. "My alone time is for everyone's safety." 4.) Translation: to add a toothEnglish equivalent: to speed upOrigin:The first cars and planes used toothed wheels to control the engine. Even after Charlottes Web and Babe, theyre still the least respected animal on the farm. He must start chatting with girls again and must go out in public. All of the above categories do not work well when used in formal business settings. This happens with the German language and all many other languages. A boozer who hits the bottle too much can be called a guzzling woodpecker.. Exploring The Pros And Cons Of Physical Education In Junior High Schools, Including Physical Education In A Home School Portfolio: Strategies For Parents And Guardians, The Benefits Of Physical Education: Learning How To Lead A Healthy Lifestyle, The Essential Role Of Basic Movement Skills In Physical Education For Childrens Healthy And Active Lives. It was invented in 1908 and much improved in 1915, hence the name 08/15. A very artful way of saying that you dont care at all, this is considered even stronger than Das ist mir egal (That doesnt matter to me). Ah, so many dirty words are associated with certain body parts. Includes English and Italian translations with pronuncation guide. A version of this story ran in 2019; it has been updated for 2022. Want to call someone out on their bluff? Or more precisely that the church congregation should stay within the village.Example: Statt jedes Jahr ein neues Auto zu kaufen, solltest du lieber die Kirche im Dorf lassen!Instead of buying a new car every year, you should rather stay humble! Which German word is the most swear word, Schi*e or not? The more you listen to these phrases being used, the more likely they are to become natural to you. Manage Settings Continue with Recommended Cookies. 12. It's a bit harsher than the English bitch which is sometimes used in a casual way. I can just picture you giggling at this one. I have read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, Online English self-study + private lessons, Online Spanish self-study + private lessons, 111 funny German words, phrases and facts to make you LOL. Schreib dir das hinter deine Ohren!I dont want you playing on the riverbank all the time! While it translates to dick, it transforms into a catch-all dirty word, like for the next phrase. Der ist wohl mit dem Klammerbeutel gepudert!That bloke just took my right of way. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Obviously, use with care whenever you start referring to mothers. So when you think it does, something really astonishing is happening.Example: Der Chef will, dass ich unbezahlte berstunden mache. Which one of these hilarious German expressions is your favourite? So the sour apple in this funny German phrase stands for something unpleasant.Example: Die Garage sieht aus wie ein Mllhaufen. Where can I speak explicit language in Germany? ), 2. Used as an interjection or exclamation to express surprise (and often slips out in the moment). Sometimes youll translate things literally, or simply forget to apply a grammar rule. Nicht schlecht, Herr Specht!How do you like my new car? Fuck off, you piece of shit is a closer translation for this one. If we win today, we will be the champions. Translating as Thats the heart of the matter, it may sound funny to us, but in German its a useful sentence to show that you really know what the situation is about. Could also be translated as, Go fuck yourself.. What separates her from other instructors is her ability to explain complex grammar in a no-nonsense, straightforward manner using her unique 80/20 method. If youre going to say that all good things must come to an end, you might as well do it with style and in a way that your countrymen are going to understand. Translation: not let anyone pee at your legMeaning: not to put up with everythingOrigin: Not everyone is friendly. The phrase itself comes from a play by German author Friedrich Schiller about one of the leading generals, Wallenstein. Germans won't say "No pain, no gain.". As you can tell, Germany is a country of both equestrian enthusiasts and realists. If there were no pigs, it means that nobody was there. So whenever someone wanted to talk to them about anything other than going home, their reply was Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.Example: Als der Mathelehrer ber Integrale sprach, habe ich nur Bahnhof verstanden.When the maths teacher spoke about integrals, I didnt understand a single word! It means Its like a dick but the English translation would be closer to Its fucked up.. The reason is the best youtube downloader . But here are some common offensive words: The most versatile dirty word in Japanese, kuso means shit, damn or fuck and is used the same as in English. Also like saying youre shitty, but would more accurately translate to bastard or bitch in English. / So ein Misthaufen! 9. Das ist bescheuert. Then, in the spring, the strong and hardy plants are relocated to the garden.Example: Hier ist kein Platz fr Schwchlinge, nur die Harten kommen in den Garten.There is no room for weaklings here, only the tough ones will prevail. The bar changed to Br, in the sense of you cant tie somebody a bear on his back without him noticing. Next time you're traveling or just chattin' in German with your friends, drop the textbook formality and bust out with expressions they never teach you in school, including: Cool slang. "Fifty shades of tired." 2.) If you prefer your authentic media with a learner spin, the FluentU program has authentic German videos with interactive captions that make it easy to keep up with what each video is saying. Ill admit, I dont know the word for train station in very many languages, but apparently the Germans do (perhaps so they can berate the trains for not being timely). Lets look a these traditions and how to say Happy New Year in German. Although its a bit stronger than idiot implies in English. Theres also the male version (yarichin). You may know a few inappropriate hand gestures in Italian so here are some passionate expressions to go with them. 1. This happens with the German language and all many other languages. Why have a cow when you can act like a wronged piece of pork? This German phrase is a funny and succinct way to tell someone that you "don't care" or that something doesn't matter to you. Sometimes youll hear Tienes cojones You have balls like in English. I dont know where else you would take the church, but its universally agreed upon that its place is in the village. Here's a quick look at 12 German phrases that are so wonderfully weird we should all be using them. Translation: to make a monkey out of yourselfMeaning: to make a fool of oneselfOrigin: Monkey here stand for someone foolish.Example: Ich lass mich von dir doch nicht zum Affen machen!Im not going to let you make a fool of me! I guess I have to bite the bullet and tidy it up. A gossip aunt is someone who loves to spread rumors and talk about other people. Hi Jane, thats another translation for it. If youre taking a German class, you already know how long it can take to properly explain some German grammar structures and peculiarities of the language - and the truth is: If it takes 20 minutes to explain a joke, it simply isnt funny anymore. 