Our digital materials
A complete list of the digital tools & microlearning content that we have.
Simple Microlearning Tools
We can help you embed our content into your existing LMS, or you can use our App.

Engine Room
Guidance on how to stay compliant in the Engine Room

Simple instructions on how to keep the Accomodation Internals totally compliant

Guidance on Bridge Equipment, recodkeeping and documentation
15 Pictorial Modules
19 Videos
Contact us for more

Deck area
Simple guide to compliance aspects on Deck
Covering Upper Deck, Forecastle and Aft Deck Area, plus Pumproom (Oil Tankers)
On Bulk Carriers, Oil Tankers, and generic types applicable to all vessels.

A complete guide to maintaining LSA and FFA
24 Pictorial Modules
15 Videos

Documentation guide based on the PIC
- Master’s documentation
- Chief Officer’s documentation
- Chief Engineer’s documentation
- Ship Security Officer’s documentation.
Documentaion for each rank with guidance notes, pointing out common mistakes and compliance requirements.

Eleventh Hour Checks
Last moment checks in Port, which results in approximately 15-20 % of observations.
Covering Upper Deck, Forecastle and Aft Deck Area, plus Pumproom (Oil Tankers)
For Tankers and Non Tankers covering various last moment checks in port, that are often missed out.

Knowledge and Compliance Modules for Cadets, Ratings and Junior Officer/ Engineers
Meant for Ratings and Cadets, key points which they must know and are often asked during personal interviews during SIRE/PSC.
Meant for Junior Deck and Engineer officers, key points that they must know and are often asked during personal interviews during SIRE/PSC.

Simulation Games
Interactive Games that create the real feel of a conversation.
Simulating Various scenarios, eg.
- An Inspector arriving at the Gangway or
- a Master interviewing the Chief Cook.
- a Superintendent with a Chief Engineer in office
With interactive scoring, focused on attitude development, along with experience sharing.

Gamified Evaluations
A modern & practical Evaluation system for New Hires / Promotional candidates
Covering Junior and senior ranks, Cadets and ratings.

AMSA Inspection Modules
For vessels calling at Australia
A elaborate set of 6 Modules which together form the entire guidance material for the seafarer to gain confidence when preparing for an AMSA Inspection, and telling him what to expect. The program also includes a self audit system which can also be used for remote audits.
Videos cover key elements that are often checked by AMSA Inspectors with clear guidance on how to maintain them.

Other Modules
Specific guidance modules dealing with special situations or topics.
24 Assorted Modules (and growing)
Covering topics such as:
- Movement Books
- Rest Hours
- Risk Assessments
- Enclosed space entry
- Work Permits, etc.
Let’s take a journey together
Navguide Solutions is heading out to be a global brand.
Our microlearning techniques take into account the short attention span of today’s generation and break down information into bite-size and interesting packets. Let us join hands and you will find a marked improvement in work culture in a few months.
That is what sets us apart.