6. Guardhouse/Barracks Lawyer. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. But you can use this as an exclamation like in English, too. When it comes to. Du bist auf dem Holzweg. Home Articles 77 of the Best (Bleeping) Dirty Words from Around the World [NSFW]. La belle langue is about to get a bit dirty! This can refer to the object crap or the action crapping oneself. Quite the lovely image! Chinese has some very interesting ways to insult someone, so Im going to start right out with my favourite: Yes, this is a highly insulting phrase in Chinese, and basically equates to bastard in English. The German bread institute estimates there are about 3000 different kinds of bread baked and sold in Germany every day! The interesting thing about this phrase is it's become such a common bad word that it spurred tons of other egg related insults. The Germans say there are plenty of fish to be found in the sea (a phrase used to describe the number of fish in the sea). of each person. It was used instead of oh lord or dear god, in order not know to use the name of the Lord in vain.Example: Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein, der Wagen hat 800 PS!My dear Mr. Singing Club, that car has 800 hp!! Translation: I only understand train stationMeaning: I dont understand you, Im not interestedOrigin: During the First World War, the soldiers became battle weary and the train station was their symbol of hope for returning home. Get my free Germantravel phrase guide here. After weeks or months aboard their first trip in a foreign harbor often was to one of the many pubs, where they drank rather heavily. The article contains some of the most disgusting and derogatory language you will ever hear. Its similar to fucker, but a little kinder. "Yo Mama's like mustard . Like in English, its used as an exclamation or intensifier. Er griff ins Gras (He bit into the grass. (What little Johnny cant learn, John will never learn. Obviously, Germans being a prepared and orderly people, anyone who does not keep all of their drinking vessels in the appropriately designated place in the kitchen is not right in the head. Up first, we have both American and British dirty words. This one has various meanings, depending on where you hear it. 9. 100 Animals in German to Get Wild With, Plus Other Animal-related Words and Phrases, The German Pronunciation Guide: The Alphabet, Common Letter Combos and Tips for Improving, Meet the German Language: History, Culture, Linguistics and FAQ for Language Learners, German Grammar: The Complete Guide to 10 Core Grammatical Concepts, Want Online German Lessons? His soldiers were known for being well-trained and won many battles. Theyre used as an insult for those who eat too much and men who behave like chauvinists. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. It simultaneously means Please, Youre welcome, Here you go, Go ahead and Pardon?. I think its especially appealing, too, because its a taboo. Traveling to Germany? Hast (du) ein Wahn oder was? 5 German words that only exist in German. This German idiom translates to "float on cloud seven," and describes the blissful happiness of being in love. Julia was to blame for his broken heart. One is that the rope of the gallows was nicknamed a dog collar in the middle ages.Example:Nachdem er seine Arbeit verloren hat, ist Peter wirklich auf den Hund gekommen.After he lost his job, Peter has really gone to the dogs. (My English is under all pig. Translation: this is sausage to meMeaning: I dont careOrigin: There are two theories about the origin of this phrase. And another one with powder for the baby. When you first start out speaking a foreign language, youll have quite a few near misses. (It refers to a persons two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, and mouth.) Want my "9 Steps to Reach Fluency Faster" playbook? Here is a list of funny phrases and sayings in German along with their meanings in English. ), 12. The sausage may have two ends, but learning German doesnt have any. Heres the intense way to tell someone to leave you alone in Korean. If you want to know how to say dirty phrases in German, youve come to the right place. There you are on the woodway. At one point Pappenheims soldiers dont know whether they should trust General Wallenstein any longer. Translation: "You do not travel to arrive, but to travel.". German slang words include words like Pillepalle and Pusemuckel or Klackermatsch and Kladderadatsch, words that are rare and more fun to pronounce than any formal words. Sometimes youll translate things literally, or simply forget to apply a grammar rule. But when you followed it, you just ended up in a dead end in the woods.Example: Wenn du glaubst, dass du eine Gehaltserhhung bekommst, obwohl du stndig zu spt zur Arbeit kommst, dann bist du auf dem Holzweg!If you think you will get a pay rise despite showing up late at work all the time, you are totally wrong! Why, did you think it meant something else? Der hat doch nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank!Peter asked me to borrow him my best suit for a stag party. There might be just as many idioms involving it. Article list: All the articles written by Benny and other polyglots. This is definitely one youll see with some not-so-nice hand gestures, and it ranks amongst the strongest terms in Italian. It can be used for sexual references, but its most commonly used now as an intensifier to show your anger or irritation. Middle Ages me to borrow him my best suit for a stag party or the action crapping oneself think! Word comparatively, its used more like fuck listen to these phrases being used, the more you to... I really dont think you have to bite the bullet and tidy it up someone a labertasche, or bag... Pardon? common of all the Articles written by Benny and other polyglots funny dirty german phrases for sexual,. 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